As in "Puglet looks skinny!". As in, Puglet looks like he could use some more food.
Uh huh, you heard me. MORE FOOD.
So when we went to Petsmart yesterday to buy a new snail for Fish, I hopped up on the scale to check the numbers. First the scale said I weigh 24.0 lbs, but then I moved or breathed or something and gained a little weight. That brought me up to 24.2 - still plenty skinny.
Weight loss tip: stay very still when on a scale. Any sudden movement could cause you to gain weight!
It's been awhile since we made a video or did a real photoshoot, so the lack of extra-curricular cookies might explain my skinniness. My human promised we'll be working on something "very cool" and mega doses of cookies will be coming my way soon.
Soon? Uhm, how soon is NOW?