Thursday, December 1, 2011


So, we didn't get to do anything with trees yesterday. Suddenly my human had more 'important' things to do. Things that made her leave us for like half the day. Things that made her come home smelling like other dogs.

Things like this:

Yeah. And I was seriously ready to freak out about it even though I'm supposed to be an ambassador or whatever... until my human told me she'd been down at Pug Mecca taking pictures of homeless pugs. Y'know, so people can see how cute they are and adopt them.

Uhm, can't really freak out about that, can I?

To make me feel better, my human said we (as in you/we/us) get to name this guy. He was picked up as a stray, wearing nothing but boy parts. I didn't get to meet him, but my human says he's super cool.
Like, she reaaaaally wanted to bring him home kinda cool. I guess when she drove him to his new foster home, they bonded or something.

Anyway. My human thinks Lebowski would be a good name for him because he's a total dude. No idea what that's about, but I wouldn't want to be named Lebowski. Would you?

Do I look like a Lebowski?

I know
you/we/us can totally come up with something better. I don't know much about this guy except he's very cool, LOVES men, is built like a linebacker but is a total smush. My human says he's beefy but not fat, super-chill and handsome. Kinda like me. Oh, and I guess he Jimmy'd for like an hour in the front seat of the car.

Let the naming begin!

* * *

UPDATE: Thanks for all the awesome naming suggestions. My human (even though she sucks at naming) says a few of them really fit. Let me know your favorite and tomorrow I'll tell the awesome people at Central Coast Pug Rescue what his name should be.

What should you/we/us call him?


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Wesa like the name after John Wayne, "The Duke" man's man and super cute!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi

Bailey and Buddy said...

He is absolutely adorable! I second "The Duke"! Perfect!

Bailey and Buddy said...

Just had another idea for a chapter in the book...something about the could take pictures of pugs in the snow, at the beach, in the autumn leaves, etc...A Pug for all Seasons? =)

Payton said...

Wow! Do you see that smile and orbing in the 2nd pic? I bet he's going to find a home soon with all of those moves! How about Dude? I'm not very creative either, so I Googled tough guy names and found this website with a ton of ideas.

Sabrina PugTails said...

I love Lebowski! Mum has seen (and loves) the movie with the same name. Your human is right, it's a name that totally fits a man's Pug.
And when his new family takes him to Pug Sunday, nobody else will have his name.

Anonymous said...

Spike sounds cool

Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III said...

The Dude abides! I like the name Dude. Lebowski is pretty unique, though. And people in the know will appreciate it.

Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III

THE PUGLET said...

How about The Dude instead of The Duke? I guess Lebowski is another way of saying The Dude?

Uh... no clue. But that's what my human (and Sabrina and Google) says.

Lafayette Lola said...

OMG! Lebowski the Dude is so insanely cute! He's a pro in front of the one-eyed monster, too! I hope he finds his forever The Man soon! We have a prejudiced love for black puggies in our house.
Lafayette Lola

Anonymous said...

Cheshire because he looks like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland who also was male.

Emma said...

Hey Pug,

How bout Hank Williams or Johnny Cash? They're both pretty tough and Hank sounds like a good name for a cool dude boy pug!

Ash and Emma

Mary said...

OMG, I could just kiss all over that adorable face! and Pug's too!
Lebowski is a great name and I can see that having him in the house would tie a room together!
Love ya,
Mary <--Noodles and Butter's mom

DebF said...

How about Winston?

Anonymous said...

How about The Dude? lol Looks totally like one!

I like Lebowski too, though!

Noodles said...

Puglet! For once (sorry Amanda) your Human did not come up with a LAME name for a dog. I LOVE Lebowski and I think it totally fits the dude.
He looks like a nice pug, someone who can be your Buddy! Someone who doesn't eat PASTE! Oh, uh. . . sorry! I'm sorta channeling my inner "Sure Thing."
Love Noodles

Anonymous said...

