At least one of us will get what we've been waiting for.
Anyway. You haven't missed much. While I was busy waiting for the cake that never came, my human celebrated her Special Day by not touching any technology for 24 whole hours. No HAL4. No Droid. No Nikon. Nothing but me, Dutch and, uhm, me and Dutch.
Yeah. Kinda weird. And boring. But I guess when you get old, that's how you celebrate stuff. I'll never be too old to celebrate with cake, so if anyone else out there gets too old to eat cake on their special day, please send it my way.
See you in the AM!
Puglet... I think you and Dutch and your human had the best day ever! What a way to celebrate such a special day and the wait was worth it... at least for me.
Puglet, I'm sorry another little cake didn't come, but I still think it's kinda cool that you got to spend time with your human....and Dutch, of course.
Cake is easy to come by, Puglet. Quality time with your human. . . Not so easy. Hope you enjoyed the extra cuddles.
Love Noodles
Awww. Too bad you didnt get any more cake! :( Make sure to wish your human a happy special day for me!!!
~ Frankie
We would love to spent whole 24 h with out mom and without this stupid technology. Mom said, we are going to spent her special day this year just like that. She said that she will also close all window shade are will be devastated, it's because she'll will change her first number or something. Anyway, great you had such a nice and quiet day:) love PT
Noodles is right. Cakes come and go. Your human has been so busy lately, time with her is much more valuable. I bet Pug and Dutch time with no technology was just the gift she was looking for too!!
Happy Birthday again Amanda. Puglet, spending time with your loved ones is what it's all about...know sometimes we Pugs (well, maybe all the time) are food obsessed...but we love having time with our human (she took this week off, so we have had her 24/7).
I would have been hoping for another cake too, but I'm sure it was nice to have your human all to yourself, Pug.
Puglet, whenever you get to wondering if your still "#1 Pug" in your HuMom's world, stop and remember this day, errrr, the special quality time with your HuMom, NOT the missing cake!
Roxi, Riley & Lea
We have to agree, special time without gadgets is way better than cake. BUT we love cake too, which we can have any day. Birthdays are once a year.
Scarlet & Meredith
Oh, so cute... did you enjoy time with human? Isn't it nice to just be a cute pug and your human spend time with you on HER birthday? Cake? What cake? Gimmeeeeee~
Happy Belated Birthday! So sorry we missed your special day. We hope some bacon cake will arrive for Pug, so he can celebrate you & his stomach :)
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
It's not for lack of looking cute (that it never came)!
Perfect Jimmy!
Just think Puglet, even when your human cheats on you with other pugs, they will never spend time with her like you do! You and Dutch have your humans heart and even though you didn't get another cake, I'm sure plenty of treats will come your way soon!
Hiya Puglet!
Sounds like the perfect day to me, you lucky boy! Big news flash...my momma is visiting my sister Stella Boo McMuffin in NYC. They are going to try to meet Sid of PugSlope at the park this weekend! Wish I was there too and missing my momma already:(
Sniffly hugs,
Eddie the Pug
My human has been leaking for a couple of days because her kitty Toonses just went to sleep. She got Toonses long before she got me. Your blog today about not getting your cake made her leak some more. She said if she could have Toonses back she would give her all the cake she could eat. Go figure.
One thing, a couple of days ago you mentioned (barely) Prince Charming. My human wants to hear more about that. Please. She needs to smile again.
Phoebe in Oregon
HAPPY SPECIAL DAY to your human!!!!!!
She can hang out and do nothing with you and Dutch if she wants....
I don't find that much fun either but then again I'm a Pug and ALWAYS getting into something!!!!!
Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Miss Lacy and Tre (the honorary Pug) Miss Peg and Miss Pearl are watching from above
Well that sounded like a good day, I guess if you call a day without spam and bacon a good day. But, it was your human's special day so I guess she gets to do what she likes. And ya'll got lots of loving from her...that was cool!
To Phoebe - so sorry about your mom's kitty Toonses, we're leaking for her :(
Ann, Frodo, Molly & Cleo
Hey - my mom celebrated her special day today - we got yummy sausage for breakfast - not sure why since mom doesn't eat sausage - but I'm not complaining!
Owww... dilemma time here! Your pic-with-cake is our new background on the computer, but now, to replace it with no-cake but supercute, or not??? Oh dear!
Hey Sal,
Didn't you get a new little brother recently or was he just visiting for a while? What happened to him?
I had a rotten day yesterday. My hu-mom was bored, it was her "Da-Yoff" or something like that. Lola and I decided to help her not be bored so I puked on the floor and Lola pooped on it. We thought that way mom would have something fun to do, like clean the carpets. Well that backfired. We got thrown out onto the porch and spent the afternoon looking in. I don't know what "smack the curly out of your tail" means but I know an angry bitch when I see one! We were just trying to help!!
Your Pug-pal Rocky in Texas
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