So, I guess not everyone likes the Jamie Oliver guy or his revolution. And if you don't really like eating healthy stuff, and don't want some goofy dude telling you what not to eat - that's cool, I get it. But here's the thing. When I eat poop, I know I'm eating 100% real poop. I know SPAM is 100% SPAM. And if I ever got lucky enough to eat a hamburger, I'd want it to be 100% hamburger and 0% Pink Slime.
My human says a lot of food out there isn't 100% real anything. And I'm pretty sure that's what the Food Revolution is about: keeping it real. Since the people at ABC put Dancing with the Fools on TV last night instead of Jamie Oliver, I decided to have my own Food Revolution with a bag of chicken meatballs from Milo's Kitchen.
Milo's 100% REAL "Meat"balls
Uhm, yeah. You'd think meatballs = balls of meat, right? Wrong. Here's what Milo put in my meatballs:Chicken, Soy Grits, Beef, Sugar, Glycerine, Textured Vegetable Protein, Salt, Monoglyceride, Garlic Powder, Natural Flavor, Sorbic Acid (used as a preservative), BHA (used as a preservative), Onion Extract.
I'm glad there isn't any Pink Slime in my meatballs, but some of the other stuff sounds kinda suspicious. Soy Grits? Textured Vegetable Protein? What the ??
The Milo's Kitchen website says I "deserve 100% real, tender, home-style chicken meatballs" so I thought I'd be eating 100% MEATballs, not Textured Vegetable Soy Grit & some meat Balls.
Google says Soy Grits are a "meat filler". Ditto for the T.V.P. Neither of them are going to kill me or anything, but lots of dogs are allergic to soy and I'm pretty sure soy isn't meat. My human let me try some of her TVP stuff and there's definitely no meat in there.
I have no idea what Monoglyceride is, but Google says it can be made from cow, hog or vegetable (I hope Milo uses the cow or hog kind at least). Don't ask me what the heck Glycerine is. Sugar doesn't really need to in dog snacks and neither does the onion because dogs and onions are a bad combo. My human says since onion is the last ingredient, there's not enough of it to hurt me. But why even put it in there?
Now, you know I'll eat anything. And I'm sure Milo's Meatballs will go down like a hotdog, but I asked The Man not to buy them for me again. Because when someone (ahem, Milo) says they're giving me a 100% real, tender, home-style chicken meatball - I want it to be a 100% real, tender, home-style chicken meatball. Not a some-meat ball with a bunch of other junk thrown in there.