But I'll tell you all about that and post some pictures of the Pug Saturday gang tomorrow. Because today's post is all about Dutch, the coolest non-pug brother a pug could ever have. I had no idea he was so upset about Green Pug and my 15 seconds of fame. I mean, we all know how much he hates cameras, right??
Well, check out this interview we did this morning for NBC. Most of it is just the Green Pug video (my gimpy brained, TV-shy human is VERY happy about that!) but stick around til the end to see Dutch demand his time in the spotlight.

Wow, Puglet! That's pretty awesome that you gots interviewed on the Today show! Too bad that lady couldn't get your name right!
Way to go!!!! You all are so great and we loved that interview...even if Dutch got his nose (and entire body) in the way haha! We are excited for the next big video too.
Well, that was kinda my human's doing. I usually just go by 'Pug' or 'The Pug' because I think I'm kinda big to be a '-let'. When the lady asked my name, my human just went with Pug.
The NBC people are awesome. They edited out all the stuff my human said that didn't make any sense - and replaced it with pictures of ME!
Hi Puglet! I can't believe that Dutch just jumped in front of the camera. So much for being camera shy.
The interviewer called you an Internet sensation. That's so cool! People are really responding to the video and before long you will be an internationally known pug!
Stubby xoxo
Wow, I can't believe you're so famous. That is so awesome. Especially since you always make sure and talk about recycled dogs. Being a recycled dog myself, I appreciate that. Glad I can say, "I knew ya when..."
Arnie the agility pug
Phew - I'm soooo glad the part about recycled dogs came across. Gimpy brain isn't a fast thinker and talking is soooooo much harder than writing. Half of what she wants to say never gets out - and if it does, it doesn't always come out right :(
Looks like Gimpy brain did great! Puglet, next time you are on TV, you gotta sit still!
Thanks so much for sharing that video - we're really excited for you.
And the sequel!
Yeah, I know. But I knew when Dutch came in the room that the chewy bone my human tried to distract him with had been left unattended. I mean, I HAD to go get it. Right?
Wow it was great to see you guys doing such a wonderful interview. You all looked tops and really hit all the right topics, even getting in the info about recycled dogs!
And I totally understand you're going to get the chewy bone that Dutch left unattended, what's a pug to do?!
Puglet, you and your mom did great on the NBC interview! And Dutch just wanted a little bit of the attention -- can't blame him since he was in the video, too! Nice job by all involved!!
Hi Puglet,
I'm so glad Dutch got his moment in the sun. I love the way he was lurking around behind the couch, waiting for the right moment to steal the spotlight. You're right,he is the best non pug bro. I also liked how you played it cool and left the room, like it was no big deal to be on national tv.
How cool is it that you and your mom got interviewed on the Today Show!! Glad to see that Dutch got some airtime too :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Three cheers for Puglet, Dutch and Amanda!! You guys looked fantastic and the interview went really well. You guys did so great getting your messages across. All the hard work you've done is really going to make a difference.
Sorry you got sick on wood chips Puglet : (
Hello Lady Amanda!!!! You did a fabulous job!!! Your interview was great! You did great! Dutch and Puglet were so cute and funny running around in the back! We are so proud of you guys!!! Way to represent us puggas!
Pee-S... Anakin says you are a pretty lady (hee hee)
xoxoxo, Josie, Izzy and Anakin
LOL, ohmygosh, the last 10 seconds are my favorite! :) I loved the green video when I saw it, and I'm so glad the Puglet family got to be on the Today Show! :)
Oooohhh my goodness!!! We are so excited for you guys! How awesome...what a fantastic interview. Dutch is priceless when he jumped on your human! You guys are so talented and the world is taking notice.
Wow! The Puglet Posse is famous! Woo hoo! My hero(es)!
Hi everybody- this is Dutch again. I don't really know what came over me. My human gave me a chewy and told me to stay in the other room - but when I heard the news lady asking Q's about Green Pug, I thought MAYBE if she saw me, people would remember I was in the video too.
Of course Pug was on my chewy like white on rice, but I think the news lady saw me. Right?
We are so happy that the world is finally taking notice of all the wonderful work you are doing. Congratulations to all of you. It seems to us that all of you (Puglet, Dutch & you too, Amanda)have a fan following. You are proof that anyone willing to put in the effort & put their mind (gimpy or not)to it, can make a huge difference. Thanks for the inspiration.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Yay Pug, Dutch and Amanda! It was a great interview and I think you really did well :D
Loved the Easy Being Green video! I have 2 pugs that I absolutely love and I'll show your video to them so they can GET GREEN too! You're a beautiful Pug!
What a great job you are doing getting the word out! Recycle!
Hi Puglet. I LOVE your videos, but my mom is starting to wonder why I can't learn to do all of the things you can do. I figure, why bother? I'm already the mascot here at KINK.FM in Portland, and all I do is wander around the station looking cute! I get to go along with the lesser talent to deliver food to winning offices and am looking forward to my upcoming billboard campaign to promote the station. I figure I'm just lucky my human isn't as smart as yours or she would have figured that I could probably learn how to do things besides beg for food and attention. If you tire of Jenny (probably not possible-she's ADORABLE), check me out at the radio station's website-www.kink.fm or on Facebook :)
We can't wait for Jenny the pug & you to make a video together!!!!
Congrats on getting on the news!!! I'm so happy for you, the interview was wonderful!!! I'm so surprised at Dutch & the way he just wiggled his way on to TV!!!
Ann & Frodo
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! My human actually laughed when one of her friends sent HER your video....... They thought we would get a kick out of the "Green Pug Video" We actually got so say that we kinda knew you and can't wait to actually meet you someday!!!!!
Keep up the AMAZING work,
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs
Puglet I am SO glad you and your HUMAN got SO MUCH PUBLICITY! *pats you both on the back* I think you should do a GO GREEN Tour. You guys can stay at my house and you and me can share my create! Okay Dutch can come too. I have two friends Lewis and Clark who are also dog-mations too.
Much Love Aine.
That was the coolest video ever! Pug on Today!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!
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