Because not only did my human cheat on me with who knows how many other pugs, she also brought one home. Yeah. Like to our house. Luckily it was Noodles and not a complete stranger-pug. But still. Coming home covered in pug smell is one thing, but coming home with a real, live pug? That's totally crossing the line.
Nothing against Noodles, but I can't compete with a cute little girly pug. I learned that when Gracie was here. Noodles is totally cool and we even played for a few minutes until I went in for the hump and my human reminded me that girly pugs aren't the same as boy or hermaphrodite pugs. Then Noodles reminded both of us that according to official girl-rules what's hers is hers and what's mine is also hers.
Luckily Noodles didn't take over the whole entire house, just my human's lap and a bully penis - and only for a few hours. When the Chinese New Year parade was over, her people came and I got my human's lap back.
The official boy-rules say no blood no foul, so I guess it wasn't a big deal that my human brought Noodles home with her. But I hope this sort of thing doesn't happen again. And if it does I want it to be with a boy pug who doesn't mind being humped and isn't so much cuter than I am.
Puglet, Noodles may be girl cuter than you, but you have oodles of boy cuteness. Girls are fun, once you get all the rules down. And Noodles said she had an awesome time :)
Happy Valentine's Day Handsome!
Scarlet & Meredith
What do you mean??? We all think Noodles is so freaking cute and cool. You should be thankful that your human brought the super girl home for few hours. Afterall, you got human's lap back right? Geesh, chill, boy !! Hee heee
I 'heart' you today and always Puglet. Big hugs around your tubey neck.
Kris in Oklahoma
Dude, come to my house sometime! I'm not nearly as adorable as you are and I routinely let my sister hump me, so you could feel free to hump me. Probably.
Also, this weekend after all the bacon talk my human and the pink puppies went in the kitchen and they made me the BEST treats! The man who lives here said they couldn't use all "his" bacon grease, but there was this big gob of sausage grease in a pan so they mixed that up with some cheese(!), egg, milk and flour and rolled it out and cut it into shapes. Then they baked it and holy yummy I am insane for these treats.
Here's the one bummer for you, the pink puppies like them too and since they have thumbs they can help themselves. :o( Of course my sister and I follow them around and act all hungry and cute and they share (and experience tells me they prefer 'new' dogs, so if you came here you might be able to get super tubey off these yummy sausage cookie things).
Puglet I have to admit, being a girl and all, that girls do rule but your just as cute as we are, in a manly way of course! My Mom makes those treats for the humans but has never put bacon in them, she says she is going to try that next time. All I can say is they better not be stingy with them!
Dude! Happy Back Fat Biting Day to you!!! I agree that Noodles is a looker and I am glad you behaved. I hope your mom gives you bacon for today.
Hey can you do me a favor?? Can you give Dutch a giant sloppy kiss from me?? He's my special sweetie.
Hi Pug! I'm not sure there's a girl here that wouldn't want to spend a few hours with you, Dutch, and your human...come to think of it, there's probably a few guys out there that feel that way too! Hehee! Just think of it as a get together with members of your fan club. Happy V-Day!
Slowly but surely Pug you will learn to love the girls! We aren't so bad...we just don't like to hump like you do! LOL, that's funny that you get right into it.
Oh Puglet! You had fun while I was at your house and you know it. I was like totally cool to the 'rents at first like I had SO MUCH MORE fun with you than them. Maybe I was just still sleepy from all the fun times we had. . . but I wouldn't trade the memories at all cuz it was the BEST DAY EVER!!!!
Love ya and Dutch (and your human EVEN if she isn't plying me with amazing treats),
You will always be the cutest to me.
Happy Valentine's day from your biggest fan in MD.
Puglet, with all these girlfriends, I feel slightly jealous. However, Happy Valentines day anyway!! Noodles sounds like a great friend and you can't have to many of those. And even if Noddles is cuter, your still the most handsome pug ever!
Noodles is a cutie girl!!
Happy Valentines Day!! I hope you get some heart shaped bacon!!
Paula from DE
If you got together, you'd be the super-power couple of the pug-blogger world. You could followin the footsteps of "Brangelina" and "Bennifer" - you guys could be collectively known as "Noodlet". I think you'd be unstoppable, until of course you'd make the cover of Star magazine claiming that one of you was sniffing butts with another pug. Ok, time to end this tangent. Hope you have a great V-Day, Puglet!
#75? does that mean Noodles is #75 of 1000?
Pug & Dutch,
Happy Valentines Day!
awww Puglet, you know your Mama loves you the best! It's fun to have a pug over to play! You are so cute and I don't see Noodles or Gracie Jimmying!! We hope you got some kind of Valentine's day treat- we chewed our Bento balls for a while. Gonna have to try bully sticks. Do they last a long time?? xoxoxoxo, Sammy, Mimi, Rocco and Bagel in NY
Uhm, has anyone here gotten anything special today?? Y'know, the whole Valentines/love day thing?
Nothing special happening here at the Casa.... feeling kinda cheated!
One of my pink puppies made me a picture and gave me an extra treat today. Nothing major.
Hi Puglet
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.
Our mom got us cookies from the agility place where we train. Some sort of healthy recipe cookie with pink carob drizzle....TO DIE FOR TASTY!
Eli fights for mom's lap all the time..talk about a lap hog.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli the SA Pugs
Hi Puglet
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.
Our mom got us cookies from the agility place where we train. Some sort of healthy recipe cookie with pink carob drizzle....TO DIE FOR TASTY!
Eli fights for mom's lap all the time..talk about a lap hog.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli the SA Pugs
Hey how did that happen...our paws must be quick on the trigger, our post is out there twice
Bo from Sacramento says:
Happy Valentine's Day wishes to everyone at Casa Pulget from me and my mom. No special Valentine's treats here either, but mom says I did just have my 7th birthday last week, and she and my human sister did spoil me rotten with special treats and presents, so that was enough for a while. I too have to watch my weight. Well, I don't watch it, but my mom sure does!
My mom wants to say that Noodles is one beautiful girl pug; such a gorgeous face, but you still rock Puglet (and Dutch, too).
Personally, I love having the ladies around - they drool over this Pug face, which means more attention for me - something us pugs love!!!
And hey, the day isn't over yet so there is still a chance you will get some Valentine's Day treats!!!
Hey Puglet! Great party and yummy eatables for us at the Axis Cafe fundraiser for Central Coast Pugs:)
How do you get the girls over to Casa de Puglet? My momma and Gracie the cat are the only girls around here...
Just hopin' for some humpin' or as Bellatrix would say...back fat bitin' sometime!
Eddie the Pug
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