Ok, so I guess we said goodbye to Boston a few days ago. But my human is a little slow and I've been kinda busy checking out NJ so let's just pretend I'm still there. But before I tell you about Boston, I have to say mucho thank you to everyone for being so awesome. My human will leak and float away if we read all the comments now, but Miley's mom has been filling us in and we printed them all out for the plane ride back to San Francisco.
THANK YOU (with bacon on top).
So. Boston was -- I mean, *is* awesome. Everyone is super nice. Suuuuper nice. And the bagels? Suuuupertasty. I could totally live in Boston.
We landed really early in the morning the day before pug-shooting started so my human took me on a tour of Boston. At least she tried to take me on a tour, but we didn't get very far. the entire city of Boston is different than it was in 1995 or she just doesn't remember any of it.
Here's where my human used to live. Maybe. There was a sign out front that said "Fischer College" and my human says the only school she ever lived in was called Boston University. No idea. But I posed with the Fischer people's plant anyway, just in case there was a cookie in it for me.
After visiting the place where my human maybe-lived, we went to a big park called the Public Garden. It's full of big fat squirrels that are sooooo freaking slow I almost caught one (ok, more like five) before my human got mad and made me stop.
The garden also has a bunch of giant evil white birds called swans. I won't tell you about them now because I'm thinking maybe if I don't talk about the swans my human will forget what happened. Uhm, maybe later.
After the squirrels, the bagels, the tour and the swans... we slept. Well, first we almost drove to some place called Cape Cod by mistake because the GPS died and my human was half asleep... but after almost going to Cade Cod, we slept. Then the pug-shooting started. So did the rain. And the insane traffic.
Anyway. I got to hang out at the shoots on some of the days and that was supercool. Saturday I hung at the park with everyone (thanks to Tessie, Frankie & Buddha's humans!!) and Sunday I vacationed in a place called Newburyport with Otis & Lola and their humans. I also played with all their toys, ate scrambled eggs and a bunch of other stuff - but don't tell my human about the eatables. She thinks I'm getting fat again.
We took a very small plane from Boston to NJ and now we are here. I'm staying with my cousin Sophie, eating bagels and trying to stay dry. Yesterday we scouted locations and napped.
This is what New Jersey looks like in the rain:
And this is what I will tell you about tomorrow: