"Green Pug" was all over the internet for Earth Day, in places I never thought a pug would be (like The Huffington Post and Daily Beast). I got to share the internet spotlight with Obama and some dude named Picasso and almost 50,000 people have watched me prove how easy it is to be Green.

But now that the excitement of Green Pug is over, I'm feeling a little... blah. Yesterday I was making a difference. Saving the world. And today? I'm just a pug. One eco-dude described the feeling as an Earth Day Hangover. Google says a hangover is a letdown after a period of excitement so I guess the eco-dude knows his stuff.
On Monday, I'll go back to writing about cowpies and Jenny and all things humans do that confuses me. I'll get back to work on my New Year's revolutions and helping Flat Puglet complete his mission. I don't know if my 15 seconds of fame made a difference in the world or not. But my human always says it's always better to do something than nothing at all.
See you Monday!
PS> my human's making a totally embarrassing blooper video of Green Pug. Stay tuned...
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you rock PUGLET. You are more than 15 minutes of fAMe - you are FAMOUS. Just like ODie the TALKING PUG (RIP).
I know i cant wait till we see the bloopers.
Btw Mummy thought I could do what you did - and I SHOWED HER. I didnt listen or nuttin. I mean. She didnt have the nice TREATS? What is UP with that. So I need to see the bloopers to show her! Btw Mummy is being lax in mailing out your flatty self but she WILL! *hugs* Aine
Puglet, I think you made a fantastic difference with your 15 seconds or so of fame! If you've changed one person, just one out of those 50,000 ... then you've made a change in the world. Because that one person will pass it on to one person, and that person to another and so on. Puglet, you, and your inspiration Stubby, rock!!
We are so proud of you & consider it a priviledge that you're a fellow pug. So take it easy you can't save the world all by yourself. Relax & relish in the knowledge that you have changed the world forever in a positive way. We hope that you have a great weekend, all of you; you, Dutch & your wonderful human.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
P.S. We have to tell Dutch what a great job he did on the video; holding the green bag. Your skills are rubbing off.
Zoey & Phoebe,
I saw on Fp that you live in Union City. And you might go to Niles. I live in Niles Canyon. Did you know the pet place in Niles is closing on Sunday. Everything is on sale. Mom went yesterday and got us lots of stuff.
Hi Miley,
Thanks for the info about the pet place in Niles, we are very sad to see it go. We took FP to Niles & through Niles Canyon on the train. It should be coming up pretty soon but we know there are a lot of other FP adventures ahead of us. It's nice to know there are Puglet fans so close. Great to meet you.
Zoey & Phoebe
Poor Eco-Hungover Puglet! Have some tomato juice and an ice pack and know that your hard work will continue to make a difference! Just today, mom bought more of those screwy twirly light bulbs!!!
We talked to Pearl today and found out that Flat Puglet is coming to our house!! We have some cool surprises in store for your flattie!!!
Hi Puglet! Great work yesterday! I've got an eco-hangover too from all the excitement. I totally think you made a huge difference yesterday and that people are greener because of you. Can't wait to see the blooper video!
Stubby xoxo
Sorta like post-partum depression huh? I think the Green Pug video will continue to inspire and educate people for a very long time. And 50,000 views is nothing to sneeze at!
Hey man- I am so excited for you. How cool is it that you were all over the news? You'll always be a superstar to us!
No worries Puglet! I know that you made a diffrence to this pug! In two diffrent ways. One, I really want to start helping the environment and being green! You made it look so easy! Two, you totally inspired me to learn more tricks! You are some kind of pug genius with all those tricks! Dude, You are an inspiration! Everything will start looking up soon. And if you get down in the dumps again, just remember...you made a diffrence to this pug! Love, Arlo.
Puglet, You are an AMAZING pug! And you have a pretty amazing human too! You guys ROCK!
As one of the 250 workers/owners of Rainbow Grocery, I just wanted to thank you for the "shout out" during the paper/plastic segment. I'd love to have Puglet do some more advertising for us, of course, after they've had a well deserved rest & plenty of healthy choice snacks. Its the thought that counts, appreciate the gesture to "Go Green", actions speak volumes over words any day. Me heart Puglet & the Planet!
Puglet, you rock! I've linked your blog to mine. I posted the link to your video so everybody will be aware how seriously in peril the Earth is. And every little thing we do GREEN helps.
You're totally right, dw - if Green Pug can help just one person be greener, it was worth it. And it sounds like Salinger's house has some new CFL bulbs so... mission accomplished!!!
Hi Seanetta ~
Good eyes! We usually use a tote, so my human made a special trip into Rainbow to get one of your paper bags. I thought she was crazy. No one will notice, I told her.
Then she said Rainbow is where my carrots and Pirate's Booty comes from. That's all I needed to hear. We <3 Rainbow!
Hiya Specialist ~
Thanks for helping Green Pug spread the word. Every little bit of green-ery helps!
Puglet - thanks for letting us share your video on our blog. You were very popular. Far more views than comments. I am sure it is because they all came to visit your blog.
If you can help me with one promotion, have people come back to visit me, there is a raffle going on for a wonderful cause, and the prizes are DOG friendly! (some for cats too)
How exciting! I would love to see your interview on NBC. The website only shows the text. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Hope you got the puglet pics from chicago I sent.
Kick back and give yourself and your Mom some well deserved props. It's no wonder you feel hungover, you've been a one pug eco machine.
If you're getting internet space after two super famous dudes, then it can only mean one thing: you are now a VIP (Very Important Pug).
What's next? A feature film, a memoir, maybe Broadway (Puglet, The Musical).
No need to feel blah, the skies the limit for you!
Puglet, you're awesome! If you're feeling blah, maybe your human would make you some pug cookies. Check it out:
loved the video, can't wait to see the bloopers
I loved your green pug video, Puglet! You deserve a nap and a treat for all that hard work. :)
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