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So, it's Dutch's birthday on Monday. And I want to make sure Miss Gimpy 1) doesn't forget and 2) doesn't do something totally lame to celebrate it. Because even though Dutch can be a total jerk sometimes, I still love him. Besides, I'm sure he'll have to share whatever he gets with me so I
want it to be good.
Last year my human wanted to celebrate Dutch's big day with a trip to the vet to get "senior bloodwork". Yeah. A trip to the vet. I definitely don't want to share a present like that! Luckily I talked her into waiting until after his big day. But still. Clearly my human cannot be trusted when it comes to birthdays.
I figure Dutch's big day has to involve:
1. food
2. freaking pink
Uhm, I guess those are the big ones. Bacon is pink. Maybe we could just eat lots of bacon? Or corn dogs. They are pink on the inside. Sounds like a totally perfect birthday to me, but Miss Let's-celebrate-with-bloodwork says Dutch has more "refined tastes" than I do.
Uhhh, anyone here know what's tastier than bacon and corn dogs??
Corn dogs wrapped in bacon?
Pink cotton candy??????
Sushi or salmon! Dutch has very refined taste indeed! We definitely think he's European
Bacon wrapped in bacon? with pink frosting???
Scarlet & Meredith
How about ham, that's kind of pink. You can have watermelon and pink lemonade too. That sounds icky. Bacon is way better. We love the baby Dutch pic.
Love and licks,
Rudy 853 and Billie 854
No clue what's tastier than bacon; does such a thing exist??
I think mom wants more baby Dutch pics because all she can say is awwwww!
Good luck with the party plans!
Love always, Bruno & Diesel ♥♥♥
I do believe cupcakes come in pink.
Strawberry ice cream!!!
please give an update on the 1000 pugs project, it's been months and i've been trying to contact you for updates.
love the miami pugs.
I think you should come check out Noriega street on Sunday. Devil's Teeth Bakery sells a French donut called a binjet, and they have these free home made dog treats, then there is a really good pet store across the street called Sunset Pet supply that also has really good treats and then go for Ice Cream at Polly Anns because they give you a free dog cone!
I think Dutch would like pink balloons!! Or maybe a set of pink wings?? ; )
Puglet...you still LOVE golden chicken don't you?
Please convey my esteemed best wishes on this auspicious day.
Senior bloodwork. Hmmmm senior bloodwork - nice title for humans, that is, those like me .... hmmmm
we love angry butterfly's ideas.
cant wait for monday - how old will Dutch be?
Happy Birthday Dutch! Hope it's all you hoped for!!
SPAM is pink?? We think so !! Happy birthday, Dutch! - and many moooooooorrrreeeeeeee ~
Happy Birthday Dutch!!! Hopefully no vet for you....salmon is pink! yum! Dutch is a sweet little baby!
stella rose
I hope Dutch has a great birthday and gets pink stuff and good stuff to eat no matter what it is...I just know it will be great! Love and kisses from Big D!
Can't think of anything that would top bacon... maybe PINKBERRY!!! Oh, Bacon & Pinkberry!
On the East coast and impatiently waiting PINK details on the big celebration!!! Here's to many more Dutch, have a happy happy birthday!!!
Baxter, Cole, and their human Heather
Happy Birthday, Dutchie!!
Happy Birthday, Dutch!!!
Happy Birthday big guy! Love from two of your biggest little fans.
Happy birthday, Dutch. Hope your day was filled with bacony goodness and lots of pink presents.
Love, Otis
Awww that photo of Dutch as a puppy is so adorable!
Snap wants to send you a HUGE happy birthday, Dutch!!!!
Happy Birthday,Dutch. We love you!!
Roxi, Riley and Lea
Missed you on your birthday, big guy; must have been some party! Happy birthday, Dutch! Hope it was sweet, pink & wonderful =)
Love always, Bruno & Diesel's mom ♥♥♥
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