My new boy-sweater hasn't gotten here yet and I'm tired of being called she because of the girly-sweater. So I put my paw down and said no sweater. Actually, I just ran away when my human tried to put it on me, but I think she got the idea.
Fine, she said. If you're not going to wear a sweater then you're gonna wear a hat.
A hat? Like on my head? Ugh. Wearing something on my head is even worse than wearing a pink girly-sweater and being called she. Since I'd already boycotted the sweater, I tried talking her into letting me wear a scarf instead. No such luck. She said we don't have any dog scarves and I couldn't wear hers because she needed it to stay warm.
So I wore a hat. I don't think it did very much to keep me warm, but loads of people said I looked cute in it so maybe hats aren't so bad after all. They are definitely better than girly-sweaters. If you're not a she, I mean.
Oh Puglet, that hat is ridiculous cuteness! Pug Hugs, Las Vegas Lola
nice hat!
Cool hat! It is brown and boy colored and you look so good in it I bet you get lots of cuddles!
Puglet I want a hat!!! It looks yummy :-)
oh puglet, i'm with you on the whole 'wearing anything on my head stinks' deal. i know you don't like the girl sweater, but whats taking so long for your new boy sweater to arrive? maybe i'm spoiled but my mom makes all my 'clothes'. it's called 'sewing' or something. she also does this thing called 'knitting' which is apparently how sweaters are made. does your human know anyone who 'knits'?
Oh Puglet, the hat is da bomb on you....to adorable...hmmmhmmm handsome I mean.
What a cool hat! Lookin' good.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Yeah you look like a really good he!
Yeah, I think brown is more my style than pink. Or salmon. Or whatever colors the she-sweater is made from.
When the computer was dead we got some bad news about my new sweater. Somehow they RAN OUT of boy-sweaters so I won't be getting one :(
Maybe if I wear the brown hat with the pink she-sweater people will get confused and just call me "it". I think being called It is better than She when you're really a He.
Or maybe my human will learn how to knit like Mimi's mom....
Tooooooooo cute!!!! Maybe you can get a jacket, they have them at all kinds of places that sell dog clothes. We wear them & love them. Our human also made us scarves out of fleece cut to our size. She says its easy or she can make one for you & Dutch. Just some options to think about.
Stay warm, Yoda, Zoey & Phoebe
Puglet, I must say you look dashing in your cap. Way better than the girly sweater. Mom is ordering us some new sweaters too. Stella has gotten to fat for her old sweaters and mine pinches my pee pee, so I don't like it.
Can't wait to see your new sweater!
hey puglet! if your mom really wants to learn to knit, my mom uses these really cool things called knifty knitter's. she is really crafty but for some reason couldnt get the hang of 'real' knitting with long sticks. its essentially a round loom that you wrap yarn on and they are perfectly pug shaped!
ask your friend google about them.
I'll check with Google about the non-knitty knitters. maybe then I can have a cool sweater!!
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