So I don't know exactly what went down on Friday because a certain human wouldn't let me anywhere near her thumbs. Apparently it had something to do with jackals and a camel with a broken back.
Confused? Yeah. Me too.
I just know my human finally had it with mean people and kinda snapped. I don't know who she was talking to on the phone or what they said to make her leak so bad, but I did hear her say something like:
Maybe the (HBO word) jackals will leave me alone if they knew how much my life already sucks.
I wanted to know more about the jackals, but when it comes to humans there are times when you ask questions and there are times when you just try not to breathe too loud. This was one of the quiet breathing times. So I breathed quietly into my dog bed, let her hijack my blog and waited for (whatever) to be over.
Then my human's head exploded and she fell asleep.
She hasn't been sleeping much (at all) so we slept until the next day when my cousin Sophie's mom called to make sure things were ok. She ordered my human to step away from the Other 999, get caught up on sleep and stay off the freaking internet until Monday. Ok, I added the freaking part. But I guess moms know stuff so my human did what she said and we all took the longest most boring nap ever.
Today when we woke up, my human didn't want to turn HAL4 back on.
It's all just bad, she told me. I'm still in quiet-breathing mode so it's not like I could ask any questions. Thank bacon for Miley's mom - she just called and said we need to get back on the internet ASAP. I don't know what else she said, but I'm pretty sure it must have been something like:
Something really good has happened.
On went HAL4 and about two seconds later the started leaking again. I kinda thought the leaking was over but I guess this was a different kind of leakage. The kind humans do when something makes them feel really good. Yeah. I know. It's confusing. Humans can be like that.
Anyway. I don't 1000% understand what or how or why or who or... uhm... yeah. Let's just say Miley's mom was totally right. Something really good really did happen. YOU happened. To me. And my human. And I guess Dutch too. It's going to take some thinking to find words big enough for what I want to say so for now I'll just make the letters as big as I can and add lots of those ! things.
I know when one of the mean people called you all sheep for believing in
me and my human, they meant it to be a bad thing. But they obviously
don't know squat about sheep. Sheep are warm and fuzzy and people
like them so much they lay in bed at night and count them. Weird, I know. But that's what
Google told me.
The best thing about sheep? They stick together (
technical term: flock).
My human likes sheep so much there's a painting of them in our house. She bought it at a charity auction a few years ago to help kids who have cancer. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but that kinda makes me think sheep have special powers to help people or something.
sheep power |
I've never met a jackal in the fur, but I know a thing or two about them from watching Animal Planet. Like how they only show up when somebody gets hurt and nobody is ever happy to see them. Not even the hyenas.
Google says jackals are opportunistic scavengers who don't hang out in groups because they have no social skills. I say jackals don't belong here on our blog. Because here is a place for warm & fuzziness. Here is where kindness and goodness and awesomeness flocks. More than flocks. It kicks butt.
Take that, jackals!