Friday, November 11, 2011


If you've been on the Daily Puglet for awhile, you've probably seen some of my more, uh, awkward moments. And I don't know why, but for some reason the dorkier the picture, the happier my human gets.

I mean it's bad enough that
humans make us do things like pose in front of the Grand Canyon with a red french thing on our head. Do they really have to take pictures too? Uh, I think we all know the answer to that. Because I'm pretty sure there wouldn't even be a Daily Puglet if it wasn't for my human and Nikon.

Well, I guess the DP isn't the only place on the internet where humans + pets + cameras = funny pictures. There's even a website called that's 100% awkward pet photos.

Well, a few days ago I got a top secret package from a place called Random House. I guess they'd
asked my human if I wanted to review one of their new books and since my human LOVES books, she said yes (heck yes!).

So I was going to do a review on the book, but it's been kinda heavy around here lately (strikes, epiphanies, juju, honking)
and I also kinda forgot a whole entire 11 days worth of Special Days because 1000 Pugs turned my human's brain into jello and our calendar is still stuck on October. So I think today would be good time to break out The Randomizer and give something away.

Something like your very own copy of the Awkward Family Pet Photos book:

If you haven't been Randomized before, it works like this:

1. leave a comment on today's post. Telling me how awesome I am won't help you win, but you can totally say it anyway.

2. On Sunday night (midnight here in SF) my human will count up all the comments, give that number to Randomizer and Randomizer will spit back another number.

3. Whoever's comment matches that number wins their very own Awkward Family Pet Photos book.

4. I'll announce the winner on Monday.

I can't comment because that'll totally confuse The Randomizer, but we'll read them all like we always do :)


Rae - Say It Aint So said...

fun! i would love a copy of that book! i love their website.

Peggy2957 said...

I have to say Pug this picture of you in what I believe is your sweater is soooooo funny my human can't stop laughing. I don't know why humans think they need to dress us or put costumes on but the last time my human tried a costume on me I just collapsed to the ground. YUP I totally fell right where I was standing and wouldn't move. Now why that moment was "Nikon worthy" is beyond me but my collapse while dressed as a reindeer is well documented. Fortunately my human doesn't have a blog where she can post it and further humiliate me. Pug you are such a good sport!!!! It's one of the reasons you are the #1 Pug out of 1,000.


Payton said...

Hi Pug! Goodness, some of those pictures are silly! But the one of the pug in the red hat scared me! Way too close to the edge for my liking! Have a fun weekend!

Noodles said...

Hi Puglet
I am A HUGE fan of Awkward Family Portraits and have seen a few of the Pet ones as well. The cover cracks me up every time. So Randomize me sir. Maybe THIS time I will get lucky.
BTW, I don't think I HAVE any awkward photos. . . unless you count the "Bowl of Noodles" or caught in the act of peeing from an odd angle on Bellatrix's PAWrents water cooler, or . . . well, let's just say there are two.
Love Noodles

moPSY+MISIOber said...

Poor baby in the red fench, but it's so funny at the same time.... for human like me:) I also LOVE take all kinds of pictures of my puggies and would love to get copy of this book:) have a nice weekend Pug and Dutch and Human:)

Meredith LeBlanc said...

O.M.P.! We want that book! We love the crazy things that humans do caused by the insanity for their pets!

Hands & Paws raised Randomizer! Pick US!

Meredith & Scarlet

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Puglet! Wesa were totally trying to win one over at Tales and Tails...but if you check out the stiff competition from greyhounds, you'll notice our two puggy photos of fun don't even got a chance. So we would luvums to win this books. Still go over to Tales and Tails to check out the humiliation that all of us pugs and non-pugs had pasted over the internet.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Christa said...

I would have to agree the more awkward the photo the funnier, that goes for human pics too. :) Hope you are honking less and less. Yall have a great weekend.
Christa and Cletus

Anonymous said...

Hi Puglet,
What the heck are you wearing? Is it a sweat+head+oneleg outfit? Must be cold where you live or someone is playing a really bad joke on you.

Our mom saw two dogs wearing purple fur type jackets last week, so she asked the lady where she got them. Thank you lord the lady said they were old and she couldn't remember.

Can you picture two manly pugs wearing purple fur....sheesh.

Emmitt and Eli.. Ellie is sleeping under mom's work from home chair.

Obi Wan Pugnobi said...

Hi! My name is obi wan pugnobi, seriously? Thanks human mom! My human has been reading me your blog. Its good. I want the book, especially if treats come with it. :)

Maddie the Pug said...

Hi Puglet - I would love a copy of this book to make sure I am not in it! I've taken some pretty awkward pics in the 2 years I've been on this planet.

Holdin27 said...

Oh yeah, I would love that book to go with my Awkward Family Photos edition! Pick me! Pick me!

