UGH. Blogger is having some sort of meltdown and that's making my human's gimpy brain explode. But I know a lot of barbeques will be happening and I can't not tell you what I'll be eating later today because you will TOTALLY want to eat it too.
It's supereasy to make, pretty healthy and insanely eatable. Ok. Here goes...

Have your human cut the bananas into slices, spread them out on a baking sheet and stick them into the freezer. Wait an eternity (or a few hours) for the bananas to freeze, whichever comes first. Don't eat the banana skins while you're waiting. They're NASTY!

When the banana bits are frozen, put them in a choppy or mixy thing and say goodbye. Smash the bejeezus out of them and keep smashing until they look like ice cream (might have to scrape them off the sides a lot).

If you can snatch PB off the spoon when your human isn't looking without getting caught, go for it because you might have to wait to eat your No-Cream. You can eat it right away if you like it smushy, but if you want it more ice-creamy, stick it back in the freezer for a few more hours.

* * *
It was Per-Li-Mae's birthday on Saturday (Buford T's sister, in Petaluma, CA) and today it's Daisy the treeing coonhound's Whelp Day. I'll be thinking of you both when I'm eating my No-Cream :P
This is an awesome recipe, Pug! Thanks so much for sharing...I am going to demand that my mom make me some right NOW! And this reminds me that we've got to take a look at the non-recipe cookbook again so that I can enjoy some of those treats real soon.
PS. We've switched from IE to Firefox and haven't had any more Blogger issues...so far...paws crossed.
PPS. Happy belated birthday to Per-Li-Mae and Happy, happy day to Daisy!
OMP! What an awesome recipe! I know my grandmaw would make this for me real quick-like. We just have to find a pb that I can eat! Thanks, buddy!
Mmmm.... baaaaaaaacon!
Super easy! And my human tasted it before she put bacon in and it really does taste like ice cream! Noodle - that peanut butter from Target it has two ingredients: peanuts and salt.
Yummy! Hu-mom made our food today, so I bet she's too tired to make No-Cream. We'll make sure she makes it soon and we'll let you know how yummy it is!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
OMD - I am totally gonna make this. I LOVE LOVE LOVES all three ingredients.
What does Memorial Day mean to me????? FOOOOOOD!
Thanks Puglet (and your human) for this grr8 recipe.
Love Noodles
oh puglet, that looks like heaven. unfortunately, mommy says no. :'( the baby in her tummy made her start dry heaving at the thought of it. she said maybe in a couple months. i'll be waiting impatiently!!!
~pepper the pugalier
Sounds yummy!!!
~ Frankie from Seattle
Thanks for the recipe Mom's making it for me later
Hi Puglet,
My human says she's allergic to kitchen gadgets/appliances, so chances are slim that I'll get to try this anytime soon (but a beagle can still dream).
In a perfect world I would throw a hot dog in there as well. Doesn't a PB + banana + bacaacon + hot dog no-cream sound good?
Happy Day to Per-Li-Mae and Daisy! A morsel of shaved turkey is coming my way.
For sure we will try this.
It feels like a bonus blog post since it's a momorial day... glad you are on ~
Sammy and Neko
Sounds yummy for humans too, except I might skip the bacon.
Paula from DE
Geeez Puglet,
We wish we saw this recipe before mom made P-Tuna's recipe today. But thats OK, we'll keep this cream recipe in the back burner for later on this week. We eat the same PB from Tar-jay! We get the one with nuts cause Ellie likes it better.
Our Mom refuses to get the choppy thing out of the pantry so we are wondering if a plain old hand mixer will work. we hope so if not mom will be talking to herself.
HAPPY DAY to Per-Li-Mae and Daisy...we'll scarf a few P-Tuna treats in your honor.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from HOT HOT HOT San Antonio...
Hey, if anyone out there knows the words to a rain dance let us know...we are sweltering down here.
Thanks for the B-day wishes.......May our human will make this for Per-Li-Mae's day this weekend.(it will be late but who cares......)
Thanks for a great recipe and we hope everyone had a superfun holiday weekend!!!!
Buford T. Justice, Per-Li-Mae, Peg, Bambi and Miss Lacy Pug
Our human will be making that yummy no Cream recipe for us tomorrow since it is almost 11 tonight when she found it. Our cousin, Buster is here too (he's hound/St. Bernard and not so big...45 lbs) and he LOVED LOVED LOVED so much the bacon cookies from the winter time. Our human made them for all of us, and his pieces were a bit bigger than ours :( but Mom says that's because he is more than twice our size!
We'll let you know how delicious your no Cream is tomorrow! Take care!
Tawnie and Winston and cousin Buster Brown
No-cream sounds GREAT !!!! I want it too!!! It's so natural and must be super tasty. I'll only skip the bacon :) thank you Puglet for share it with us :)
Happy Birthday to Per-Li-Mae Petaluma, Whelp Day to Daisy!!! :)
P.S. Thank you Payton!! I've just swiched to firefox too, and can send my comment as me, throughout windows it's impossible !!
My human made this for me last summer, but with SPAM! Only thing is...it turns out I don't like banana. :(
Does your human know what to use instead of banana?
Sounds delicious, Puglet. I'm so jealous that you get to go on the counters at your house. My parents get so mad at me even if I just try to reach up there and grab stuff. I also don't know if I have the self-control to sit that close to a spoonful of peanut butter without trying to devour it! Love, Sid
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