- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
I had a good snuggle with my human on the couch last night, and before she fell asleep (during Top Chef - again!) she promised me that I'm still, and always will be, supercute and very loved. Even if she didn't use me for her dog shooting business logo.
I'm really glad everyone likes her pictures so much (even though they're not of me). I guess I like anything that makes humans happy, really. And I guess that's what changed my mind about Frolic: taking pictures makes my human happy and looking at pictures makes other humans happy. That's just waaay too much happiness for me to be upset about.
Thanks everyone, for sticking with me through stages 1- 4... and helping me get to stage #5.
And just to show how accepting I am, today's picture isn't even of me. It's of a boxer named Fred my human cheated on me with (uh, I mean photographed). Before I was recycled, I used to live with a boxer and totally love them - so it made it extrasupersad to hear that Fred just had a cancer tumor removed from his ear and is in a lot of pain from the surgery.
My friend Bellatrix was sick recently and she said the positive power of everyone's pug thoughts helped her get better. So everyone please think warm-and-fuzzy-but-powerfully-good thoughts for Fred, to help him get better too.
Hi Puglet,
I'm a total believer in power of positive thoughts, especially the super goodness of canine energy. So I am sending beagle positivity to Fred who made both me and my human smile yesterday because of his wonderful photographs.
Aww, Puglet, who knew you had such a tender heart. It's nice to see this side of you. We all know beneath all the male ferociousness, you have a good-natured, warm and caring personality, although for the sake of the internet and outward appearances and all, we'll still pretend you're that camera-attacking, hog-bearing, tough-interrogating pug that we've come to love ; )
PS How nice of you to share
Supercute picture! Sending powerful, Fred-playing-happy-dog thoughts to this beautiful boxer. Loved the squinty-face photo! on the blog! Made me laugh.
We are very sorry to hear that sweet Fred is going through such a difficult time right now. We are sending pug positive energy at this very moment.
You know Puglet, we have to confess something to you right now & maybe it will help you with your acceptance. There was a time when we first started reading the Daily Puglet, that we were jealous of the adorable pug featured in it. We felt like our human was "cheating" on us, too. Yeah we were jealous of you, Puglet. Then we realized how much fun we were having following your adventures & how much closer we were becoming (we already sleep in the same bed, so who knew we could become closer) You make our human happy with your extrasupercuteness, which makes us happy & keeps her in a good mood. Everybody wins. Then we met at the park & it's even better to know what a cool pug you really are. Now we are all friends. So think of this as an opportunity to have new adventures with many more new friends.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
You're the bestest!
Holding good, powerful, healing thoughts for Fred.
Sure glad you and your human had some nice snuggle time.
Hugs to you handsome,
Good job, Puglet. I'm glad you're coming around and realizing that everything's going to be okay...
Poor Fred! My humans, cat brother, and I are sending happy, healthy thoughts!!!
Oh Puglet!! thanks to all the positive thoughts I got while sick, I was feeling like my feisty self super quick. I am now going to channel all this extra hyperness (I have a whole week of pent up energy) and I'm going to harness it Fred's way. I'm going to send him some of my special kisses, they heal all wounds and are guarenteed to put a smile on anyone's face.
I'm glad you're accepting of your mom's new job. It's all good Pug, and remember you're the world's only pug supermodel! See ya soon Pug and Brother Dutch.
Puglet - nice to see you are dealing with the issue better. We are sending happy, healthy thoughts to Fred
Pearl and Tessa
We are so glad to help you through this process. Sending out powerful pug thoughts!
Puglet, I can see you're making progress. I forget that you're a recycled pug. Maybe one day, if your memory serves you, you can tell us all about being recycled.
Thanks everyone for sending good thoughts Fred's way. I just know it will totally make a difference. Just like it did for Bellatrix and her overgrown bacteria.
We at the Pack O' Pugs house are sending LOTS of good thoughts in Fred's direction. We hope that it helps.....
Puglet, your human's website is amazing and you should be totally proud of what you started...I mean part of what made her picture taking sooooooo great is the fact that she has taken TONS of pictures of YOU!!!!!
Remember that.
On another note our human is trying to figure out if she can manage to have her come take pictures of us, well mainly Peg since she's so old and our human is sure she won't be around forever.....We'll keep you posted.
Buford T. Justice, Bambi (the agility pug), Miss Peg, Per-Li-Mae, and Miss Lacy
PUGLET! We think you're amazing and we will always send white light loving prayers your way, your mama's way and on to any and all you tell us about! Fred, here it comes my boy! prepare for the love!
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