In case you didn't read the project recap (or any of the recent emails) and are still convinced I ran off to Mexico with your money, here's an unofficial update:
This project was supposed to be over months ago for me too. I've put my life & business on hold to do it. Worked my ass off. I'm tired. My health sucks. And I'm selling stuff on craigslist to pay the bills because this morning my bank account looked like this:
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(click to biggify) |
In case your math is as bad as mine: $50,000 doesn't go very far when $10,000 off it goes to charity and you have to spend what now feels like a small fortune on plane tickets, rental cars and luxurious rooms at La Quinta. It goes even less far when you live in the second most expensive city in the country and don't have any other income because you put your business on hold to do some crazy project about pugs.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect, but I'm not guilty of anything but biting off more than I can chew (and subsequently choking on it). If that doesn't mean something to you, there's really nothing I can say.
If you live in a world where everyone is out to scam or hurt you in some way, I feel kind of bad for you. If you've never struggled or failed at anything, I hope your luck continues. If it makes you feel good to make other people feel bad, congratulations. You've succeeded.
Oh. And if you think real-world manners don't apply online, guess what: there is a real live person on the other side of what you type and maybe they don't deserve to be cursed at in all caps for trying to be helpful.
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Not cool. |
I love everyone here who's stuck by me and the pugs and am sorry any negativity ended up in a place where people have always come to be happy. Puglet will be back soon. He's dying to tell you about an email we got from a publisher who's interested in *our* book. That makes three.
Back to the Other 999....
Thank you Amanda, for sticking up for yourself, which is the greatest act of self-love and self-preservation we can do.
I 1000% stand by you. Always remember, what anyone has to say about you had nothing to do with you and *everything* to do with them.
Thank you, again, Amanda. I have always come here for the camaraderie and love.
Sincerely, from one human being to another.
We believe in you. And we love you and Puglet and Dutch. Let us know if we can help, or if our humans can help. Wags and licks to you!
So sorry you have to deal with this. You are doing the absolute best that you can and when it comes down to it, this is about rescue pugs, not pictures. Please, please don't let these people ruin you or this wonderful blog you have created.
Amanda, you are a wonderful person. I'm so sorry you had to come across such nastiness. I look forward to your book when it comes out and please, take care of yourself. Yeah, it may have more than you thought but you didn't deserve the attacks.
Best of luck to you and good for you for sticking up for yourself.
Oh yeah, I seriously can't wait to see the Seattle pugs....but I can wait patiently! :)
Please take care of yourself and thank you for all you do for the pugs.
I love you. LuLu #787 loves you.
So glad you finally said something.
Mean people suck.
Wow! I can't believe people are still angry now that the galleries are coming up. The photos are great. I just wish we could have taken part.
Tucker's mom from East Bay
I honestly don't get people sometimes. It's pictures of pugs - get some perspective! If you're that upset about $50, then maybe you should reevaluate how you spend your money. My pug is one of the 1000 and it was and has been an absolutely wonderful experience. Amanda was funny and sweet and so good with Basil. For every mean and ugly TROLL out there, there are many, many more who fully support you, Amanda!
Just wanted to add a word of support here. You, your dogs, your love for them, your passion, and your dedication are all wonderful. Don't let the haters get you down.
Lafayette Lola'a thumbs here. I, for one, am glad that you took a stand here today. You're right. It's not cool. Not one bit.
I have been a reader from almost day one ( I remember very well the first post I read...a lab tongue that looked like meat) and I've been hooked since. This may really sound corny, but the Daily Puglet is a bright spot in my day. You make me laugh, and I appreciate that.
I hope that when this is over you can look back and see the good parts,too. A lot of people have loved their experience. Mean people suck, but pugs rock. And that's what this was about...and you rocked it!
I wish I could give you a big hug. You have undertaken an awesome project. Awesome in difficulty, but more so in reward. I believe in Karma. You, Puglet, and Dutch are wonderful. Remember who you. Don't let the crazy nasty people judge you. They don't know any better and probably won't learn anything from their mistakes. You get to make a difference in this world with your project and no one can take that from you!
