As a bonus, I got this supercute sweater in the mail yesterday from Noodle in Monterrey (his mom made it!!!). I know how much humans love when we wear clothes, so as soon as it's not 100 degrees out, I'm going to put on my new sweater, make my best cute/sad/pathetic face (+ sound effect) and make my human feel really bad about taking pictures of that poodle in the park.
Uhm. I mean make her forget I accidentally attacked a poor innocent poodle.
PS: If you want to see what the poodle picture was supposed to look like, it's on today's Daily Frolic. I guess my human took it after she made me go sit in the car.
Man I LOVE your sweater! My mom made me go inside the house the other day too because this mop lookin' dude came walking down the street in front of MY house and was about to poo in MY yard! The nerve.... so of course I showed how upset I was and mom made me go inside. Everything is cool now, so hopefully your human will be back to normal soon, too.
Awesome loot Puglet! You are the best! LOL
Cool skull and crossbones. Totally badass Like you are! (Camera and poodle attacking pug you are)
Nice sweater Puglet. We don't wear lots of sweaters in San Antonio which is good because we don't like dressing up. As for you *attacking* that poodle, I'm with you. I attacked a rotty in my own house, she got a little to close to my treats and I went balistic. I didn't get hurt but the rotty bit my little brother Eli. Needless to say the rotty can't visit any more. My mom says pugs don't know they are little and need to be careful. I say keep your nose away from my treats or pay the consequences. Grrr!
Emmitt from San Antonio
Hiya Puglet,
You're lucky I'm all the way in stupid Pennsylvania because I totally dig boys who flaunt crossbones and skulls. You'll rock it, for sure!
Molly in PA
Mom wants to make us sweaters sooo bad (notice her email...knit1pug2 !) but we refuse to wear them...its gets pretty cold here in the winter, remember once 27..but we are stubborn and not giving in...and same with those pink Marlboro man (whoever that is, its what she calls them) coats she bought us last year.
Looks like you survived the poodle incident. Cookie, Nikons, whatever...we are afraid if you don't behave yourself your exploits are going to be pretty boring.
Pearl and Tessa
Love the sweater Pug, it matches your harness. You'll rock it, once it cools down! I find men in sweaters to be adorable, just look at my main squeeze Spencer. Would Dutch wear one? Mom and I can totally pick one out for him.
Such a cool sweater Puglet! Maybe she can make me one in pink!!!
How could you human be mad at you for long with that face?
Drools and licks,
Minnie and MaCK
Can't wait to see you stylin' that sweater. My friend Rudy the Yorkie-Poo has one just like it and the ladies love it. You're going to look like a total stud.
Pugley, if some mop-looking dude (or ANY dude) tried to poo in my front yard (if I had a front yard) there would be serious consequences.
Molly - I'm sorry you're in PA too. I've been wanting to fall in love again but after the Jenny heartbreak, I can't handle another out-of-state relationship.
Do any LOCAL girls dig dudes who wear crossbones??
Pearl and Tessa -
Brother Dutch has one of those pink Marlboro Man jackets (and yes, it IS pink!) and he LOVES it. He wears it a lot after swimming because he gets really cold.
I'll tell my human to take a picture of him wearing it, but I don't let him wear it out in public though.
Bella -
I think Dutch would wear it in pink. All his sweaters are pink! Geez. Maybe you & your mom can take Dutch & my human shopping when it comes time to buy Christmas?
Hey Ollie!
My bowl says STUD on the bottom of it, but I never knew that was a good thing. I just thought it was a funny word for 'empty'.
Pug you just made my mom giddy inside. No joke. There will be no living with her now.
Hummm....maybe a custom pink camo sweater for Dutch??? Maybe legwarmers???
Pearl and Tessa
Pink ones!
That would be soooooooo Dutch!
I think your human will be won over when you put that stylish sweater on, fur sure! How could anyone resist you, anyway?
'accidentally' LOL that just made my day
Hee hee... Glad you like the sweater, Pug. It was totally my idea. I know you don't like getting she'd. I asked my human about the legwarmers. She just said, "No." So, I would be happy to score your brother a sweater. All I need are his measurements....
Hi Pug!
What an awesome gift. You should insist on wearing it & have your human take your pic. With the hot weather, you may have to take pics inside in A/C.
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