Now that the motivational crisis is over, we can go back to talking about more important things... like me.
So, remember when I asked for advice on a cool new collar for Dutch? And Mathilde in Switzerland suggested a store here in SF called Cheengoo? Well, I've kinda been a little obsessed with the word Cheengoo because it just makes me happy.
Seriously. Try saying Cheengoo without smiling. Go ahead, say it right now. Cheengoo. Pretty impossible, right?
Well, I'd never been to Cheengoo and because my human is the lamest shopper ever, neither had she. So last weekend I dragged her to the store to check out their neckwear selection. Turns out they make supercute leashes and collars, for necks both fat and skinny.
Seriously. Try saying Cheengoo without smiling. Go ahead, say it right now. Cheengoo. Pretty impossible, right?
Well, I'd never been to Cheengoo and because my human is the lamest shopper ever, neither had she. So last weekend I dragged her to the store to check out their neckwear selection. Turns out they make supercute leashes and collars, for necks both fat and skinny.
While we were there, I learned from the store's owner that Cheengoo is the Korean word for friend - which makes it that much cooler.
Speaking of friends, I made a new one when I was supermodeling on Cheengoo's couch. There I was, working it for the camera, when all of a sudden this other pug shows up. His name is Gus and I guess he's extrasupercute because everyone immediately stopped aaawwwing at me and started awwwing at him instead.
Gus seemed like a pretty cool guy so I didn't chase him away. Or attack my human's camera to keep her from taking his picture. I just pretended he wasn't there, and when that didn't work, I just hung out on the couch with him. No biggie.
Yup. You heard me. My inner camera hog did not come out. Maybe I really am at the acceptance stage!?!
Gus seemed like a pretty cool guy so I didn't chase him away. Or attack my human's camera to keep her from taking his picture. I just pretended he wasn't there, and when that didn't work, I just hung out on the couch with him. No biggie.
Yup. You heard me. My inner camera hog did not come out. Maybe I really am at the acceptance stage!?!
Anyway. The only reason we didn't get Dutch a Cheengoo collar is because he goes in the water so much, my human wants to find him some waterproof neckwear. But she said I can totally have my own Cheengoo collar one day. I'm just not sure when.
* * * UPDATE * * *
If you haven't checked out the Virtual Pug (and other dog and cat) Sunday gallery, it's gotten VERY cute. So cute that Gallery #1 reached maximum cuteness capacity (100 cute limit) and we had to add a second gallery to accommodate all the cuteness.
So if you haven't sent in a picture of your cute virtual self, hurry up already!
Email your cute virtual self to: dailypuglet2@dphoto.com
Here are links to both galleries:
GALLERY #1: dailypuglet.dphoto.com
GALLERY #2: dailypuglet2.dphoto.com
If you have no idea what on earth I'm talking about, read this:
Email your cute virtual self to: dailypuglet2@dphoto.com
Here are links to both galleries:
GALLERY #1: dailypuglet.dphoto.com
GALLERY #2: dailypuglet2.dphoto.com
If you have no idea what on earth I'm talking about, read this:
Wow, Pug! That place looks so cool. I checked out their website and I've already picked out some favorites!! I'm sure you'll find something perfect for brother Dutch. Guess you get to keep shopping, right?
I thought I should mention a website thingy called Wagging Green (www.wagginggreen.com). They make neckwear out of bamboo, which is supposed to be green. I know you like green. They also have fun printed ones that when sold help to support good causes. I'm hoping to score one. Maybe for that big human holiday in December? Paws crossed....
Puglet, we are so proud of you transformation! It looks like you are teaching your new buddy gus some great supermodel tips.
But you'll always be our favorite!