My family and I can't wait to see all the exciting things to come!
Much love and support,
Pugasaurus Rex and his humans.
Noodle and Mochi's mom here....
Enough is enough is RIGHT! I was taught, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Bullying people and attacking them personally is unacceptable. No one should have to be subjected to that.
Amanda, I can't tell you enough how sorry I am that things turned out the way they have. Everyone here at Casa de Noodle supports you 100% and hope you see a resolution soon!! We're sending all the juju we can muster.
Hey Amanda, I'm so sorry you are getting that. I bet by now you want to just say F you right back and just forget the whole thing! I wish I had something really clever and perfect to say to make you feel better but I don't know if anything could right now! I wish I could lend my thumbs and help you out. No one deserves that, especially when they are doing their absolute best and have ADMITTED very publicly where they have failed. I hope pug and dutch are giving you the best cuddles EVER.
Amanda, Cyber bullying is against the law. There are laws that protect you. The great advantage is that you have a very public record of it.
Please take of yourself.
Love, Meatball and his mom
Amanda, I have been with you from the very beginning and it kills me that the haters need to show their hate. From now on I promise to IGNORE and hateful comments from ANYONE and not give the response that they so desperately want.
WE LOVE YOU AND WILL WAIT FOREVER!!!!! We LOVE the pics that we've seen and many bring tears to our eyes....YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!
Laurie Cowhig
Amanda: You are a remarkable person! Thank you for all the sacrifice you have made for this project. I am so glad you stood up for yourself. Ignore the haters. They are not worth it. No matter what you do you will never be able to please them. I guarantee there are many 1000 Pug supporters who will gladly buy your amazing photos and book. I for one plan to buy prints (yes plural) and several books. Thank you again.
PS: I am very sorry to hear that some of the haters are from my beautiful city. Portland is too beautiful to house such horrible people.
Gabi and LuckyPug from Portland.
Very strong words from Ellen for an "Administrative Legal Secretary".
Oh, wow! And she has a blog!
As the old saying goes: BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP, BUT UGLY GOES STRAIGHT TO THE BONE! Apparently there are some very ugly souls running around in cyber land.
I'm so sorry you are dealing with such ugliness. All you wanted to do was raise some money to help the rescues with their mission of helping homeless pugs find their forever homes, like the 1000 pugs already have!!
Sending you some extra special loving Pug Hugs :)
Ann, Fro, Molly & Cleo
Zeke says "Me too, Me too." We're behind you and please, please, please don't think you've "failed" at anything! I'm sorry you are struggling and mean people suck... :( But you've touch so many lives with this project and you don't even know the ramifications yet... you've created something beautiful. How many people get to say that in their lifetime... Peace and Grace to you....
Janelle and Zeke
I am so sorry you are dealing with some really crappy humans out there. If they had half a brain, they would understand your predicament (biting off more than you can chew and health issues to boot!) and have some compassion. I am not one of the 1000, but based on the quality of photos that you have been posting, I would gladly wait a very long time for such wonderful photos of my furry friends. I sincerely wish I could do something to help you - I know what it feels like to be so overwhelmed with work that you just don't know where to start or how to function. My heart goes out to you and I will be sending good juju your way...
Deanna & Mabel (pug mix) in PDX
I already deleted from my favorites "A Day in the Life of Pugs" blogspot.
I hope everyone joins me.
Negative people will always find the worst in every situation. What a sad way to go though life. Thank you, Amanda, for all you do. It really is appreciated by the rest of us.
Wow! What an ugly, uncalled for, abusive thing for someone to throw upon you Amanda. Our little Apple was a proud member of the Voodoo crew in Portland. We have loved your blog, your dogs and adeventures for a long time. We belive in you, the good you have done for so many pugs and humans, and the joy you bring to our lives. Take care of your self. Those who matter support you!
