Like one of those executive bonus thingys? I asked.
Something like that, she said.
I'd already gotten loads of Pirate's Booty and was starting to look a little bit tubey so I knew my bonus wasn't going to be edible. And if I couldn't eat my bonus, I wasn't all that interested. So when my human forgot to give me something, I didn't bother saying anything and forgot all about it too...
Until we woke up this morning and my human said she had a surprise for me. My bonus was coming today... and my bonus is Frank the Pug! Yup. I get to spend the whole weekend playing with Frank. Even Dutch is excited about it and he never gets excited about anything.
We've already been to the beach and have been playing non-stop since we got home. My human made us stop for a few minutes so she could take a picture (that's why we look kinda sad) but for the next 48 hours we're not going to do anything but play, and play, and play. And eat. And maybe nap.
Pug - have a super fun weekend w/Frank! Don't forget to include Dutch in on your pug adventures. We hope you are feeling better from your over indulgence of wood chips :)
Ann & Frodo
Hi Puglet! Having Frank stay with you is totally better than an executive bonus thingy. You guys are going to have a pawsome time this weekend. Try to stay out of trouble and promise me you'll take a few naps.
Stubby xoxo
I can't even handle all the cuteness going on in the picture! I want to give you both a big kiss! :)
What an awesome bonus! you guys going to Pug Sunday? maybe I'll see you there, and get to meet Frank.
You & Frank look like twins! Have a superfun weekend with Frank. What a great weekend for pugs...pug sleepovers for Puglet, Frank & Dutch & our pals Bella & Spencer are going to a ball & it looks like a PugSun without rain! Our human said the car is fixed but now she's broke(maybe she needs to go to the vet), anyway we're going to Pug Sun & we can't wait! We hope to see you & all of our dog(pug & pug-at-heart)friends there.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
What a handsome pair of pugs! I bet you two are going to have so much fun this weekend. Enjoy and try not to tag team Dutch.
awww so sweet you guys are! Love Aine
I WISH I was there playing with you guys. I tried to get Arnie to play yesterday, but he wanted to snuggle with mom. I even dragged him off the couch by his neck, then did my "ninja-spin-bite-retreat-twirl" move, but he STILL wouldn't take the bait. I could play allllll day.
Love your picture.
Gracie the agility pug
This is kinda like a Double Mint Gum commercial but tons better. I have a math problem for you and Frank: If 2 hyper and super cute pugs named Frank and Puglet left their home at 9:17 a.m. on Saturday morning to catch the 9:38 a.m. muni bus to the beach but made one stop to pick up 2 bags of Pirate's Booty and one rubber chicken, then spent 3.5 fun filled hours in the sun, how much trouble can they get into? Tell your SuperHuman human to take videos so we can be a part of your double trouble weekend, ok? We love watching them. Enjoy!! Love, Tink
Wow, I'm seeing pug doubles! You two are super cute together. I hope you guys have a spectacular weekend. Spencer and I are going to a pug rescue event. We will let everyone there know about FP for sures. Tell Frank I said hi!!
Wow Puglet,
Your very own protege'. Have a fantastic weekend, and teach him a few tricks while you're at it! Like maybe to fetch you a treat or a rubber chicken!
I swear pug dogs know exactly how to pose and exactly how to look cute. They do it on purpose just to drive us crazy with their cuteness!
Duh. I totally should have worked the cuteness angle and convinced my human to let ALL of you stay at our house for the weekend!
It'd be like a 3 day PugSunday. How fun would THAT be??
Maybe there's till time. Maybe if me and Frank gang up on my human, she'll, like, melt or something.
You'll be hearing from me soon if she does.......
Great idea, Pug! It would be like the pug version of Woodstock...Pugstock: 3 days of pugs(and pugs-at heart), love & music? Maybe Pugapalooza. We'll waiting for the signal & we'll bring the Booty.
Zoey & Phoebe
You are going to have so much fun this weekend!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Two pugs are better than one!
Have a great weekend!
Twins! Double the insane cuteness . . . (sigh)
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