Some of you already knew that. Some of you have bravely sat on a Santas lap to have your picture taken. But not me. I've never really seen a Santa before. Brother Dutch said they invade our neighborhood every year (see photo), but I don't remember last Christmas and this year it rained so no Santas came.

Warning: if you've never had The Santa Talk with your human, do NOT, under any circumstances, ask questions about Santa. If your human tries to talk to YOU about Santa, run and hide under the nearest piece of furniture and don't come out until you're sure no one's going to dress you up like one.
Anyway. I still don't really understand the whole Christmas thing. Or the Santa thing. And even though I know Santa is supposed to bring presents or cookies or whatever, I kinda liked Christmas better when it was all about a tree.
Poor Puglet! I can't believe your human dressed you up like Santa. I think you deserve lots of cookies after enduring such torture.
I had a Santa hat when I was little but I fought Mom when she tried to put it on me. I've never asked about Santa and I never will. I just know that he leaves presents for me under the tree and fills my stocking with treats. He remains a mystery to me and that's just fine in my book.
Stubby xoxo
Oh dear Puglet. Hang tight our friend. Mom still has your address from when you sent Stella Henrietta Rubber Chicken. We're gonna come rescue you STAT! First your mom has strange green bean smells on her jacket. Then she brings a tree in the house you can't pee on. And now this!
Your bud,
Puglet, I too have endured the Santa hat and the reindeer antlers and the Christmas collar with bells. But since I get something to chew for my efforts, I figure it's a fair trade off.
This Santa guy leaves me the same thing every year, a big bone shaped "Merry Christmas Ollie, Love Santa" cookie under the shiny tree (isn't it weird how he knows everybody's name?). My human says since I get whatever I want all year long, Santa takes the rest of my presents and gives them to other dogs who don't have a home or any humans to call their own because they are waiting to be recycled.
I don't mind because my cookie jar is always full.
You are a wise Pug, Stubby.
I did get lots of cookies for pretending to be Santa (baby Goldfish crackers - yumm!) but I still felt like a great big dork in that costume. Then of course my human took a picture for the whole WORLD to see.
My human said The Man (Jack & Vegas' human) was the one who bought me the Santa costume and I think The Man is just the coolest. Figured if The Man was Pro-Santa, Santa must be a good thing.
Now I'm not so sure.
Gunther - please keep a spot open for me at the foodbowl. Any more of this Santa stuff and I'm making a break for it.
hey puglet. you must be verrrry patient cuz my mom tries to dress me up in silly things but i always run away and rub them off by rolling around. i dont mind a pretty dress now and then, or a coat if its cold but i refuse to wear anything on my head or face. she made a wonder woman costume for halloween and i wouldnt wear the crown or the arm bands. you are a much patient-er pug than i. also, my mom squealed when she saw todays picture because it was, in her words, "a pictoral diabetic coma" cuz it was so sweet
Hi Puglet!
I'm so sorry that your human did that to you. My human puts things on my head & I become paralyzed and fall over. I will not get up under any circumstances until my human gives up. I tried calling PETA but they said that does not fall under the category of abuse, however, I do find it unethical. Maybe we should start some sort of group for pugs with horrible things on their head: PAWS--PUGS AGAINST WEARING STUFF(on their head). Seems to me that you should talk to Dutch about getting out of these degrating situations, he's pretty good at it. Anyway I'm here for support.
Your friend , Phoebe
P.S. My human says that the picture is priceless (whatever that means)
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