Stubby arrived in style, riding in his green pug buggy. Stubby's mom says he hates the buggy, but I think it's pretty cool. A lot of other dogs gave the buggy high marks too -- with their pee.
We all played on the beach to burn calories and make room for Nuggets. A few new friends joined in and that was superexciting. Like Miss Danielle, the genius/pugless human responsible for telling my human to drive south for sunlight a few weeks ago. And a pug named Petey + his big brother Brodie who came across the big orange bridge to meet Stubby.
Brodie, too cool for the camera
Petey's bro Brodie is just cool. He swam in the bay and didn't get cold. Dutch was shivering so bad, we had to put him in the car to warm up. What a wuss, right? I think my hussy of a human has a little bit of a crush on Petey + Brodie.
From the other side of the grey bridge came Zoey, Phoebe, Spencer and Bellatrix. Phoebe patrolled the area for invading non-pugs and Zoey was in her usual stealth mode. Spencer B + his people brought Bellatrix because her humans had to work. How cool is that? They play hard like me and Frank, but are a waaaay cuter couple.
After some serious playing, the Nuggets were served. Petey's awesome mom took this picture of the Nuggest fest. Hmmmm. Kind funny how all the bad, begging dogs are eating Nuggets, while all the good dogs sit politely and starve to death.
Of course the Nuggets didn't last very long, but everyone got to enjoy them. My human even dissected one so Bellatrix could taste the inner Nugget, without ruining her diet. I licked it clean, just to be sure. Stubby got to lick the bowl clean when it was all over. And Dutch licked it clean again, just to be sure.

It's too bad I had to miss the nugget fest, but I really enjoyed my dose of pug lovin'. Hooray for Stubby's World Tour!
Hi Puglet!
Nuggetfest sure looked like a huge success!
Spencer B & Bella are sure cute - you've got some fierce supermodeling competition there!
Molly in PA
Hey Puglet,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for bringing up the fact that you eat nuggets. I've been trying to tell my mom for months now that nuggets are a totally dog-friendly meal, but she always says no until this weekend, when I got to devour a whole 4-pc nugget box from McDonalds! Snout licking good!
Bailey the dachshund
Sounds like a good time. I wish I could have joined you but it is back-to-school time for my Mommy #1 and so the weekend was all about HER. I hope I can meet all of you someday - especially since we are all Bay Area Babes (except for you Stubby; but you ARE and honorary member now).
Love Noodles
Wow, turned out our mom was down on the other side of the grey bridge to take care of some sick friends at the last minute, but alas without us...we were up at Granny Nanny's for the weekend (which we love!). Looks like everybody had a pugrifict time...hope it happens again.
Pearl and Tessa
Hey Puglet and Stubby)
Wish we could of been there but it was a Bambi and human Agility weekend.....Sure, they get to go have fun while we stay home with the dad human......(not really bad as he doesn't keep as close of an eye on us as mom and we tend to get into LOTS of mischief when she's gone. Sounds like you all had a great time and maybe we can make the next get together
Buford T. Justice, Peggy, Per-Li-Mae, Miss Lacy and (Bambi wasn't here)
PS. Bambi did GREAT in Agility though!!!! Woo Hoo says Mom
Holy Moly Pug...you totally had to share your blog today with a lot of other dogs...me included!! I had a blast on Saturday. I came home and told mom all about it, and she was so sad she didn't get to attend. She was happy I went though and got to meet Stubby!!
So like you posted a picture of my main squeeze Spencer and he looks soooooooo handsome. Man all the chics are totally gonna want him, I'm gonna have major competition.
Thanks for sharing the nuggets, first time I've ever had one and it was yummers. Spencer's mom took a picture of me and my head is all in the bowl...hehehe
We've got to plan another day of fun on the beach soon, this time mom wants to go too.
We *totally* forgot to give you a doggy bag of Nuggets to take home to your kitty. Please apologize to her for me.
Way to score some Nuggets, Bailey! I've never had the McDonalds kind. Hmmm... wonder if I could talk my human into letting me do a taste test? Like, Battle of the Nuggets?!?
Aw, Noodles + Buford T (and co) ~
The Nuggest Fest was so much fun, I'm sure there will be another one in the future. Hopefully the near future. And hopefully everyone on the planet will be able to come.
Hey Bella-T ~
My human says you must tell your human she swears on Dutch's favorite rubber chicken that she only fed you a bit of Inner Nugget and not any of the supertasty Nuggety part. Sorry :(
What a great nugget beach party you guys had for Stubby. And how cool is it that the guest of honor showed up in an environmentally friendly doggy limo. I love that thing!
Very generous of you Puglet to let your friends take over your blog today with a multitude of cuteness. But watch out for that Petey guy; he looks like a ladies man.
You made my day with that beautiful photo of the bowl full of crispy, delicious, drool-worthy nuggets.
Hi Pug,
Nugget fest looks like it was a blast. So nice of you to share the lime light with your friends. My morning was spent at the Apple store (not the fruit kind). Would love to have gone to the Nugget Beach party, Austin is a little far away.
Stubbie's chariot ride is really spiffy! Have to remember that when I get his age.
Good times Puglet, good times. You and your peeps were such gracious hosts to Stubby during his stay in Cally. I hope someday I can come out to meet you. That ear thing with Petey, Brigitte does it sometimes. Mom and Dad call it the flying nun. So cool that so many friends got to come meet Stubby on his world tour. Even Bellatrix and Spencer, wow!
Man, what a great guy that Studly Stubby is!! I had a blast hanging with the Stubb man- he sure is a wise and honorable pug! It sure was the icing on the cake when the PopEyes was brought out. I've never had such deliciousness before! Thanks Stubby for giving us all a reason to celebrate- you're one cool dude!
Great photos!!! Looks like it was pugtastic!!!
Lola Bugs
We had such a great time at Stubby - Nugget Fest 2010. Stubby is so sweet & so are his humans; we miss them already. Thanks Stubby for coming all the way to SF, so we could meet you. Thanks Pug & Dutch for providing the nuggets. A big thank you to Pug & Dutch's human for enduring the nugget aroma that permeated the car.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
NugFest 2010! How awesome, and in honor of Stubby! What a revered and honorable pug indeed!
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