{Hint. Hint.}
Now, I know there are lots of non-pug dogs here, and even some cats and just plain humans. But that doesn't mean you can't celebrate this genius holiday. Somewhere out there is a lonely pug in a need of a hug. Or at least a pug who wouldn't mind getting hugged one or two or a hundred more times.
Because pugs love love and hugs are kinda sorta like love.
So if you have a pug at home, remember to spend a few minutes hugging him/her on this pug holy day. If you don't have a pug at home, hug whoever you have. If you don't have anyone at home to hug... uhm... you can come hug me!
Hiya Puglet,
What a great Holiday!
Sending you ~~~BIG PUG HUGS~~~ all the way from the East Coast.
I sure hope your Human knows about this special day, I'm sure you sure could use a hug from her by now!
Molly in PA
Hi Puglet!
Consider yourself hugged from three thousand miles away by two fabulous felines.
Our ditzy human read your email and ran to each of us and gave us big hugs. Now we kitties are not always the most huggable of creatures, but we let her have the ones today in your honor.
Hopefully you will be umm "out of the doghouse" soon and your human will give you some hugs.
Have a Great Pug Holiday!!!
Miss Gunnie and Gabbie (The Gabbinator)
The Fabulous Felines in Maryland
P.S. - We don't like those darn poodles either!
Hugs from New York!!!
My little apartment and long work hours mean I can't give a pug a good home...yet. So, I will have to find a pug to hug. Then again, I always give pugs hugs when their humans let me.
I don't have a pug, but I do have a wonderful mutt named Mariah that I cuddle with every morning - lots of hugs, petting, and belly scratches, perfect way to start the day for both of us! Now if I could just find a solution to that wicked shedding problem...
Hmmmmm. I must inform my human of this national holiday... I have not received my daily dose of hugs yet. Tonight they better make it up to me by leaving their works early. I am unsure why humans even have to work on such an important day. You would think it would be a day off for everyone and everypug.
Big Pug Hug from me and my human. Awesome holiday!
My human gave me BIG hug today. She does this every day but today - on this special day- the hug was huuuuge. And we give you a virtuell BIG hug from Switzerlan to SF.
All the best from Mathilde
Hmm...how come I thought that meant that as a pug I then have to go hug another pug? I'm totally down with giving hugs and getting hugs. If I was with you right now, I'd totally hug you (and Brother Dutch). So I'm going to have to get a rain check. I know my mom loves to hug you Pug, and you're mom gives good hug too.
Oh I really love this day!! Fantasical idea. I might just hug myself I am so excited!!
I hug pugs all the time. People must think I'm crazy when I always ask "can I pet/hug your pug it'll make my day" I've tried to hug you at Pug Sunday but you are always posing, eating treats or running around. I just throw Henrietta for Dutch instead. Hug A Pug should be every day!
Hi Puglet,
Here is your big pug hug and a sloppy wet pug kiss from your pug friend Ellie. I'll even plant a wet one on Dutch!
PS - Mom hugs & kisses us every day and dad lets us lick his face til his glasses fall off.
We are truly lucky loved pugs.
Ellie, Emmitt and Eli from San Antonio
Hola Chicos
Big Hug and Bechos
Spongy & Licky
How the heck did you get on that log??
and still manage to look off in the distance serenely?
Big pug hugs to you and yours from my humans and me!!!
Good to know. Been hugging my sweet little Kiki all day but she's pretty stingy with the hugs and kisses herself :( But all is right in her Queendom!
Lincoln and I got hugs today. Then Lincoln scratched Mommy in the neck. It was this whole thing...anyway...she still loves us.
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
Double Hugs & a couple of kisses too from...
Zoey & Phoebe
P.S. We're sure your human has forgiven you, she just wants to make sure this is a lesson you'll never forget.
Wow, had no idea its was a high holy pug day! Had I known, I would have made sure it was a Holiday at work...Love my pugs, we have hug-a-pug fests many times a day...they are the greatest!
Pearl and Tessa's human...
Aww, gee, consider yourself hugged, Puglet!! (((Puglet))) :)
I don't have a pug to hug, so I'm sending you virtual hugs Puglet! *hugs*
Consider your self hugged by a awesome black pug in Palo Alto!
Hugs for all,
Lulu The Black Pug!
Oh we're gonna need a lot of hugs today ever since Baby may lose an eye due to trauma to cornea. **Heaves heavy sigh** Happy Pug Hugs to All!
Hugs to you and your reverse alphabet changing abilities.
10:48pm and I *just* got my hug.
Better late than un-hugged I guess. Right?
(((((Puglet))))). I have one pug, Romeo, plus Missy who is a powder puff Chinese Crested; Minnie, a chi/minpin; Jassy who is a 19 year old white Persion and Frankie, a 3 year old gray and white cat who found me 2 years ago and when I tried to give him to someone afer having him fully vetted, he ran away and a month later found me again. So as you can see there are plenty of hugs to go around, but I just know you deserve a whole bunch too. Now really Puglet, your mom can't still be made at you, can she?
Oh no! I missed Hug a Pug Day!! But luckily, I hugged my pug anyway on that day (also my dad's birthday). :)
i am very lucky to have a pug to hug...i am blessed
cutesty wootsy puggy pies
kissed some boys and made them cry
but when the boys came out to play
those puggy pies ran far away!
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