And because you are all THE best friends a pug could ever have, you get to see it before anyone else on the whole entire planet. Like, an entire week earlier because the video is for Earth Day.
I know not everyone is into the whole "Green" thing, but hopefully my video will change your mind. Or at least make you think. Or laugh. Or cry. Or whatever.
I just really hope you like it because this will be the last video we do for awhile. My human's brain needs a break and I probably have AT LEAST a few pounds to lose from all the eco-friendly things I learned to do. Dutch even learned something new AND cooperated for the camera, so keep an eye out for his cameo.
Anyway. Here it is. Enjoy and pass it on :)
I'll be back a little later with some Flattie news!!
The link to it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKoLBSK8SSE
We loved watching your video!!! My human mom is planting veggies in our garden. So we are going green here too. We also recycle our trash .
I am totally going green after watching your video. I never looked very good in green, it's just never been my color. After seeing your video I realize there are many different shades of green and one of them is bound to be flattering. I'll try all the shades and see which ones fit. Thank you, Dutch and your human for caring about the earth enough to make this video. My human is going to post your dailypuglet address on her facebook, so everyone can see how to be green.
Phoebe in Oregon
Awesome video Puglet!
Our city is pretty good at being green, so we do almost everything in your video except I've never been on a bus and it's been about 20 years for my human (total car addict).
It also took her a while to remember to take cloth bags when shopping but since we have to pay for each plastic one we use at the store, it finally sunk in. Hey, that's cookie money going down the drain.
I loved Dutch's cameo. I think he's going to follow in your footsteps and be a fabulous canine actor/model/activist just like you.
It'd be supergreat if everyone was a green as, say, my man Stubby. But until that day comes, I think it's still good if we all just take steps closer and closer to greenery.
Honestly? My human has a hard time remembering bags (we now have TONS of cloth ones), is also addicted to her car and we have Crab-with-a-K in our fridge (don't ask, this isn't typical). But we do recycle and volunteer and we traded in the bug SUV for the little silver mazda in the video.
Green doesn't have to mean perfect. Greenish is better than, uh, brown? Red? Whatever the opposite of green is :)
WOW Puglet! You are so super cool! We are pretty green at our house, too. We also traded in our SUV for a little red Prius. Can't beat 45-50 mpg! We recycle, compost, grow a lot of our own veggies and TONS of strawberries. My mom's not the best about remembering the cloth bags, but we do have them... they're in the car, but she forgets to bring them in the store.
You're a rockstar for making such an awesome video!
Lafayette Lola
You guys did a super job w/that video!!! I would love to see it as a commercial or something to teach everyone how to be green. One thing I did notice - Puglet didn't pay for the bus ride - OOPS! Two "GREEN" thumbs up from us!!
Ann & Frodo
That clinches it, I'm gonna just put it all out there...
Puglet, I love you. You are simply the most handsome ,talented, thoughtful, charasmatic, responsible pug I've ever known.
I think your video is the bomb, I'm having Mom share it with everyone she knows. You deserve a star on Hollywood Blvd!!
I will be thoughtful in all the choices I make regarding the planet. It will be easy, cuz I will always be thinking of you.
Big props to Dutch too for doing his part.
We can't forget a big shout out to Stubby, the most environmentally sound pug on earth, for his part!
Aine here - YOU ROCK PUGLET! I think I need to go to the same training lessons as you - because I cant do the tricks you do!
Thanks, Puglet! We love your video. Our mom's all about being green, and she got very excited after watching it and sent the link to a bunch of people. Thanks for spreading the green word! We should try to be in some videos, then maybe we'd get more treats... yum!
DB and Pix in Bodega Bay
WOW, Puglet that video was amazing. Your a great actor, and advocate for our planet too.
Gen & the Foo
Unbelievable. Seriously. This week I've tried to train my two pugs just to WALK in the general direction of the fish tank when I say "feed the fishes!" and it's been going nowhere. Puglet, you must be one of the smartest pugs around. Kudos to you and Dutch and your human person for putting this together - Bravo! Now, how can we get it nominated for an Oscar in the short-film documentary category??
Just got done emailing the most awesome Earth Day video to every news station & TV show we could think. Puglet you are the Man!
Luv Zoey & Phoebe
Wow Puglet, that is amazing for reals! You are so smart and such a great actor. Brother Dutch did such a great job too. I hope you got some great treats for all that hard work. A pug's work is never done.
Wow Puglet, we are speechless. All I can do is "down" and "dance" and you can be sooo green! Mom is going to forward your video--- right--- now... Pug Hugs, Las Vegas Lola
Oh my goodness Puglet, you are one seriously talented pug! Looks, talent AND you have heart, but we already knew that. :D
I'm happy to say I've been recycling for 16 years now. Living in a dry country like Australia means I'm always conscious about water conservation and for three years I didn't even own a car and rode trains and my bike instead. Now if I could just get better about the plastic bags, I always forget my recycle ones, I'd be pretty happy.
Awesomest video EVER!! My new human has posted it on her Facebook thingy and she's gonna email it to everyone else. She's really into the green thing. She does some kinda environmental testing stuff for work. I see her freak out over stuff like what kinda soap to use and produce to buy. She says that every little bit counts and that it's really hard to do EVERYTHING. People shouldn't get overwhelmed and just do what they can. You've become my pug hero! Thanks!
Just one word to describe the video - AWESOME!
Hi Puglet! I saw your video when Stubby's mom posted it on Facebook. Then Gen and the Foo's mom posted it there also. So I did too, so other peeps could see it! It's going to be all over the place! And it's a totally awesome video!!! You rock!! (oh, and Dutch, too)
LOVE IT! Puglet, that was totally worth the wait. Thanks for letting us see it early. My human is going to be passing this around at work. You are super talented, and Dutch did a great job too.
Thanks for inspiring us!
Whoa Puglet.....you always amaze us man. You're one smart Pug. How do you know how to do all that stuff? Just sent your awesome & informative video to the fabulous morning hosts of KGO. Let's hope we can spread the wise words of Puglet & Stubby! you guys kick major curl.
Puglet I posted this on my website. We love it!
Best Green video I have ever seen. I will figure out how to post it to my Fb page as well. And will tell all my readers to come here and visit you to watch it.
I am going to make all my dogs watch it too!
This past week we had F.P. visit and he made an appearance on our blog.
All we can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brought tears to our human's eyes and that doesn't happen very often.....
Your an AMAZING Pug Puglet, AWESOME VIDEO!!!!
Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Peg-Leg, Per-Li-Mae and Miss Lacy Pug
Hey everypug!
I'm glad you liked my green video. You can kinda understand why my posts have been kind lame now, huh?
I've always been green at heart, but actually BEING green takes a little more work. It's not hard or anything. And you might get cookies :)
Oh - and we updated the video + link to one that is better quality. Same video - but you can see my cuteness better.
bravo! bravo! standing ovation! will post on mr. puggles's blog today and on my facebook. is puglet on facebook? bravo!
Love this video. I'm the admin for the PETCO Facebook page and I just posted it to all our fans.
omg...that is the cutest video ever! brought tears to my eyes because it reminded me of my sweet pug shay. perfect for earth day and everyday. hug your sweet doggie!
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