Thursday, February 6, 2014


Is it just me, or is Dutch getting kinda pushy? Seriously. Just because my snoring is keeping him awake all night doesn't mean it's ok for him to hijack my stuff.  I'm not even 100% sure he's telling the truth about my snore. I mean, if it was really *that* loud, wouldn't my sleep get ruined too??

But enough about Dutch. Let's talk about me.

Ok. So, my human has this thing about shoes. I know a lot of lady humans have a thing about shoes, but I think we all know by now my human is not a normal human. So instead of buying shoes to make herself happy, she gets all excited about stray ones.

Yeah. Stray shoes. As in, like, shoes that lost their people. Big shoes. Little shoes. Girly shoes. Man shoes. They're kinda everywhere once your crazy human you start looking. And whenever we see a stray shoe, my human gets all happy and asks me to supermodel. In the shoes. It's not my favorite thing to do, but you know how hard it is to say no to a happy human??

Practically impossible.

The shoes usually come in twos. Sometimes in a pile of twos. But sometimes we'll find an orphan shoe and this always makes me a little sad. It must be really hard to lose your person *and* your other half. Even if you're just a shoe.

So I pose. And sometimes I get a cookie. But even when I don't, I guess it's not the end of the world or anything if it makes my human happy. Unless the shoes are strappy girly high heeled things. Then I make Dutch do it.


badgerlaw said...

OMP Dutch in heels this just cracked me up. and I loved your statement it must be sad to lose your other half even if you are a shoe how sweet you are puglet.

JessieJane said...

You seem to come across a lot of stray shoes. where I live if you were without shoes right now you would literally freeze a toe right off.

I laughed when I saw Dutch working the heels, if only they were pink....

Butch and Sundance's Mom said...

oh Puglet, you made me laugh so hard I snorted....and, I am at work, soooooo, the peeps around me are wondering if I am okay...I am soooo glad you are back.

Meredith LeBlanc said...

This just made our day :)

Meredith & Scarlet

Mercy's Mom said...

Dear Puglet,
It's not easy being a supermodel ....but you make it look easy and fun!You also made me laugh and that's always a good thing....especially after a fire drill in my building... 25 minutes in -4 degrees wind chill.
P.S. Dutch, the shoes are stunning on you! Get your pink boa out and you're ready for a night on the town :)

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Ok the last pic of Dutch in heels is hilarious!!! It almost looks like it belongs!!! Hahahha!

Maggie and Lucy the Pugs in Dallas said...

Well, this is a bit strange but like you said your human is not all that normal...we know this and she is loved for all this! Anyway, I get it, my human has done some really strange things too but at least I don't have to model and pose with it...and love the pics, but that one of Dutch ROCKS!

bmccloy said...

I hate to tell you Puglet, Dutch looks pretty cute in those MaryJanes. You're adorable too, but there's something special about the black and white paws in such dainty little girl shoes.

Anonymous said...

OHPUG, Dutch, you got sexy legs!!


Anonymous said...

I just laughed and snorted at work too!! Love the picture of Dutch wearing the heels! You guys are so cute and funny and you make my day :)

Unknown said...

I have to say seeing Dutch in those shoe really made me LOL!! You are so good Puglet, we know it's not fun having to pose for pictures all the time. Trust me we know all about that, our Mom has more pictures of us "PUGS" on her phone then she does of the human kids. But whatever makes her happy that is why we are here :)
Your Friends
"The MacKay Pugs"
Frank, Ruby, & Ellie

Ollie said...

Why so may stray shoes in SF? Maybe it's the naked people, who suddenly decide to strip down in the middle of the street, that are leaving them behind.
I like the stray shoe series. It makes you an art pug.
Dutch though, he was born to wear high heels!

Anonymous said...

Oh Puglet you've made me sad for the orphan shoes! Pose with them and share your love

Anonymous said...

OMG So funny! made my day seeing Puglet in shoes (and Dutch)

Paula from DE said...

That is so funny! Dutch in the strappy heels is hilarious!