It didn't rain on Saturday though, so our weekly cow hike didn't get canceled. I know cows aren't as cute as pugs (I mean, what is??) but the baby cows make my human AWwww. So here's some semi-ridiculous cuteness from Cow Saturday.
PS: The project will be over in a few days & then it won't be top secret anymore. You all will be the first to see it!
Puglet always equals ridiculous cuteness to me! Who doesn't love his face?!? I bet Jenny prints them up and puts them around the house like her own version of "Teen Beat" magazine. Wait a minute....a Puglet magazine...now that puts a smile on my face. The centerfold would make me blush...
Hey Bella-T!
Good to see you're back online :)
Y'know, I haven't heard from Jenny in awhile. Not a peep (or a Tweet). I think she must be over me. Or maybe is just not that into me. I dunno. I thought I knew what love was. But maybe I was wrong?
Puglet, I've totally missed you...mom had a new family member born and she was in your neck of the woods for days! I was offended, but she made it up with that bully stick. I know Jenny still loves ya, how could she not? If for some reason she's moved on (gasp) Spencer and I will make it a threesome! You can join us Ebay pugs in all sorts of trouble making schemes.
Oh I am sooo anxious to see your new super secret idea. Maybe you need a super secret spy costume?
Don't worry Pug, Jenny is still into you. Unless she lost her senses. Even if she did there are plenty of girls that would happily take her place. You're still young & learning about love. You are very wise for spending so little time in the world. We have found that one of the hardest things about love, if not the hardest, is patience. It's like waiting for the rain to go away:no matter what you do it will go away when it's ready. But after all the waiting you can go out to play & it was worth the wait.
Speaking of rain we are so tired of rain ruining our PugSun. We're ready to make our own emergency PugSun as soon as the sun comes out.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Hi Puglet! I can't wait to hear all about your top secret project *wink, wink*. Those cows are cute but not as cute as you. They can't even model!
Stubby xoxo
Puglet... we can't wait to see your secret project... the suspense is driving me crazy... or maybe it's this rain! So bummed... 2 PugSuns rained out!... The only thing that's keepin' it real for me is my friend Bellatrix and our play dates... hopefully you and Dutch will come play with us someday... Rain, Rain, Go Away... Come again NEXT YEAR!
Maybe Jenny is working on a top secret project too... maybe a surprise for you?! Only time will tell... you know, if it's meant to be. Meanwhile, the cows looked like they knew you - like they are your friends... how cool is that to have cow friends! You're so cool Puglet!
Z&P, you are so sweet. And smart. But if waiting for love is anything like rain, forget it.
I love the Emergency Pug Sunday idea. Sign me up!! And Dutch too.
Hiya Spencer B ~
Can I crash one of your dates? Would that be bad? I mean, would you let me play too? I don't want to be odd pug out or anything.
The cows are totally my buds. But my human didn't show the part where the big black momma cow attacks us.
It was all Dutch's fault. He's afraid of the cows and slinks around the outside of the herd like a complete freak. My human says it makes him look like a predator. The cows definitely do not like it and sometimes I get caught in the middle.
Guess bees, dogs & momma cows can smell fear. We're just glad no one got hurt. We are so ready for a massive play date. Hope the rain will take a break long enough for us to get some playing time in. We're keeping our paws crossed.
Puglet, my man, you totally need to come to play date. Me & Belly have lots of fun and it'd be the icing on the bullystick if you & Brother Dutch came to hang. Or, perhaps BT & I could come to SF and we could have a beach play date?? Maybe Zoey & Phoebe could come too? And all our other friends that live close to us! I'd suggest a play date with your cow & bull friends but they kinda scare me.....as cute as they are and all...they might get mad when they hear about all the bullysticks we all been chewing on...yikes.
I would love to have a play date!! Just remember my mom is only off on Saturday...she has to work on Sunday. I have soooo much energy I would love to play..play..and play some more..ahh!!
Forget semi, those cows are full on cuteness. The grey calf is my fave, all coy and stuff.
Glad you didn't get caught up in a stampede or anything.
Yeah, the grey dude was my favorite. His name is T1. At least that's what his name tag said.
The big black cow standing next to him tried to kill us. I think she's T1's momma.
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