So sorry to hear this Amanda. People can be awful and mean. Just remember that we all love you, Dutch and pug!!
Take care!
I'm not sure if Amanda is reading this anymore. I know I would stop reading and just say the hell with it! From the looks of her bank account it does not look like she is living the life.
I am concerned about her. How can she buy food for herself, Dutch and Puglet with so little in her bank account. I am going to send her $100 through paypal. I know if I ask her she would not take it. But if we all send a few $ her way showing how much we love her and this project I think it will help restore her faith in the Pug world.
what do you guys think?
I would love to be able to donate to support your finishing this. I know you don't have time now to set up anything else, but if you could eventually do a Kickstarter or pre-orders for the book or heck, I would Paypal you money right now just for the passwords to the online galleries.
Pug Poo on the haters! We love you and we love PUGS! Stay strong!!
(Rocky's hu-mom)
Kelly, GREAT IDEA!!!!!! I'm in!!!!!
Laurie Cowhig
email me, I'll give you all the passwords.....
Kelly if you can tell me what address to Paypal her a donation, I will do it.
I am sorry that you are having these problems. I love reading about Dutch and Puglet and I hope that soon you will wrap up the project, get your life back, and have fun with your blog again. I miss the updates and the funny stories...It has to be hard, and I'm rooting for you.
How is this affecting other people's lives so much that they are hating you for it? What reason do they have to be angry? The live sad lives. They should get pugs! Pugs make people happy!
I, for one, would send a small donation. Let us know the Paypal account to send it to.
We love you Amanda, Dutch, Pug!
Hey, all. I have an idea, but I think it will require power in numbers. If anyone is interested in hearing what my thoughts are, hit me on Google+. However, please be patient, because I have no idea how to really use it. Or, you can email me @ Thanks!
We think you are just awesome - everything about you. Don't let the crazy, mean people make you think anything different.
We hope that from now on when anyone posts something negative on the blog no one will respond. They are only looking to get people riled up so let's not take the bait. They will go away if they are ignored.
Bailey and Buddy #870ͧ
The is Bouncer and Chaos's humom. I am so proud of you for this post. It has been so painful reading all the negative comments. I can't express I words what you, the blog, pug and Dutch have brought to my life. I will always remember the day you posted about bouncers cancer- I printed it and its actually hanging in my cubicle.
This blog makes me smile with each and every post in a world that often brings way too much sadness.
You have immortalized my boys with these pictures.
Tank you for all that you do. And now some supporting words from the boys:
Bouncer here: miss Amanda: I love you, Puglet and Dutch. You made me feel happy after I lost my toe and had to be sick for a while...
Chaos here: are those treats in your hand?!?!? What what what??? (did you really expect anything else from him?)
Hang in there...
I'm not afraid to sign my name:
Chris Matthews, plantation Florida...
I can't post her email on the blog but if you email me privately I'll give it to you......I would LOVE to have us show her some support, she could use some happy right now....
I'm really looking forward to the book, whenEVER it arrives. In the meantime, chin up and carry on! You have lots of fans.
I am also a 1000% supporter. However, I do not think that posting people's emails, blogs, Google+ or anything else is appropriate. Please do not go after anyone who is expressing their opinion, as unpleasant as it may be. That is NOT the answer. Delete the blog from your reading list, fine, but please don't go after anyone personally.
Be the better person. Don't escalate this. Turn the other cheek, if you will. Don't let the anger ruin your day. Turn the computer off, hug your pug and dream of the day when you get your pictures. Isn't that what this is about?
Spread peace, not hate. And eat some bacon. That makes everything better.
We're pretty in love with you, Amanda - pugs and people, alike. Don't let the haters get you down. They are likely hate-filled for so many things, and you simply are their target right now.
Pity them. I do.
Southern fried, i have noticed you always know the right thing to say.
Can someone pin the instructions on papaling money to Amanda at at the top of this page so all can see. I'm on the board of a charity I'm going to see what I can do to help Amanda.
