Draw the Dog is kinda like Daily Puglet. They post a new funny picture every day (except they work Saturdays and I don't). But it's also waaay cooler because the pictures they post aren't from a camera; they're made by hand with the special powers.
The drawings are based on pictures/stories people send in, and my human is very excited to send one of her camera picture (of ME) to someone who's got the powers. But we have NO IDEA what picture to send. I mean, there are kind of a few to pick from. I know a lot of people have a favorite Daily Puglet.
Any suggestions??
I'm not special -- you can send your own pictures/stories to Draw the Dog too! I think it'd be really funny if they got flooded by pugs :)
* * * Part Update * * *
Thanks to you, I now have a whole BUNCH of eating to do.
Woo. Hoo!
In case you're looking for a new snack, here's the new & improved official Daily Puglet part List:
- beef cheeks
- beef knees
- lam lungs
- lamb legs
- duck
- anything/everything from a butcher
- canned tripe
- smoked pig bones
- antlers
- turkey gullets
- chicken feet!
My mom says that the ones of you posing in your clothes and being a model are really cute and her favorite! she also likes the ones with frank because she says that we fight for attention like you and frank do!
but if you could FF a video, she loves when you go into the treat store and come out with a bag of treats in your mouth for Jenny! BTW what every happened to Jenny??
<3 Mocha & Latte
PS were single!
Squid and Lola say-Our Mom paints the "dog" every day. We're not super models like you Puglet. We're artist's dogs and we work in her studio. Kind of boring compared to your exotic location posing. check out what she does www.mylettewelch.com (we're in some of the paintings)
We love the site Puglet! We of course looked at the pug drawings and thought the pug alarm is just like our girls! One is always up at the crack of dawn.
We can't wait to see what you submitt and what you will look like!
Sequoia and Tuni
Hi Puglet,
My human was looking through all of your archived posts and we think that the post from 14December09 (BRRRRrrrr), where you are sporting the super snout slimming winter hat, would be a good pic :)
Molly in PA
I try to visit Draw the Dog everyday, he is very talented. I would like to see one of the pics of you being in trouble or you & Dutch getting very dirty while swimming in that green gook being submitted.
Ann & Frodo
Our fav is post #1. You look very handsome and gangsta in you Mr. P getup!
Lafayette Lola
I like the pictures of you and Dutch camping. I have only been camping once and it was pretty cool.
I like the one on THIS post. It shows your vivacious personality.
Love Noodles
Mocha & Latte ~
Uh, do I haaave to share my cartoon with Frank? Pictures are bad enough. I'm not sure what happened to Jenny. She probably has a gazillion in-state boys drooling all over her.
I'd love to fall in love again, but no more dating out of state. How far are you from me?
Oooh Squid and Lola ~
Your human totally has special powers! My human says painting is ever harder than drawing (for her, anyway). And that totally reminds me - we went to a place called Flax art like AGES ago so I could learn how to paint. I got non-toxic paint, brushes and everything!
Wow. Good ideas!
I forgot all about Mr P. And the green gunk. And I've got to wear the Brrr hat more if it's slimming - then maybe my human would give me more food.
Dutch was traumatized by the camping and says he will "never forget what it's like to be wild". Uhm. OK.
Maybe I'll just send the Draw The Dog dudes my whole entire site and let them pick?
Hiya Noodles -
I had to look up vivacious because I got it confused with "vicious" and I even though I hog things, I'm not *that* mean.
Thanks for the compliment :)
Are you ever going to paint for us Puglet?
Asking me to pick my favorite picture of you, is like asking me to pick my favorite treat...IMPOSSIBLE!! You are most famous for your Jimmy, so that might be an option. Oh, but then there is you on the beach, all full of sand..and I like that one too. See impossible, not going to happen.
Um...are you going to get one done of Dutch? You know..just asking.
we live in Chicago. mom says thats very very far away from you- even farther than Jenny :( we've never even been to California!
I (Mocha) went all the way to New York one time with these horrible people who were going to auction me off but mom says thats no where near cali. Im a recycled dog too! this is where i came from
www.poshpuppiesrescue.org this lady is in missouri so shes right in the middle of all the puppy mills and she goes and scoops up all the unwanted mommies and daddies and unsold puppies (like me)
but anyways we have celebrity crushes on you just like you had on jenny!
<3 Mocha (Lattes here too)
My personal favorite is the Superpug photo from "FF Thursday?" (6/24/10), but any picture of you would be perfect!!
Hiya Noodle ~
Oh yeah, Superpug! I like that one too. And it just makes me feel... cool.
Holy cowpies Mocha, my cousin Sophie was recycled from a puppy factory in Missouri too! Maybe you knew each other? Or maybe she's your MOM!
Mommie and I also like this picture from ur post...very cute and a great action shot!
Puglet, you look like you're ready to break into the cabbage patch in your picture!
puglet, I take it back. my favorite absolute favorite picture of you is when you were dressed up like a banana for halloween. i know i know, you hated that outfit but you looked so super cute in it. Infact Mocha and Latte have both grown out of their halloween costumes... maybe one of them will be a banana this year! OH and Mocha said that would be SOOOOO COOL if your cousin sophie was her mom!
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