Love Gen & Lefty
I too have been on the search for the perfect waterproof collar. Ruffwear has one that has been recalled but I hope it will come back - Headwater collar. Dublin Dog makes great collars (can be a little thick for small dogs, but Dutch would be fine) and I also know of these "hunting" collars from gundogsupply.com - http://www.gundogsupply.com/durasoft-orange.html Lacey has a bright pink one and so far it has been my favourite. It is more flexible than the Dublin Dog one AND it comes with a name plate. Can you tell I've been searching for the perfect collar for a while? :)
Hi Puglet,
You're such a rebel wearing your skull and crossbone harness in such an upscale boutique, and you sure are evolving with helping your human and even training Gus (his gray hair is sexy). They totally put that white couch there for you to model on :)
Molly in PA
Hi Puglet. Don't feel too bad about sharing your human. My human has your "Crouching Puglet" picture on rotation on her desktop. I don't mind sharing with YOU! :)
Pug...you've got to take your mom to Dog Bone Alley in Alameda (mom takes me to the one in Danville). They sell waterproof collars and the lady that owns it is super awesome!! She always gives me chicken treats because she knows too much beef upsets my tummy.
Also, she can maybe give out your Frolic cards! You'll thank me Pug, that store it awesome.
Puglet, you are the best Cheengoo. We love your adventures and we are jello us of you because we can not leave our house. Until we discovered The Daily Puglet, we had no idea the world was bigger than three litter boxes. Wow. Was Gus checking out a new Puglet line of dog cologne in the sniff pic? If so, is it available at Cheengoo and would cats like it too?
Puglet, I love that both you and Gus have grey hair on your chin... my mom always tells me I need to die my grey hair with "Just for Pugs", whatever that is....
you are getting way better at sharing the camera puglet
Hi Puglet,
I didn't get to post yesterday but if you are willing to give your human one more suggestion, here it is:
In Ottawa we have a lot of fundrasing events for different doggie rescues and humane societies. Usually there is a doggie photographer there and they will either give away or sell photos of peoples' dogs. Your human can offer to go to these events and take photos (maybe have people line up for them with their dogs) and then post them on the website. People can then buy the shots off the website for a nominal fee, and the money (minus your human's costs for printing, mailing, etc.) could be donated to the charity. It is win-win since the charity gets some money, and your human gets some advertising! You could always be her puggy mascot to show other dogs how to get it done!
Paws on the Run -
The hunting dog collars are perfect for Dutch. Do hunters wear bright pink? It doesn't seem very... macho. Am trying to steer Dutch away from any more pink. I think the tennis ball green one would be very cool.
Scoutie ~
Your person has Crouching Puglet on her computer? Awesome! Thanks for sharing her with me :)
Heya Gen & Lefty -
I am getting better, aren't I? Gus is a pretty cute guy - glad I'm still your favorite :)
Ooooh Noodle ~
I think you need a bamboo collar. Something about Noodle makes me think of bamboo. I don't know why though. I can't wait til that December holiday comes!
"We had no idea the world was bigger than three litter boxes"
Awww. CCs. I'm so glad you get to see the world through my puggy eyes. I'd like to explore a litter box someday, maybe you can hook me up with a tour??
Hey Bella-T!
I think we need to go on a shopping expedition. Your mom needs to teach my human how to shop. And pimp.
Now I can give my human ideas for my birthday which is this Saturday! Thanks Puglet! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! Great to hear from you. I was super excited to show my human that we are virtual friends!
You and Gus look like you could be good buddies. You could be his mentor, or something. He looks like he's looking up to you in those pictures (figuratively and physically). Gus is so cute!
Gus is a very special pug, in case ya didn't know. He is a phi beta yappa from a big 10 school!
Hey Puglet! Hunters who are secure in their masculinity can pull of pink. That and it helps hefty little girls look like girls. :) But tennis ball green would look great with Dutch's black and white fur.
Happy Birthday now-slim-pudgy-pug! Cheengoo has some ridiculously cute stuff. I can't wait to get my own collar from them.
Cathy ~
I knew there was something special about Gus. My inner camera hog usually tells me to chase dogs away from the camera, but I was cool with Gus being in my pictures. Even if he does make me look like a giant.
'Hunters who are secure in their masculinity can pull off pink'
Hee hee.
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