We would vote for calling him Jersey but maybe we'd better save that name for one that is more, you know .... devilish!

We like "Cash" as in Johnny Cash. The man who only wore black! Kinda fits.

Roxi, Riley & Lea
Those Jersey Shore Puggles

Anonymous said...

WE love Lebowski!! You could also call him JEFF. Cause our mom says it was Jeff Bridges that played Lebowski in the movie and he is also a total Dude!!
Bailey & Hazel
the Idaho PugRanch Kids

Buddy said...

My first thought was Brutus...but the dude works too!! Tank? Bear? I'd say leave it up to the most super awesomeness forever family who loves this boy up.

He sounds totally like me!! *snort snort*

Pearl and Tessa said...

how's about Smokey, cause he is smokin hot!

Pearl and Tessa

Maggie the Pug in Dallas said...

Dude IS a cool name...I would love to have Dude at my house - he is so cute! Jimmying for an hour, huh? WOW!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Let's try this again, Blogger ate our comment...

COME ON!!! If we were a few thousand miles closer I'd snap that guy up for Scarlet and call him Rhett! OK, I know that's not original but it's perfect for a handsome, elegant man. Well, as elegant a big grinning pug can be.

Pug, he's almost as good looking as you, #1 of a 1000.

Meredith & Scarlet

Pepper the Pugalier said...

Oh Puglet!!!!! I don't think you should have posted this. Mommy is trying to convince daddy that it's perfectly reasonable to drive to San Francisco (from Calgary) at nine months pregnant to adopt this guy. I'm already getting a baby sister for Christmas/my birthday (which I did NOT ask for...). Hopefully daddy doesn't fall for those orbs!!!!

I almost forgot... Mommy likes the name Lewbowski, but she always shorten our names, so he'd wind up being Lewb... Not the best nickname... :/

moPSY+MISIOber said...

I love Lebowski:) It sounds polish and this little dude is just toooooo COOL !!! Noodles is right!!! Your Human came up with great name all by herself, so I think it's a sign !!!! And Lebowski should be Lebowski:)

moPSY+MISIOber said...

And there is one more reason I love this name!! i love Jeff Brigdes!!!
P.S. Pepper you are too funny!!!! i think Canada must be great place to live!! Lots of great dog with great sens of humor:)

Anonymous said...

How about Bowski? I think it sounds great when you say it out loud. My other option would be Diesel! My human wants to name the next boy pug that, guess I might be getting a new friend soon!?!?!?!? (Not sure how I feel about that yet, since I just turned 10 over Thanksgiving! Been an only pug my whole life and not sure I want to share my human)

Trunks from South Florida

Anonymous said...

How about Bowski? I think it sounds great when you say it out loud. My other option would be Diesel! My human wants to name the next boy pug that, guess I might be getting a new friend soon!?!?!?!? (Not sure how I feel about that yet, since I just turned 10 over Thanksgiving! Been an only pug my whole life and not sure I want to share my human)

Trunks from South Florida

Treat Lover said...

Pepper, my human is pregnant too, and wants to adopt every homeless pug she sees. My dad human says it's something about maternal instincts and hormones. We don't know what any of this means, but glad to know she's not the only human affected by this stuff.

Puglet, we vote for the Dude! My human sometimes calls Chili her little dude, and other humans always get a big kick out of this.

We haven't been online in awhile, so we hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

Coco and Chili

Ollie said...

There are so many good names, it's going to be tough to pick one! Our suggestion is Bogey as in Humphrey Bogart. He's definitely one handsome pug, though.
Oh, and some belated juju to Mimi (who is having some dental work done today) and her human. When you have to have vet stuff done in December, it means Santa has to to bring you extra treats!

Anonymous said...

Bowski Bowski Bowski. None of the names really hit us NM pugs until someone wrote Bowski. That jumped out and at us and we all chanted Bowski Bowski Bowski. Perfect name.

dw said...

