Like one of those executive bonus thingys? I asked.
Something like that, she said.
I'd already gotten loads of Pirate's Booty and was starting to look a little bit tubey so I knew my bonus wasn't going to be edible. And if I couldn't eat my bonus, I wasn't all that interested. So when my human forgot to give me something, I didn't bother saying anything and forgot all about it too...
Until we woke up this morning and my human said she had a surprise for me. My bonus was coming today... and my bonus is Frank the Pug! Yup. I get to spend the whole weekend playing with Frank. Even Dutch is excited about it and he never gets excited about anything.
We've already been to the beach and have been playing non-stop since we got home. My human made us stop for a few minutes so she could take a picture (that's why we look kinda sad) but for the next 48 hours we're not going to do anything but play, and play, and play. And eat. And maybe nap.