Well. After my human hung up with the vet, I heard her talking to Miley's mom about the test results. A lot of it didn't make sense to me, but here's how it went:
MY HUMAN: Eeew. Dutch's culture came back.
MILEY'S MOM: - - (she was on the phone so I couldn't hear her)
MY HUMAN: It showed E Coli.
MY HUMAN: Yes, like in poop. Gross right? The vet said it's the most common cause of dog UTI's. They can pick it up by drinking water, eating grass, pretty much anywhere. But it's still gross.
And what does this have to do with me?
When Dutch heard my human eeeew'ing and talking about how gross his germs are, he got all weird and embarrassed about it. Next thing you know, he's spilling the beans about my poop stash!!
But Pug hides poop in the bushes by the fence and the middle of the night when you're asleep he goes outside and HE EATS IT!
What the --- dude!?!
My poop stash had nothing to do with Dutch's pee tube germs, but my human totally freaked out. She cleaned out all the bushes and sprayed everything with this stuff that smells like shampoo and kills germs. And poop, apparently.
I have no idea why Dutch narced on me, but he completely ruined months of pooping and stashing.