It makes me so sad that "our" Amanda has to put up with this crap.
Can we pre-order the book? Paypal info? I dunno, but I sure would like to help.
Amanda, if you read this, I hope you can feel all the love coming from all of us!
Please don't let angry bitter people pull you down; you're not the problem in their lives, they are. Honestly I'm not sure how someone that angry can truly enjoy a pug! We all entered this project, not simply for the pictures, but for a fun and imaginative way to support our pug rescues. Keep your head up, we are all here to support you any way we can.
Melissa, Phoebe #126, Little Bit #127 and Fanne Mae #128
Kelly Garcia - how do I send Amanda money thru paypal?
Nacho's mom
1. Kelly, I'm in too. Please send me the paypal info !!
2. Good for you Amanda, for standing up for yourself! A strong person will standup for herself as you did. Weak,emotionally unstable, egotistical people get their kicks slamming other people... Nice language the ignoramus used too; her family must be so proud of her...NOT!!!!! I'll never be checking out her blog; I have better things to do than listen to some crude lunatic and her potty mouth.....
3. Nothing will change my mind. I support this project 100% !! Amanda, you are a rock star in my book!!!
Jane Grining
You sent me that message when I suggested that you reread the recap when you posted that you hated Amanda.
Hi Amanda!
So glad you've taken over today, thank you for saying this. I hate all of this negativity that's been spewing. We support you 1000% and will be buying prints & the book. If there's anything I can do, let me know.
You can post Scarlet's pix last, we're in no rush.
We love & believe in you!
Meredith & Scarlet
I don't have amanda's paypal address but Laurie C has it and will give it to you
thanks Kelly - I've emailed her for the info. We all gotta help thumbs, dutch and Puglet :)
I think Southern Fried Pugs said it perfectly and I agree with her 100%...
Pugs & Kisses,
Cindy, Brutus & Ellie (#439)
Amanda, Lucky would like so send you some loving licks (right up your nose if you are not careful). Pug hugs and snorts to you.
Marie, Roxy & Lucky
100% support for you! Hate and cursing comes from people unhappy with themselves. Love and caring comes from people who are secure in who they are and can share what they have( love and caring ). Ignore the ignorant and feel the love! We all love you!
Laurie Cowhig, Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Miss Lacy, Tre-The Boston, and from the Bridge-Miss Peg and Per-Li-Mae
Laurie and Miley, please, let's not respond to any negative anything.
*Ignore* and you render them powerless...
Thank you Everyone!!
Let's keep the happiness abounding, for Amanda's sake! I see so much love and support here...
Send me the Paypal info. I would like to help too.
I'd love to help out too! My paypal email is
Sending lots of hugs to you Amanda. I think you are amazing. I so love reading about Puglet and Dutch. You crack me up everyday. Hang in there! Lots of people are rooting for you!
Max's mom
We LUVS LUV LUVS LUVS Miss Amanda !!! We will wait for our Seattle pictures as long as it takes. We want Miss Amanda to be healthy ! Send us the Paypal info, we will try to help:
Pug hugs, Black Pearl, Otis, & Lois
I've donated to Amanda's paypal account. Hope more can join in. Yay!!!
Let's do this people !!!
Nacho's mom :)
To all of you people who have nothing better to do than accuse someone of trying to scam you - WALK A MILE IN AMANDA'S SHOES. Better yet, GET A LIFE and leave her alone - she is doing the best she can.
Thank you Amanda for being so down to earth - I'm really really sorry to hear about your bank account though :(. Can I make a donation as well?
As for Miss Ellen there, just as I thought. Fully grown, old prune who's just bitter about life. I hope you know that cyber-bullying is a crime. Stop trying to cower away now that you've been made public. You were the one who enjoyed typing that behind a screen anonymously and I hope that you enjoy being exposed as much as you enjoyed writing mean comments. I refuse to read your blog anymore as well as I also, like many people on this blog, don't associate with rude, immature people like you.