Maggie the Pug in Dallas said...

Puglet, at first I thought the pic was leftover from Halloween and you were giving the mummy costume another shot then realized it was a sweater gone wrong! Too funny you are...thanks for the laugh! You rock! Hope you are feeling better today. And hope your human's brain gets better too, being jello is no fun!

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

Such a funny photo of you Puglet! Looks like you are wearing one of those new "loop" scarves and got stuck in it...You must be feeling better:)
Snuffly sniffs,
Eddie the Pug

Sabrina said...

Poor Puglet with no thumbs! That book would be so funny! My most awkward picture of Beulah is a Hallowe'en pic where she is dressed as a cow. Complete with udder. She was not impressed.

MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

Hi Puglet, We want in on this book. Hope we get randomized.


Anonymous said...

Oh Puglet! We think you should totally choose our Mom. Since today (11/11/11) is her 50th birthday and she keeps saying she should have been on a cruise. We thought she should win a funny book and it will help her forget the whole no cruise thing. She loves your total and complete awesomeness and reads you every day! Love from the Iowa herd.
Emmett, Rosie, Madgie, Dalia, Cody, and Quincy

Barney the pug said...

Pug! What a great present! I hope the randomizer picks us! Hope your honking is better!

Pug hugs,

Pollie the Pug said...

Pug, as usual, you look great!!

Buddy said...

Puglet, your photos are never awkward, even with your gimpy brain human!!! Everyone of us follows you for a reason, you are THE SUPERMODEL.
Hope your feeling better!!!

Bailey and Buddy said...

You are awesome Puglet & Dutch!

Sorry puglet, but that picture of you trying to put on your sweater is one of my favorites! You do not look thrilled about it though!

Suzy said...

I looovvee Awkward Pet Photos! Is that you at the Grand Canyon, Puglet?? lol

Anonymous said...

so...26+ lbs.... do you still fit in the awesome sweater?
If not.... I will take it!!!!

Love the sweater....


Emma said...

Oh Pug, I would love to win that book! I saw it at Target the other day and *almost* bought it! Crossing my paws and thanks for the opportunity!

blissfulsally said...

You'll think this is funny (funny peculiar!), but I never liked a pug until I found you! You are so witty and photogenic--you are totally the NUMERO UNO PUG of all time!

Pug-A-Boo said...

Ooo Puglet...that would be a nice addition to our roller derby warehouse for all my derby sisters to see and share! Us derby gals LOVE-LOVE-LOVE puggies and other makes and models as well! BTW, I hope your feelin better and honkin less ;)

Anonymous said...

My human tried to put me in a sweater once, but I wouldn't have anything to do with it!

Chang from Chicago

Sue and Annie said...

Puglet, you look divine even if when you feel awkward. Hope you are feelig better, and not honking.

Happy belated birthday to all those who were missed.

Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III said...

Oh Puglet, I loooove that picture of you in your skull and crossbones sweater!! That was one of my favourite posts!!

Hope you're feeling better! Happy Friday!

Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III

Rexi & Brutus (human Leigh-Ayn) said...

Hi Puglet! Rexi and Brutus here! Our human is taking us to a photography session next Saturday!!! We're telling her to go look at that website so that she knows what to NOT do!!!!
Love your work!! Need to also do a shout out to Dutch...Brutus understands how you feel as he is a pseudo pug too!!!
Love from Perth Australia!!

Two Pugs in a Pod said...

We can't read, but we sure like to win stuff!

Vinney said...

Would Love a copy of the book. And L O V E the sweater. I also have issues with those knitted outfits. I am not really sure what my hu-mom expects I am big boned and they never fit right.

Vinney from Warwick RI

eddie, leipzig (germany) said...

puglet, once more i have to admit that you're definetely the best nikon-poser-pug in the whole world. having a pullover stuck in your face and modeling at the same time is quite awesome.
and i do not say that because i want to get that book, although i would just freak out if it was me.

please randomizer, choose me and my mom to get the book!

Fritter from the Lo-Flo said...

My mom has plenty of pictures of me in an awkward state, I am glad I'm not the only one :)

scrub4pups said...

We love books at our house. Happy Veteran's Day to all the Vets out here.

Noodle said...

Something tells me that book might make me feel a LOT better about the awkward pics my mom takes of me!! I mean, I'll wear any stupid thing if it means I'll get treats, but I do feel a little weird afterward....

Btw, my mom totally loves that picture of you!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Pug and Jello-brained Human,
Since it is 11/11/11 we thought this might be a good day comment and maybe be randomized and get my Human that book.

My human Kate loves to look at the pictures you post of yourself and your friends. We smile when Mommy oohs and aahs over all. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy.

