Big fat thanks to anyone who sent bacony thoughts my way. If it wasn't for Frank, bacony thinking totally might have worked.
Instead, our "special adventure" went like this:
We went to the park near my house and played a game of Bite the Backfat. Even though it totally looks like I'm losing in that picture, it was a tie.
When backfat got boring, we played a super intense game of Mexican Standoff. I have no idea what staring at Frank has to do with Mexicans, but that's what my human calls it. Whatever you want to call it, Frank sucks at it. I won every time.
After the Standoff we walked to the top of the park. Frank will tell you we climbed Mt Everest but we didn't. It wasn't even a hike. My human was wearing flip flops and it took like 3 minutes.
On the way down from Mt Everest, our "special adventure" came to an end. I'm not exactly sure what happened to Frank, but he totally broke. Right there in the middle of the trail. Yeah. That's when my human said the adventure would have to wait (!!) until Frank wasn't so broken. Maybe sometime next week.
Next week? Seriously?? Miss Gimpy Brain can't remember things five minutes from now, no way she'll remember something next freaking week. I told Frank not to look so broken, but he didn't listen. I tried to convince my human that Frank wasn't really all that broken but she didn't listen either.
So... Frank went home and we went to the UPS place. Not exactly my idea of a "special" adventure but my human promises there will be one next week. Hopefully it will be on a drive-Mazda day. Hopefully it will involve bacon. Hopefully Frank will stay home (sorry dude).
sending some love to frank....I totally know about being broken too!!! Mom even got me a dogger! ( a dog stroller) just for me!!!! I can still enjoy outside, even when broken.
Ruh-roh! Hope Frank's dad wasn't too mad that Frank got broken. That is one flat pug!
Still looks like a pretty special day, even without bacon.
Love always, Bruno & Diesel♥♥♥
Poor Frank, maybe it would be best to just make a trip out to get a Baconator! I am sure that would put the life back in him! Joey, Zoey, Cass and Daff
Nobody can bite your back fat like I can, plus I don't break so easily. It also appears like those cupcakes have added to your back fat Pug. I count the days until I'm able to nom on it again.
Hey you guys, go for it, make all us pugs proud! bring us so many smiles! :)
Puggy of Michigan here, representing all the pugs (unofficially of course) of the great and true mitten state of Michigan (hehe Wisconsin).
All I can bark is 'bacon forever'....
Ahhhhh, up north, FINALLY the heat has broken, and we look forward to wonderful cool of autumn and being able to run and race like you guys some energy for us or rather bacon.....whew not a great run since..since...since....I can't seems like this hot summer has always been here. Is it not interesting when in a place in time when it is really hot, you only think of it, being hot, and when it is really cold or rainy, it ALWAYS seems like it has been that way...WHY does that happen?
Anyway, upwards and onwards....!!
bacon forever!!!!!!!
Broken Frank, part Deux?! Lol
Pug, maybe you should try looking broken too. Frank totally has a waist in that picture! Plus, there could be sympathy bacon
Frank : ) Flexibility of olympic gymnast!
Poor Frank. I know all about being broken. We went for a hike last weekend and I seriously broke. So bad that daddy had to carry for a kilometer. And he had my baby sister on his back!!! After that, daddy was broken too.
Back fat..lo..ll...o.lollo...I have never heard it called that I thought my mom was gonna pee her pants for laughing so hard...we do that at ourhouse also, and the fat on our faces, name it we grab it...poor frank well at least puglet he will walk with you up the mountain, as far as him being broken...well...i don't even know what to say about that...GO BACON...
Stella Rose
hope that next big adventure will be to the bacon factory next week
bacony thoughts keith
Awww, how come Frank breaks so much?
Bol! Broken Frank. Man what do you gotta do to get some bacony goodness around here. We're tempted to eat some for you! Bol.
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
Pug...can't believe Frank just can't keep up! Love seeing ya'll do your thing even tho it wasn't taht great of an adventure! Just be glad you got out I guess....
Frank was so broken one time your Human had to hold him for a whole Pug Sunday....
Frank OWES you. Enough said.
Love Noodles
Wow, Frank looks totally broken! Holy cow, he's totally flat. You look awesome though Pug, super handsome and deserving of Bacon.
Meredith & Scarlet
Puglet, how come Frank was wearing your skully harness on your adventure?
Frank does broken very well.
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