So last night we stopped at the store with the scale and found out I'm already past my 25lb tubey mark. This probably has to do with all the cookies I ate for the Blue Pug video - but it's not a good sign. My human stops feeding me treats and stuff if the scale says I'm over 25lbs, so at 25.6lbs I'm already kinda hosed. And five days at the house of meat isn't exactly like going to fat camp. I may never get to eat treats again!
We'll see on Tuesday what my stay at The Man's House of Meat has done to my waistline. Anyone want to guess what my "after" weight will be?
omg, Puglet, I love you! I started reading your blog after the Green video and I must say that your human is right: you do have magical powers. You always make me smile!
a fan in DC
Puglet don't look so sad at the thought of no more treats! I'm sure you won't go past 26.5 and then your human will whip you back into shape in no time, and then you'll get treats again!
Muscle weighs more than fat. You may have had a lot of treats for your Blue Pug video but it also looks like you had quite a work out. Though 5 days at the house of meat may translate into some extra pudge that will require extra walking, extra swimming and extra hiking when your human gets back. It's still a win, win situation. I say bring on the meat and bring on the walks.
Oh Puglet...not the timeless battle of the bulge! It seems no pug can escape it's wrath. I think you should get lots of playtime with the labs and maybe the man will take you to the beach, you know help keep you in tip top shape. Plus the labs and Brother Dutch will need someone to keep them in line, that sounds like it can burn some calories. Don't worry Puglet, you've still got your waistline, and you still rank tops on my "growl" list.
My human went away for 4 days and I went on a "since you left me I'll show you: I won't eat anything." I lost 1.4 pounds. Since we are related (your cousin) I guess you will have a better time and gain 1.4 pounds.
Cousin Sophie
It seems to us that the Labs are pretty active. So we don't think that your stay should affect your waistline very much. Unless you're eating Lab portions & not pug portions or you guys just sit around & eat meat all day. However, we don't think that's the case. We have some Lab friends too & they are always on the go. If you gain any weight at all; we don't think you'll gain more than a pound. Good luck.
Zoey & Phoebe
I weigh in at just under 36 lbs, but I'm all beefcake. My puppy doctor said that I'm the biggest puggle he's ever seen. Dad takes me for an hour run every morning and Mom plays fetch with me a few times a day. It's a good thing because I *love* to eat!
LOL. I'm at 30lbs, but because I'm tall and big boned, my Mommy says it doesn't matter. She said that as long as I still have a waist-line and can hike with her, that I don't need a stink'n diet. And I would think that you'd lose weight or maintain your weight, as active as you are. But if "the man" feeds you that many treats, then I'm going to guess that maybe you'll get up to 27?
um, i will guess 28.6. if you are anything like me i can put on a few pounds overnight. have fun!
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