Jen said...

oh Puglet, my human would love to have this to add to her massive collection of books. I think she may be on a mission to get us into it now.


SashaFromShreveport said...

Pick me, Pug!!

-Sasha The Pug for Shreveport LA

Rambo and Miss Ellie said...

Glad your feeling better. Love to you and Dutch...

Rambo and Miss Ellie

pugsmom said...

Puglet, I'd like to get to know Randomizer better!! I loved your Awkward! moment today. Cute.
Phoebe in Gladstone, OR

Anonymous said...

Hey Pug,
What a cute picture today!
Trunks from South Florida

Anonymous said...

Pug... my heart beats only for you here in Portland, OR, even if my name is not Jenny!


Christi said...

I have been eyeing that book ever since I first saw it. I love awkward pet photos (including yours)!

Anonymous said...

You look like my little Sundance does when I try to put an outfit on her....only one leg gets thru and then she does the pugtona....ya gotta love these guys.

Pearl and Tessa said...

Oh Pug, of course you are the most awesome dog out there!!! Very handsome, suave and debonair! Never understood what you see in that little thing up in Oregon when you've got us just 2 hours away!

Pearl and Tessa

Lafayette Lola said...

We love you, Pug! Happy Friday!
Lafayette Lola

margie said...

Who understands our humans? the dorkier I look (Grumpy) the better they like it! I thought you looked like you got caught while getting dressed!! Hope you are feeling better, I know extra treats work for me!! I think your scale was broken you don't look a pound over 25!! Enjoy your weekend. Grumpy, Chunky, Barney and Bella your friends in Plantation Fl!!!!!

margie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

loving the concept!
I have to say I "suffered" too with a crab, dinosour costum....
it's others turn now!
Puggy from Switzerland

EEH said...

You are awesome, Puglet! I don't have a dog but if I had one, I'd want him to be as cute as you.


Krista said...

Glad everyone is feeling well so that a cool giveaway can happen!

Suki said...

Hi Pug,
I agree w/ Payton, that Pug is way to close to the edge.


Anonymous said...

I just realized maybe Dutch doesn't hate Nikon because it's scary, maybe he just wants to avoid having an awkward photo taken in case he ever decides to run for president!
You look professional even in an awkward photo.
Paula From DE

Guy Noir said...

Cool stuff. Now we have 3 cats we have less photos because mom's too busy cooking and cleaning and petting and walking us...but we'd love to see other pets being embarrassed!

Guy Noir

Raquel Moreira Chagas said...

I loved your photo with that French kind of hat! Soooooo cute! And I also would love to have a copy of that book!

Frankie from Seattle said...

i love that website and book!!

Alma Bocanegra said...

Hi Puglet!

Would love to be entered to win that awesome looking book! You're pretty awesome too!!!

PugMamaof5 said...

I just found your blog today and I already love it... as will my five Pugs that my boyfriend and I have, here in Indiana :)

Jane said...

Hello randomizer!!!

Anonymous said...

Do I just have to leave a comment? I live in Australia though so feel free to remove this if I'm not allowed to try get the book!

I don't have a pug sadly (boy do I want one but I'm not at the right point in my life) but I visit this website everyday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Puglet!
we would really love to see you and your human come to chicago!
Our mom makes us wear sweaters and santa hats and shirts that say elf sized?!?? i mean seriously what is that? Dont feel bad humans are really the crazy ones!
oh yeah and our human says we would really like the book!
Mocha and Latte

Pearl 24 said...

If I win, my mom promises to read it to me :)

Kimmy B said...

Pick me! Pick me! My forever mom has heard about this book and I know she will share it with me. You are totally awesome Puglet with or without your winter wear.
Love, Tink

Jes said...

Love your blog Puglet!

Gabby "The Gabbinator" said...


As always you are AWESOME whether you are honking or not!


Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

All I have to say is that the randomizer is going to go ba noo nooz over so many posts! Mathematically speaking...what is the algorithm used to choose the winner? Everybody loooves to compete for a prize, Puglet!
Little Puggie Paws Crossed:)
Eddie the Pug

Anonymous said...

Bo from Sacramento says:

Puglet, dude, another pawsome picture! My mom says that just when she thinks you can't get any cuter, you prove her wrong again and again (Dutch, too)! We hope you are feeling better and that you and Dutch and your mom have a great weekend!

Pepper the Pugalier said...

Oh Puglet, your pictures are sooo cute!!! Thanks for another awesome give away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

Chomper said...

super cute pic, pug!!

Opaka said...

My new human got all excited when she saw this. She's been reading this blog for a long time apparently and didn't have a pug so she's never felt like she could enter. Well as of today she's got two pugs, me and my mate Kai. We're very happy to finally have a forever home. So please enter us in the competition Puglet, and we look forward to getting to know you better. (BTW my human is Mel from Australia who she said you've met)

Anonymous said...

