Monday, March 3, 2014


So this was the highlight of my weekend. A trip to Walgreens. We were there a reeeeallly long time because the dude behind the thing who looks like a vet but isn't had to deal with my human's new health insurance. It was so exciting I almost fell asleep next to the kitty litter.


Google says lack of sunlight can make you SAD. Like, in all big letters. Not good! The weather people say we might never see the sun again. Or at least not until Friday. 


I hope your weekend was sunnier and more exciting than mine. Highlights, please!


Vinny said...

You do look sad.... I didn't even get to go to Walgreens this wknd... I ate snow and rolled in the snow, peed on the snow, ate some more snow; cried bloody murder when the dad human clipped my nails, counted Dutch's spots on the picture Mercy has of him by her bowl, watched it snow,stole toys from Mercy and Izzy, got mad and peed on the kitchen table leg, jumped on Mercy when she's napping to wake her up - I think it's a GREAT game... Mercy does not,peed on the snow some more...... see, even more boring than your wknd...
Pug Power,

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Ours wasn't much more exciting Pug, sorry to say!

But you sure are cute!

Meredith & Scarlet

Maggie and Lucy the Pugs in Dallas said...

Well, we started out good here in the Big D on Sat with our temps in the 80's! And then we got freezing rain and sleet yesterday...whatever the heck that is all I know is it made our backyard all white and going out not so fun. So we had half a good weekend here!

Anonymous said...

Sun light? What is that??
Oh,we got some here, -17 F and sunny, ya know!?!?!?

Sammy and Neko

Anonymous said...


First...My human never takes me to Walgreen's. Just like the other Vinny, I also screamed like a girl when I got may nails trimmed. My human calls in the spa...I call it HELL. But I did reap the benefits of a cookie surprise when I got home. I did your picture on the shelf, not sure about posing with Kitty Litter and Pee Pee pads but you roked it anyway. As a side note...If I ever went into Walgreen's and saw you for $4.99 I would definitely make the purchase!!!

Your Friend Vinney (with an "ey") from Rhode Island...We met in Boston once and you posed with me!!!


Paula from DE said...

You look so cute in that pic. We had more snow :(

Ollie said...

I had a snooze weekend due to ongoing meat locker temperatures.
But I'm hanging in there, I know I'll see grass again!

Anonymous said...

Awwww Pug! Cute picture! It's boring here in Canada- and COLD! My weekend highlight was my 'rents bringing me a little popcorn from the movie they saw. Love, Lola Pug

Anonymous said...

My mom went to a parade for green people, she said it was for St. Paddy's Day not green people, and no pugs were allowed :(

Today it snowed...again....poor mom & dad had to go to work, so I got stuck sleeping with my human sister (school was cancelled) and that other pug who snores like a lumberjack!


Rachel's Thoughts said...

Hey Puglet I'm in Texas now and we have freezing rain. It is 28 degrees but feels like 10. No bueno! I feel your pain and pray for sun too.

Unknown said...

We had a big indoor Saturday pug meet up in Spokane. Next moth our meeting moves to the park so I hope it warms up.