Everyone now has a paper trail of your cyber-bullying. There are many witnesses on this site. If anything ever has to go to the police, it's all you and the other handful of jerks that the police can dig up IP addresses if need be for.
Elissa here from upstate NY. Like all who wrote
Above sorry nasty people are so despicable.
Meanwhile, as I posted on FB I hope you will
someday look back and see the courageous person
You Are.
Stick with us Amanda....dont let the turkeys get you down!!! People are sometimes stupid...Love a pug instead! Oh wait you do...actually, 1000 of them in your case!
Wow, so much love coming thru, we love you Amanda. Puglet,thanks for letting the thumbs talk. We love all 3 of you.
Our human would like the info to send something.
Is there anything woes we can do? Amanda has a lense for sale on Someone need a lense?
Lori can you think of anything else we can do?
We are with you Amanda- try to turn away from the negative if you can.
Don't let the evilness get to you.
You have done nothing wrong.
Amanda, you have so many fans! You can't please everyone. I think it's a wonderful thing that you've done and I can't wait to buy your book! (My pugs didn't even get photographed because I live in Chicago and couldn't get to Milwaukee.) keep your head up! You are awesome!
This just makes me so sad.
Cyber bullying should not be allowed. You should just be deleting those comments. I would. A person like that does not need "air time". It only fuels them.
BTW I will be buying at least 4 books when then come those are already sold : )
We are not in a hurry for our photos so take your time. Zoe pug # 949.
I miss the positivity, smiles and good times that I usually get when visiting this blog.
You shouldn't need to constantly defend everything you are doing, your work or your life. It's ridiculous. Everyone knows your love of your project and pugs and that you want to do the very best job you can. That takes time. You don't cut corners and I appreciate that.
So don't let people like that get you down. There will always be some bad apples in the bunch...just keep doing what you're doing, look after yourself and everyone else will get their photos when they get them.
Suzanne & Zoe
Glad you finally took the floor Amanda. Please stay (get) healthy...Puglet and Dutchy need you!!!
Love and snorts,
Baxter, Cole and human
WAY TO GO AMANDA !!! for defending yourself, your life and your furry babies (puglet and dutch.) you have so many people that stand behind you and project don't let a few mean and nasty ones affect the ultimate purpose of this project.
Just a word of support from a DP Lover since 2008, before I was even a Pug Mama. Amanda (Puglet & Dutch) we LOVE you, we support you 1000%, and we don't like you having to defend yourself around here... Sending hugs, prayers, juju, and some PayPal help too. We believe! :-) Just want the sun to shine for you again! -Megan Friedheim & Lola Pug
Ps- to Miley's Mama & Laurie. Thank you!!! We will be emailing shortly. In the meantime, can you pass on some hugs from us to Amanda? :)
We would love to help also, please send the Paypal info to us.
Amanda is a fantastic human being, some people are just so self centered they will never understand. I had 2 of my fur babies pho toed in Seattle. I am not the least bit worried about this, if I never get a photo I know the rescue got there money and that is why I did it!
Do your best that is all you can do. Love and lots of sloppy kisses.
So so sorry you are having to deal with these idiots!
Many hugs!
Sandy Williams
Charlie the Pug's mom
Amanda - I have nothing really new to add to all the wonderful words of love and support already spoken. Nevertheless, I still would like to add a few more. This project took much love, energy and unmitigated optimism. I applauded you in the beginning and the middle and am still clapping. Given the numbers, I was pretty sure you would be making a financial sacrifice. I felt that 1000 Pugs was a gift to all pugs and the people who love them. I'm sorry that what was so respectfully and lovingly given has been so meanly taken. As for me and my pug, and our foster, Dakota, and lucky rescue pug #705, we give you our respect and love and thanks. We can't wait for the book! And we want to help out with some of the expenses. Your Friends, Catharine and Chubby and Dakota.
THANKS YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! I think I've responded to everyone so far but if I missed you please email me
All I can say is my tears are from feeling the love right now......
