I think that Fate thing must have gimpied my foot so I could talk about something more important today. So I could ask you all to think positive for someone else's gimpy foot... and fix it... like we did with Fred the Boxer's ear.
Because yesterday I got an email from my friend Suki in Texas telling me about a new toe that recently appeared on one of her feet. Suki's had two knee surgeries and is now part bionic, so at first I thought her new toe was just another bionic body part. But the vet said her new toe is the C-word and now Suki's having surgery on Thursday to lose the C-word toe.
That's where we come in. Let's all think positive for Suki and the stupid new toe. Let's try and turn the C-word into the B-word (benign). Ok? Ready? Start thinking.
Oh Puglet :(
Sorry to hear that your weekend adventures proved to be too much on your left foot, but you have TWO left feet and you'll bounce back in no time! VP (AOD&C) prizes can wait, but pick ME, pick ME! :)
Suki is for sure in my thoughts, I am sure that all will be ok with her :::positive B vibes for Suki:::
Molly in PA
Puglet and Suki, We are thinking definite positive thoughts for that toe. Wish we could put a picture on here so you could see us all concentrating. Puglet, hope your own gimpy foot gets better too. Glad you're taking it easy.
Phoebe, Kizzy, Olita and Dutchy in Oregon
So sorry to hear about your left foot! Take care of yourself> please let us know how you are doing. Good thoughts for Suki, too!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
From reading Suki's blog, it sounds like she has the right attitude about dealing with her "C" issues, very, very positive dog. And how nice of her to go to Pier 1 and get a nice votive for her human. Our thoughts are with her and her human.
Puglet, we worry about you. How are you ever going to be the action star we hope you are if you are gimpy???
Pearl and Tessa
Hey Puglet,
I'm not very good with the alphabet but I'm concentrating on turning "C" into "B" for Suki right now. Besides, she's part bionic which means she's like a superpug and a bad toe is no match for a superpug.
Same goes for you, you're kind of a superpug yourself (minus the bionic parts), so a gimpy foot isn't going to keep you down for long.
Grr....my comment deleted itself before posting!! Here goes again...
Pug, I'm sorry your foot is hurt, and I will be sending positve thoughts your way for a quick recovery. I know that all the positive thoughts helped my belly bacteria go away.
Onto Suki...I'm going to send so many positve thoughts her way that she's going to have a hangover! Bionic pug you say...naaaa...I'm going for Wonder Pug!!!
Consider it done. I'm thinking of Suki now and hoping for a full recovery! Please keep us posted.
Prayers to St. Francis for you, Puglet, and your friend Suki. Hugs from Kansas
Sending healing puggie vibes & lots of pug hugs to Suki. Hope your tootsie feels better too!
Ann & Fro
Hi Puglet.. We sent Suki a note on her blog sending her good pug vibes so she gets better, she's an agility pug like us and we need to be in tip top shape to compete and she's bionic like Ellie (pin in a knee). Oh, good vibes to you to Puglet hope the gimp in your foot gets better soon.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
AWESOME. I know my foot is like 23% less gimpy than it was before the thinking started. I know Suki's C-word must be starting to feel the heat. I'm going to go think some more....
Puglet, our momma is a (human) foor doctor, and she makes lots of people's feet better. Even thought she "Doesn't Do Paws!", we are sending extra strong foot (and paw!)healing vibes to you, and Suki. SHe says you HAVE TO get better fast, because there aren't any of those blue gimpy shoes she gives to hurt people that are small enough for you!
Sending positive puggy vibes from the east coast for Puglet and for Suki. Our foster brother Quincy has mast cell cancer. He had two tumors removed and unfortunately, more have come up. But he's doing wonderful. The c word is scary, but it's not necessarily the worst word ever.
Our verification word is trium, which is just a ph short of TRIUMPH! Going to TRIUMPH over the c word and gimpy paws.
We are putting the two of you in our pug prayers. It is no fun being hurt and getting an extra toe here and there. We all luvs you!
~Baby and Lucy
Hi Pug!
You are amazing! Today was the best day & the longest day. I was so excited seeing everyone's comments. I couldn't wait till Mom came home from work, so she could post. All of these wonder, comments & positive thoughts are making me feel much better. I even saw my Mom's eyes leaking. I can just imagine all of you sitting around concentrating so hard sending positive vibes!
Bummer about your toe, will send major positive thoughts your direction too.
Words can not express enough how much I appreciate all the kind words from everyone.
Very Sincerely and hugs to everyone (especially to you my friend, Pug)!
So many healing puggy-love thoughts going to you and Suki, my brain is starting to hurt! We'll say extra special prayers for you both.
Hugs and smooches,
Lafayette Lola
Pug Positive thinking underway... We're envisioning a healthy, happy Suki & a Puglet sans gimp. Suki & Pug get well soon.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Aw Puglet,we are thinking nothing but positive thoughts for your friend.
Oh my, so many positives! You all are awesome. C-toe doesn't have a chance. Neither does Pug's gimpy toe.
All good thoughts to Suki (and de-gimping to you, Puglet).
Hope you feel better, Puglet! Sending you and your friend, Suki, good vibes!
We will send lots of good Karma to you and Sukie. Jackson and his mom
Thinking lots of positive thoughts for Suki!!!
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