Famous Follower #1 is the dude in this picture. The one who has hair. His name is Luke Russert and he was on our TV last night talking to that other dude in jail. I don't exactly know who Luke is, but he's famous enough to be on TV and Google says he's superfamous in Washington DC.
Famous Follower #2 is this, uhm, dude. His name is Boy George. My human said that's a really old picture of him from the 80's and everybody dressed funny back then. Especially supercool famous people like Boy George.

So.... Luke was on our TV, but even my gimpy-brained human knows all the words to George's songs (she won't/can't stop singing one about a chameleon). Of course I want me to be #1, so I say George is more famous. My human wants 1000 Pugs to be awesome, so she says it's Luke. We tried to use Dutch as a tie-breaker, but he just said George has "more style and better hair".
So the big question is...
So the big question is...
Wow Puglet...my mom is very jealous! She follows you and 1000pugs on twitter. She thinks you should have all your followers on puglet tweet Luke and have him follow you too. So you'll have double famous people following. My mom said she'd start the campaign!
I wonder if Luke and/or Boy George have pugs!
LOL...I live in the DC area and I've never even heard of Luke Russert! I do remember Boy George from his heyday in the 80s. So Puglet, I vote for your follower.
Our mom, and we don't know this Luke, but mom knows Boy George, because he was HUGE star back in the80's when mom was a little girl. At that time mom loved Metallica (80's Metallica, not the one is now) but she still remember Boy in the steamboat on Mississipi river so we needed to vote for him :) PT
Luke Russert is the son of Tim Russert, who hosted 'meet the press' for quite a few year (sadly he passed away). so, I think his father was really the famous one so I say Boy George wins.
Hi Pug! I haven't heard of either of them so I had to yell at my mom to come over and take a look. She doesn't know who Luke is but definitely heard of Boy George, so that's good news Pug! You got my vote!!
Ps. I'm on the edge of my seat so excited to hear about the food party and most importantly the BACON!!
Wow!! Boy George?! He's way famous! That is so cool, Puglet! You def win this challenge :)
Your feline friend,
Ernest Merriweather Picklebottom III
Puglet and George of course. And I don't know if you've thought of this Puglet, but George's hair, though very groovy, looks like an eatable to me.
My mom says she recognizes Mr. Russert - his dad was WAY more reknown than he is - but she thinks Boy George is more famous . . .
Without a doubt it is Boy George, so you got our vote :)
We saw a picture on FB last night of you being a greeter with Bellatrix for the event.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
We've never heard of the Luke dude, but our human definitely knew who Boy George was and remembers him from the 80's (apparently our human has been around a long time). So, our vote is for Puglet and Boy George. Our human wonders what George looks like now and if he has pugs! You'll have to tweet him to find out!
Your friends in dreary, rainy Seattle,
Hal and Opal
Wow!! To have either of them following either of you is pretty awesome!! We had to choose George because he's been around a lot longer and everybody our moms' age or older will remember him for a long time. However, we like that Luke dude. He seems like a nice kid. My mom was sad when his dad went to sleep so we like to see Luke doing well. He very well could become more famous than George someday!!
I voted for Boy George, since I haven't heard of this Luke fellow. I hadn't heard of this Boy George either, but mommy assured me he's a famous guy. Looks like he's famous for being weird to me...
My goodness - my mom and pop love Luke Russert! We especially loved his dad and are very happy Luke is following in those footsteps. But Boy George, that's a big wow too! Sounds like an amazing weekend!
Hiya Puglet,
Not sure if its an American thing, but being from Canada I have no idea who Luke Russert is. On the other hand, Boy George is internationally famous which means you're internationally famous (duh!) which means you're more famous than 1000 pugs! Of course, 1000 pugs is pretty cool too, but as the #1 pug, you are the 1000 pugs ambassador to help it become as famous as you!
Mom says she like Boy George because he's like me! Both kind of a boy and girl...I say he's all awesome!!
She wasn't into his music either (she too was a Metallica girl), but he's famous enough that she knows who he is.
That's awesome that he's a Puglet fan I wonder if he has a pug? Maybe Google knows the answer...