How about's a real Lebowski name!

Anonymous said...

Lebowski the Dude!!! And as a nickname, Bowski!! My mom and I love it! Although we really like Humphrey too, that's pretty cute..

LD (mom's already starting with the nicknames!) is sooo adorable, thank goodness he's too far away for my mom to adopt. Although she keeps saying something about planes..

Good job helping to adopt out homeless puggies, Puglet! Santa Paws will remember that for sure :)

Louis Vuitton the chihuahua

Holdin27 said...

Black boy pug = Nacho. Book it. Super handsome, he reminds me of a really neat dog I used to dog sit for...

Chfnman said...

Gotta be "The Dude"! Lebrowski has too many syllables to shout when an attitude adjustment is required. : )


Anonymous said...

We like Lebowski as pugs go its unique, 'the Great Pug Lebowski'.

Jeff is good too someone suggested it, he could be Jeff Lewbowski.

Emmitt was named after a football player, black pug black football player..get it..ok never mind.

Ellie, Emmitt & Eli

Hey, Eli's name Aloysius Elias how freaky is that for a name.

Pollie the Pug said...

Puglet, he's almost as beautiful as you. I agree with your human - he looks like "the dude."

THE PUGLET said...

Hey everybody!

My human says from now on she's totally coming to you any time she needs to name something.

We just added an official poll to make the naming more, uhm, official. My human picked the top 3 that fit him the best, even though there were way more good ones than that.

Tomorrow we'll let the peeps at pug rescue know what they should call him.

Unknown said...

His name should be Gus, he looks like a Gus.

Suzy said...

Gosh he's a cutie and has the prettiest eyes. I wonder if he needs a rug to tie the room together?? lol

Anonymous said...

He is a beautiful pug, can't believe someone is not missing him & looking for him!

We voted for Dude/the Dude, love the name, we call Frodo - Dude sometimes. One of his many nicknames.

Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo

Anonymous said...

Bowski for short? Even that sounds macho. BOL

I Love Lucy said...

What a handsome, beefy guy!
I think Cash is a great name. Although my human thought "Curtis" when she first saw him. She's not very good with names either.

Love ya'

Anonymous said...

This Guy looks so cool!

You can just see his personality come through the pictures. Some lucky guy/dude will get to be his human!

They can be men's men together!

THE PUGLET said...

Whoa. I can't believe how close it is between Cash + Dude. Looks like Lebowski might be the winner...

Anonymous said...

I think Lebowski is perfect!! I voted for that one!!
Paula from DE

Jessica, NL said...

Whatever his name will be, he is SO COOL! I totally get the falling in vuw part after spending time with him (hey, a photo is enough!) and I wish this Dude all the best...

Anonymous said...

Lebowski looks soooo cute, especially in that last picture with the slight head tilt and smile. I wish *I* could take him home.

Frank The Tank said...

Awww so cute! My Mum is such a sucker for a black pug! I think he looks really cool, fantastic facial expression there just like Jeff Brigdes! So I vote for Lebowski, they could call him "Bowski" for short! Im Frank and My Mum calls me "Puggy" and "Bunny" sometimes! I really can not believe that there are so many unwanted Pugs around, its heartbreaking! What is the matter with people?? I would love, love, love a black pug brother or sister and Mum has looked in the loacal shelters but nobody has any pugs, bad for us but good for them thank god! Its so horrible that people abandon and treat pugs (and other dogs) so cruely! I hate that side of people, I'm so lucky to be with such a nice, kind, loving Mum and in a wonderful warm home! Love, Licks and big Phugs to you Puglet! From your friend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kazza said...

Oh yeah it has to be Lebowski!! What a lovely little fella! In the UK pugs are quite rare and when I wanted to join the pug rescue they had closed their waiting lists because they had over 500 people on it and rarely get pugs coming in. Hope he gets rehomed soon.

BadAnnie said...

My Rocky says to call him "Apollo Creed".