Before I jumped off the couch and gimped my foot, I had a really fun weekend. On Saturday we went across the grey bridge to Pt Isabel and met up with Bellatrix. It was her first time there so I showed her where people drop food on the ground sometimes, and all the best places to pee.
I'm pretty sure Bellatrix had a fun time.

After introducing Bella-T to play at Pt Isabel, it was my turn to try a new sport: shopping. I think I've mentioned that my human is the worst shopper on the planet. And I didn't know this was a problem until Bellatrix's human started shopping for me.
Because shopping = cool pet stores and cool pet stores = cool food.
So, we headed to a store called Redhound in a place called Berkeley. Dutch remembered going there for training classes when he first moved in with my human, but he doesn't remember any shopping.
Shopping at Redhound was really cool. There were loads of toys and snacks and things to sniff, and the people in the store were all supernice. Even the shop dog was cool (his name is Fella) and I was totally OK with my human using the Nikon on him.
While I was busy checking out the goods, Bellatrix got bellyrubs galore and Dutch helped a customer pick out a dog bed. Lucky for me, Dutch is tall enough to scope out snacks that I can't see or smell because these suckers are TASTY. I usually don't bother chewing, but I took my time with this snack.
I got the blue one, can you guess which one Dutch got?
The pink daisy? Hee!
Klaus & Natty
Hi Puglet,
If we didn't know Dutch so well we'd guess he'd pick the manly orange one, but since we know he's probably reverted from his macho ways, we're guessing PINK?
Bella-T sure is a pretty black puggie, I'll bet her nice shiny coat had you at 'woof' :) She's lucky to have a pal like you to show her the ropes of Pt. Isabel! And you're lucky that her supercool human can teach your human how to shop!
Molly (and Penny Lane) in PA
Totally the pink flower
Lafayette Lola
Mr. P, Good Morning
You and Bella-T make a spanking nice couple. I met a gorgeous black pug gal at Nationals, her name is Maybelline and she is *to die for*. I was ga ga over her. Only problem, she lives in another state not Texas.. drat!
Just a guess, Dutch got the pink cookie. Dutch is just way to sexy!
Emmitt, Black Texas Pug
Oh I had a blast with you guys on Saturday. Pt. Isabell was so much fun, you guys totally showed me the ropes. Mom hates to shop for human stuff, but when it comes to shopping for me, she'll stop at nothing! She even said we'll have to go back to Redhound, if I'm good at Pt. Isabel again, that she'll let me get one of those super yummy cookie things. I promised to be good, because you guys make those cookies sound super duper yummers!
Mom says thanks for making me look so cute in the picture. She says it even makes me look slim, so if you photoshopped...she doesn't want to know....hehe...
Anytime you want to go shopping Pug, mom is many pet stores with little time....
OMD...those snacks looks super yummy...wesa wish we had super cool doggy stores here instead of just PetsMart...which is still cool...but specialty shops are just that "special." Wesa guessing that Dutch wanted the Pink Daisy.
Much luvs and licks,
The Slimmer Puggums
Looks like you have alot of great stores and everyone had a wonderful time shopping. We guess that Dutch got the pink one, who says that boys can't have pink.
OMG Puglet, I LOVE that photo of you and Bella-T. Supermodels for sure!
p. s. totally the pink daisy. :)
Bella T is a beauty!! You guy make a nice couple (hint, hint!).
We predict Dutch picked the pink flower cookie.
Ann & Fro
Looks like a great time! We will have to add both places to our list of adventures. Betting that Dutch picked the pink, of course. But, have you ever considered maybe he is color blind???
Pearl and Tessa
Oh yeah. Totally the pink one! I got the macho blue one with sprinkles on top. TASTE-Y.
I like to hike and swim and fetch and stuff... but this shopping thing might be the best sport ever.
I bet you picked the big yellow bone! What a treat to visit a new place and shop!!
Thanks for taking us along via the pictures.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Oh how I would have loved to go shopping with all 3 of you but I probably would've barked too much and spoiled a perfectly good shopping spree! Hee--Hee!
I dunno what color treat Dutch would like the best so I'm guessing he snagged all of them when no one was looking!
Shopping, eh? I'm not much of a sports dog so I dunno. Do you HAVE to do the shopping thing to get the treats?
That picture of you and Bella is the cutest eva!!!!
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
Wow you and Bella are so super cute together Puglet!
Shopping is a real sport, so I'm glad you had a guide to learn how. Watch out for you paws, I always get sore feet when I shop. :D
Hiya Noodle -
Uhm, from what I understand, *someone* has to do the shopping in order for you to get the treats. Dutch is realllly into the shopping thing, maybe he could be like a surrogate or something for you?
Oooh... A personal shopper! I think I've heard of those....
OMG I JUST FREAKED OUT! My pug is named "Bellatrix" too!!! She's gorgeous and so is my little Bellatrix!
Love this blog- will be reading constantly :)
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