WOW...guess my human is smart..she said she knows both of those dudes! Yep, says the Russert dude is the son of another famous dude that was in DC who did news stories but has died. AND, that boy George dude my human use to sing and dance to all his stuff..she said he was the best back then...back then? What does that mean? I live for right now! But I did vote for the Boy George dude cuz I like that name!
Boy George! Come on! He's super duper famous! We had to Google Luke Russert ~ we remember his Dad but haven't heard of him.
This is how we see it: if they're both famous and they both love Pugs (I mean, who doesn't?), then they should help the 1000 Pug cause. Like B George could reword one of his hits and Luke R can tell everyone about it in a newscast. Seems like a win-win to us.
Scarlet & Meredith
Boy George is super famous and super awesome! I saw him in concert when he came to San Francisco 10 or 12 years ago. I've never heard of the Luke dude, but Boy George is way cool. Definitely more famous.
Looks like *my* Famous Follower might win. But I kinda feel bad for the Luke dude now. Maybe we should ask my man Boy George to help Luke get more famous?
Dutch swears it's all about the hair but there must be other stuff he can do. I mean, lots of people have crazy hair and they aren't *internationally* famous like BG. Right?
Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon. You come and go. You come and go. Good Karma + Good Juju = Puglet + 1000 Pugs!
Holy Spam, Scoutie -
That's the song! You know the words too! I know your mom works at a radio station and all... but still. I know you weren't around in the 80s.
Whoa. BG *must* be famous.
HOLY famous you are PUGLET!! I had no idea! Cool
Puglet, my mom says you should tweet more because you're so hilarious. Then maybe I can convince her to follow you! (she's also not one who's big on the thumbs)
OMG! LOTS of famous people are pug owners according to Google!!!
But it does make sense because we are the dogs of Royalty after all!
Congratulations on your famous followers Puglet!
Buddy and Lucey
Even here in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, we know who Luke is. But I also remember singing along with Boy George. Luke is probably wondering "Do you really want to hurt me?" and we really DON'T want to hurt him so I'm voting for Luke.
Just sayin'.
Kris in Oklahoma
Gee Puglet, you sure are famous! I voted for Boy George. Luke sounds cool, but my mommy grew up with Boy George. She was a Madonna fan, though. Anyway, you should court Valentino, the clothinng designer. He has six pugs! They have their own handler and fly on his private jet. Either way, I can't wait for 1000 pugs. But your still top pug, Puglet!
Haaaa! Funny how that Pug NYC blog says half of those famous pug people are crazy :)
Hi Tweet!
I'd love to tweet (and facebook!) but I'm lucky to get thumb-access to blog *and* comment (if it's a good day).
I need a new/2nd human. Mine can be so lame.
Puglet, that must mean BG reads your blog!! Pugs lovers unite!
Mama is feeling little old (older) that some humans here don't know about neither of them... sigh..... Boy George was her idol back in a day when she was shaking (what is that mean??) We are so happy to see famous people following you and your human - not like a salker I mean....
Pug!! You famous dude!! Pug Hugs!!
Even though we really like Luke, and loved his pop, Tim, even more, we think more people and pugs are aware of Boy G.
Must be the look.
Happy Monday, Pug!
Lafayette Lola
HI5 Puglet you are waycool dude!
your Pal Joey
Puglet, there's no question that you're the one to follow. The only reason that guy behind the bars is following 1000 pugs is because you're pug #1 of 1000.
Sooo cool you have TWO famous people following you on both accounts! I think it's split 50/50!
Mom can't stop talking about how cool it is that Boy George is following your blog. I hope one day I can have a famous follower. Until then, I'll live vicariously. xo, Lu
My human just said "Boy George!?!, awesome!" Then she madly poked at the vote button.
I say comparing a pop star with a news guy is a lot like comparing a pug and a human, there's really no correlation. Now if you can get David Bowie or Anderson Cooper on board.
Wowza thats amazing!
Well as we are from the UK George has to get our vote!
Unfortunately haven't heard of Luke (although looks very cute!).
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