Personally, the only thing I care about when it comes to food is whether or not I can eat it. But my human got waaay into checking out labels for scary ingredients and stuff. I stuck around during the experiment, just in case she needed to "dispose" of anything. While I was waiting, I decided to conduct my own kitchen survey: foods I will eat vs. foods I will not.
Below is a list of 10 totally random foods I found in our kitchen. I will happily eat 8 of the 10 items on the list. The other two will NEVER get past these lips!!! Can you guess which ones I refuse to eat? One correct guesser will win a prize sooo secret, I don't even know what it is yet. I promise it will be cool though, so start guessing!1. Marmite
2. Crab-with-a-K ("Krab" imitation crab meat)
3. Double salt licorice
4. Kiwi fruit
5. Jicama
6. Broccoli
7. Asparagus
8. Navel Orange
9. Rice Chex
10. Carrots
Enter your guess before midnight on Thursday. One lucky winner - picked at random from correct guesses - will be announced on Friday's blog.
I'm guessing Krab and jicama. I wont touch lettuce, but I'll lick off the dressing! Anything else is a go!
Lafayette Lola
My guess.....broccoli and asparagus. Perhaps it's a texture thing, since I eat almost everything put in front of me or that drops near me.
Petey the Pug
Aine here - I am guessing Marimite and double salt licorice! Thems are discusting. No puggy would eat THEMS!
Does it have anything to do with the highlighted foods?
I would NEVER eat marmite. I've heard about that stuff! The other one has to be double salt licorice. Just guessing....
Is it the Marmite and Jicama??
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hmmm...as gross as I think Marmite is, I'm pretty sure a pug would eat it. My guess for things Puglet wouldn't eat are the double-salted licorice and the kiwi. Not sure why you wouldn't eat kiwi, but that is my guess!
hi puglet!
oh what a fun contest! we think you won't eat #1 and #3.
m & e
1 and 7
OK, I'm not going to comment on your guesses because I don't want to, y'know, skew anything. So keep 'em coming!
Oh - and the highlighted foods are just links in case anyone only eats normal stuff and isn't sure what Marmite, Jicama and double salt licorice is ;)
Hmmm.....I know I would eat everything on that list and not even question it. My guess is kiwi and jicama. Mmm...now I'm hungry!
I's guessing kiwi and.... crab with a "K". Probably wrong about that one but Mom is making me guess it because she hates crab with a "K" - even more than she hates licorice!
Hi Puglet,
I'm going to go with my least favourite items on your list: broccoli and asparagus. Both look too green and taste too green.
Marmite is getting the paws down from everybody. I've never had the stuff but your friend Google says the main ingredients are yeast extract and salt, so I say yum! I also like the gooey browness of it. But then again what do I know, I eat poo.
P.S. I stopped by Stubby's site to read his post. He's one thoughtful dude. My only thought about food is how to get it to my mouth.
Hi Puglet,
I'm going to go with Marmite and the licorice. I would pick the krab, but I'm partial to it not for it's taste, but because of what I hear Dad say to Mom. He likes to call her Krabby Kathy, and please spell krabby with a K. Mom says she doesn't care cuz she embraces her krabiness.
We'll guess #4 & #10.
Naval oranges and kiwi...we hope its not these but that is what we are guessing. Tuni hates fruits and veggies, so we will say its her guess!
Jenn Sequoia and Tuni!
We're guessing Marmite and kiwi!
Although we think we'd eat 9 out of the 10 things on that list ...
You have to see this picture of the pug loaf. I totally thought of you saying you were getting tubey when I saw this. Don't show it to you human. :-(
Phoebe in Oregon
Link below
Kizzy and I did a taste test of some of the things on your list and we think you might not eat asparagus and broccoli. By the way, Kizzy ate everything, she's such a pug...I mean pig and I wouldn't eat any of it, so we just had to guess.
Phoebe in Oregon
What a fun contest! We like almost the whole list. We've never had Krab or even crab so that a bit tricky. But we think that asparagus & kiwi fruit are the two foods you would turn down.
We hope that you will be able to squeeze in an emergency play date before the next storm comes. We were hoping that we would be able to but the car died today so now we are limited to places within walking distance. We're pretty sure Spencer & Bella are at the ready for some play time
Zoey & Phoebe
What a fun contest! Our guess is asparagus & kiwi fruit. We think there isn't too much on the list we wouldn't eat...we love fruits & vegetables.
We've been feeling kinda down to hear how sad & lonely you've been feeling. We hope that you will be able to meet up with Spencer & Bella before the next storm comes in. They are so much fun & might be just the thing you need to cheer you up. We would love to go play but the car is broken...permanently so we're limited to walking distance destinations. We keep good thoughts & send you good pug vibes.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Sorry about the double comments we think the computer is ready to quit too.
Oh. My. Dog.
Did everyone see the pug loaf???
If I ever get THAT tubey, uh, someone please pop me.
Oh no Z&P. Dead cars are no fun. Is there another storm on the way??? Really?? UGH!
Mom & Grandma are debating on this one but I am going to guess the Krab & the orange.
Duh. I totally should have asked what items on the list you all wouldn't let past your lips!
Thanks to everyone who volunteered the info :)
I'm trying really hard not to give away any clues about the right answer!!!
Stinky Pete and Ben say No, no, no to Double salt licorice and jicama...
Ok, I can't stand it. Here is a totally non-hinty comment:
Dutch will eat the 2 foods I won't.
Oh gosh that hint doesn't help me at all!
I'm going with the fruits, Kiwi and the orange...surely you're not into the juicy stuff?
I'm going to guess the Orange and Broccoli, mostly because I would never eat those things. Also, I have never heard of double salt licorice, they look like metal buttons.
Frodo will guess asparagus & orange because he doesn't like these.
1 and 8
My brother Bernard will eat ANYTHING (including trash….yuck) and my brother Walter is like the pickiest eater ever so after consulting them I was no further in my quest for the right answer (I have an issue with begin right, but mom says we are working on it). I eat most things but I need to have a very good long sniff and hide first. Do you sniff and hide things Puglet? So this is me going out on a limb and just guessing……Kiwi and Crab (with a K). –Baxter P.S. I LOVE today’s video…..mom yells at us about this green stuff too…..thought it was just her talkin’ crazy! But since you think so too it must be important because you are a celebrity. Keep spreading the good word of greenness!
Ok, we had a little pug meeting here at our house and we decided that Double Salt Licorice and Jicama....
Buford T. Justice and the Pack O' Pugs
ummm, since I like all things veggie and fruit, I'm going to guess Licorice and Rice chex. can't wait to find out the real answer.
Marmite and Double Salt Licorice!
Double salt licorice and Crab spelled with a K!
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