Hi Puglet,
I will throw my hat in the ring and comment for the randomizer to pick. My family has taken some awkward pet photos of me, in the latest one they made me wear a weird headband with wobbly pumpkins on it. At least it wasn't a lobster costume, I feel for you there.
Allie the boxer

Augustus the pug said...

I can't decide if getting this book will be more likely to keep the skin kids distracted from dressing me and my sister up, or encourage them to try new things. Oh, well I guess I will cross my paws that I get to find out.

gini said...

Our lady human tries to put sweaters on us in the wintertime and our man human takes them off for us (when she's not looking!)...because he says we don't need to look so funny....really, we love our do we let our man human know this?

gini said...

Love that book by the way! Quadra-ped heaven!

Anonymous said...

Would looove that book but what I really want is the 1000 pugs book! Can't wait! :-)

Frauntene McLarney said...

Thank you puglet and human for the chance to win something!! btw I LOVE your sweater, even if it is one funny.


Anonymous said...

Puglet!!!! My hu-mom just found you a few weeks ago, and she checks in on you every day! She kept goin' on about biting backfat, and I had to find out what she meant. She's are hil-AR-i-ous!!!! Since I love to hear my peeps laugh, I really don't mind dressing up....once in awhile. I make my own calendar every year, so I know how hard you and Dutch work at posing for your mom. So, pleeeeze randomize me....I could use some posing pointers! Keep up the good work, Puglet!
xoxoxoo Max-a-One-in-a-Million

Voie de Vie said...

I'm not so interested in the book ... but your photo today is priceless!

Shannon said...

That site is hilarious!

Wilma said...

Hi Puglet,
I know I haven't commented in a while, but I have totally been keeping up with all of your major goings on. We had like, crazy stupid weather and power outages that lasted forever and a day, but things are back to normal pretty much.
First thing is, I sure hope you are feeling lots better. You best take the docs advise and rest up. I had that kennel cough thing a long time ago, and it turned into pneumonia. That was not cool. Mom was up every two hours giving me breathing treatments and stuff. Plus I didn't even want to eat. That was terrible.
Second, I am so excited for you and 1000 pugs! I'm so proud of you for stepping up to the plate and getting on board with the plan. You are quite an amazing pug. I know how hard it has been for me to share mom, dad, treats and camera time with two other pugs. 999, now that's huge!
Also, I am working on a plan to get you to come to Connecticut on the tour. I definitely need to be one of the 999. Brigitte and Sluggo would like to be two of 998 also! I am going to have mom get some cards, and will be recruiting. I know Pug Rescue of New England is totally into being part of the phenomenon, and my friends at Green Mountain Pug Rescue too.
Stay well Pug, and pug love to Dutch!
(by the way, I heard some great news about Payton!)

Salty McSalterson said...

Love it!!

Salty McSalterson said...

love it!

BadAnnie said...

You poor baby! You look so uncomfortable in the picture - but hey, you're a star!!

Annie (hu-mom) Rocky the TX Pug, and Lola the Meanie Weenie Chihuahua

Infinitie said...

Great idea Puglet! I love their severe. Glad you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Puglet we love all of your pictures, Grand Canyon or not! You should see the photos my Mum takes of me - very embarrassing.

I just went for a walk wearing a sweater which makes me look like Miss Piggy - I take it with a certain laissez-faire.

We like the book, but should the Randomizer pick us (we never ever win anything at all), then we would like to donate the book to a pug rescue organisation of your choice.

We hope you are doing better,

Love from Berlin
Carlos Santana and Marieluise

Ollie said...

That poor lab...I'm laughing on the outside and cringing on the inside. How can that guy ever show his face at the dog park again?

P.S. Tell Dutch I sent a (late) reply to his email a few days ago. My human makes a crappy and forgetful assistant who doesn't keep up with my correspondance. Which is why I plan on keeping her as unpaid intern even though she keeps asking for a raise. With her poor performance review? As if!
Thank you for the tasties. Completely unexpected (and unnecessary) but much appreciated by my belly :)

pugsx4 said...

Pug, your big brown eyes suck me in every time.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, are totally awesome Puglet.
Second...I think ramdomizer should pick me because I live in Oklahoma which is the center of all things awkward.
Just sayin'
Kris in Oklahoma

House-O-Pugs said...

any book about pictures of Pets with their People is definately worth reading!

Uff-Da, Pugsly, Rufus, and Angus

Andrea @ This Pug Life said...

Love that site!

Salinger The Pug said... LOL'd at that pic and said it looks like you're "being born"!

She's stooopid!

We LOOOOVE the Awkward website! SO funny (and good to know that there are other crazy people out there!)
