Because I might be going to Texas, but Dutch isn't. He's going to Bellatrix's house - which is almost as cool, but he won't be with me and that's not cool at all. I've never not been with Dutch. We've been together every day and every night since I came here. And even though I make fun of him sometimes, I don't know what I'd do without him. Even for a single day. And I'll be in Texas for like seven.
I'm not scared of anything (except that scary noise plastic bags and tin foil make) but I'm a little afraid of being away from Dutch. Not terrified or anything, just a little bit afraid.
How old are you puglet? And how old is dutch? Im sorry that u will be without dutch, but there will be tons of new friends!! :)
Pug, that picture is like one of the cutest of you EVER! You are still manly but we also get a sense of your vulnerable side too. It sucks that Dutch can't come to Texas with you, but I suggest to schedule time to Skype with him. That way you can still see him every day!
Ps. I can only imagine how excited Bella must be about her house guest!
Hang in there Puglet! I'm sure Dutch will miss you too. But you will be so busy on your adventure and Dutch with Bellatrix that 7 days will be a breeze :) Just think of all the stories you will have to tell each other when you get back!
Buddy & Lucey
I won't tell Dutch that you'll miss him. If you need some "skinny-necked, no-body-fat, second-fiddle" time, I can lend you my Boxer sister, Snap, while you're here. She's make a good stand-in, because she's a lot like Dutch, only brindle. Oh, and a girl. But she acts like a boy.
I think I heard Bella squealing with joy all the way here about her houseguest.
Hey Puglet,
I have lots of experience here. I am away from my sisteroid Sunshine the Cat everytime I go to Auntie B's! But know what? We have the bestest time playing together when we get back together. You will see! Seven days will fly by.
Love Noodles
We *knew* you secretly love Dutch!
Oh Pug I love to see the softer side of you:) I bet Dutch will miss you just as much, and when you get back the reunion will be epic (possibly video tape worthy hint hint to your human:)
lots of pug love
OOOOOHHHHHH YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! I'm never giving him back to you Pug. I'm keeping Dutch with me for all of time. We're going to snuggle on the sofa, and watch trash TV together, and take trips to the park....maybe even go to a pug event together. He's going to be so lovin' this little black hermaphroditic pug so much, he's going to say Pug who?
I'll make sure to send lots of pictures just to torture you!
I'm so excited I sound like that pig in the Geiko commercial squealing away!!!
Face it, you better start taking applications for a replacement Dutch!!
Oh Pug! I think it's very sweet that you'll miss Dutch. Maybe your human can get you a stuffed animal that looks like dutch - you know with a skinny neck and pink collar - that you can take with you to TX.
I hope you get to come to the NY/NJ events!!! (just don't come the weekend of August 25th - my mom and dad are getting married and I get to wear a tux!)
I totally know what ya mean Pug. There's a cat at our house that I hang out with...he even gets treats when I do and not sure what I would do if he was gone for very long...Dutch will miss you too and I bet he will be a "little bit afraid" while you are gone even if he is at a cool place!
That pic of ya'll today is one of the coolest I've ever seen!
Don't listen to that Belly, she's such a ......... well, she disturbs something. I'm sure Dutch will miss you tons and will be very happy to come home. I like Payton's idea of Skype - that way it won't feel like you are so very far away.
Oh Puglet, think of it this way: absence makes the heart grow fonder (or something like that). Dutch will have an awesome time at Bellatrix's place and you'll have an awesome time in Texas with your human meeting lots of other pugs! Nothing to be afraid of!
Hal and Opal
Poor Pug, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm sure you'll have so much fun that the time will fly and it will seem like you & Dutch were apart for a no time at all.
Meredith & Scarlet
Hey Puglet,
Remember first and foremost you are a PUG. We pugs love people, and you will have lots of people to love and who will love you back. It's OK to miss Dutch, but you'll get over it quickly with all the other new sites, sounds, smells and BACON!! Texas must have bacon. You human will take pity on you and you'll be allowed more BACON than you ever could have at home!
From Gus (even though it's Jazz's picture)
Oh Puglet! You have every right to miss Dutch, but it's not permanent. Maybe you could bring something small of his with you for comfort. I'm sure he owns something small and not pink that you can borrow. You could loan him something in return since I'm sure he'll miss you too!
Hi Pug,
Mom is just oohing over your picture! ADORABLE! I'm with Gracie, Snap is sweet and would be fillin.
See you soon my friend, I will do my best to cheer you up!
You're such a softy....we all know how much you love Dutch. Bellatrix - thanks for the laugh! You are such a tease, taunting Pug like that!!!
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Don't worry Puglet. If Dutch decides to stay with Bellatrix, I'll send you a replacement. You can take your pick of a yellow dog or a baby sister.
You do love Dutch!! I would say more than poo eating!! Wish you would come to Ft Lauerdale.Can't wait to meet your Human!!Love and no poo eating! Grumps in Plantation
LOL! Bellatrix got you good
Maybe Dutch will let you borrow his pink collar to make you feel better while you're gone.
Puglet, I think when you're a little bit afraid, it's called "nervous" which is no big deal really, just ask Google
xoxoxo puglet!
dutch will have so much fun with bellatrix and will have so many new bedtime stories to tell you when you come home.
then in the morning when you both wake up, you can tell dutch all of your texas adventures one by one.
fun! fun! fun!
m & a
That's a little bit scary, buts your both handsome on this photos :)
Dog Shock Collar
There's always first time in everything... you will be fine, my friend. You will be too busy playing with pawsome pugs and their siblings in TX, not to mention eating the pies. Dutch will be taking care of - you play with him and snuggle with him extra when you get back.
ps. love today's pic!!
Puglet don't be scared the people in Texas are extra friendly!! Even though you will miss Dutch you can ALWAYS email!! You both look quite dapper in this picture!!
your pal Joey
Puglet, how are you flying? My human is going back and forth from Southern California to Dallas and we always have to drive because she is afraid I won't fit under the seat on the airplane! I would panic in baggage!!! Let me know your trick please------"Charlie"
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