Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Poop? What poop?


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Hahah eWwwwwwww !!! No no Pug!

Anonymous said...


Rosepug said...

For shame!

Christa said...

Is that poop? Gross! Maybe your name should be Pooplet. Have a great day!
The 3 C's Cletus, Callie and Carter Mae

Noodles said...

Oh Puglet. . . ick. . . just ick. . . But I still love you.
Love Noodles

Mercy said...

I think it mustard...
Kisses, Kisses,

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Looks like Cheetos if you ask us........

Meredith & Scarlet

mlb7791 said...

Ew! Pug! I thought it was mustard at first and was happy cus you got a bic mac or something!! Yellow poop! Even I won't go for that!!
Bosco in WPB

Pearl and Tessa said...

Uh Oh, looks like you polished off some poo. Ick we say (although we do like bunny poo). Just remember, Amanda has to kiss that face.

Sorry Gnat said...

I love the anxiety in pugs' eyes!

Mary said...

Eew, no Puglet! But your little face is so cute... even with poo on it.

Anonymous said...

EWWWWW....Pug that id not so attractive.....EWWWWWW

Harry the pug from Oz said...

Oopps 💜

Anonymous said...

OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! Pug that is sooo gross!!!

Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleoof

Anonymous said...

Gross!!!!! Stop that, Pug, please!!!!

Sammy (won't kiss you till you clean up your face and your act)

Bailey and Buddy said...


Anonymous said...

PUGLET ...ewwww lol

Eddie the Pug and his Mom said...

I think a thorough teeth brushing should be your punishment!!
Yukkies from,
Eddie the Pug

Anonymous said...

Oh Puglet! I don't eat poo, but I eat my Cat brother's puke. Yum. My French Bulldog cousin Gizzy eats poo all the time, maybe I should try??? My human says GROSS!
Love, Pip the pug

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm..... where can I get some?

Unknown said...

NO KISSES FOR YOU! ("Pooplet," hahaha, that was great, Christa!)

Anonymous said...

Pug, apparently you were very enthusiastic about eating the poo as you have it all over your mug. I'm sure you were in a hurry to get it down the hatch because you knew you were in trouble. A neighborhood dog left a deposit in our side yard and my Allie (the boxer) thought she'd try poo eating - first time I'd see that and hopefully the last. Love you guys! Allie's human

ylrbmk said...

Why!?!?!?! That's got to make for some bad breath!
My pug goes crazy for cat poop. I can't say I understand, but apparently you aren't alone.

Anonymous said...

Your the poopanator of San Francisco!!!!
Sacramento poo is good too but don't tell my G-MA!She gags a lot when I eat it......Monkey Pig