Laurie Cowhig, Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Miss Lacy, Tre-The Boston, and from the Bridge-Miss Peg and Per-Li-Mae
Amanda, I am proud of you and so admire your spirit. Keep your chin up. There are many, many people who support and love you.
Amy Kilbride (Seasweetie, and mom to Roscoe and Champ)
O. M. P.
I can't believe how awful some people can be!
The good news is that Miss Amanda has many many more supporters who believe in her:)
The first time we met her, Dutch, and of course, Puglet, at a Pug Sunday in SF we KNEW she was SPECIAL! That was the beginning of the DP!
So glad you said "enough" Miss Amanda!
Snuggly Puggie Hugs and Slobbery Kisses,
Eddie the Pug AKA 2/1000
My mommy just donated what she could. Every little bit can help if we all come together. We love Amanda, Puglet and Dutch. Amanda is an amazing person and we are glad she stood up for herself! Please please take care of yourself Amanda. We have all the faith in the world in you!
Lots of love,
Louie the chihuahua
The support link at does not work. How can I get you to $10 in your checking account without that link or a PayPal account to send to?
I love reading this blog. I discovered it through the 1000 Pugs project. To be honest, I had some doubts like a lot of people did. I've worked in retail for several years and my ability to fully believe in people and their goodness is a bit tarnished. I am sorry that I didn't believe. I do now and am patiently (I emphasize the word patiently) waiting to see Rascal's pictures. From what I've seen in the galleries so far they are wonderful and amazing. Thank you Amanda so much for sharing your talent with so many people and pugs!! Thank you to Puglet and Dutch for sharing your human with some many people and pugs!! I too would be willing to help out Amanda financially (it won't be much but I would do what I could). Amanda needs to take care of herself first and foremost. Once again I apologize for not believing and doubting.
We support you 100% Amanda! You've done amazing things that not many would even attempt!
Over here in Seattle
Jack and his folks
"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..." JFK
Minnie & Max, Nicely stated - it really says it all.
Amanda you are only one person trying to do WAY to much. Please read all the positive comments and delete the negative ones. You have far more fans than enemies. We are behind you all the way.
Take care of yourself and Puglet and Dutch.
I AGREE. It's time to start deleting all comments from naysayers!! It's your blog after all, keep it happy.
Puglet would be happy.
I enjoy reading the Daiy Puglet and have read your blog since the beginning. My pug Reggie #455, just got his pictures from the his shoot in Portland. They are wonderful and his personality shines in them. Yes it took a long time but that's okay. I trusted the pictures would be done and did not barrage you with e-mails, comments, let alone never felt inclined to write hateful comments. There are far more serious problems in this world than delayed pictures of our pugs. Yes, we all love our pugs and in this world expect everything so instantly, but really in the scheme of life, it's very sad if people are so angry over something like this. The project is built on good intentions and it was a lot for one person to take on. I believe Amanda's heart is and was always in the right place. Thank you Amanda, Puglet, and Dutch for the great reads on your blog and for letting Reggie be part of your project. We can't wait for the book. Take care and keep your chin up.
Most people that have time for hate and worry have little else to fill their time. Sadly. Keep moving forward...delete trash......embrace support. You will get it done. Folks this is about dogs not impending death...lighten up. Monkeypig puglet from sacramento
Laurie a charity will be contacting you on Monday.
To anonymous,
Thank you......
No matter how long it takes, it's worth it. The outcome (the book) is going to be amazing, and the photos we've seen so far are fantastic. They're heartwarming and Amanda's love of dogs, and pugs in particular (sorry Dutch!) shows in every one.
Some people just don't have enough drama in their lives and find it necessary to generate it. Hell with them. Life is far too short to generate unnecessary drama.
Love and hugs to Amanda, Puglet and Dutch from Beatrix Pugger and her humans.
You are a great person doing a wonderful thing. It takes time. People need to be patient and relax. Don't listen to the negative people and what they say. It's not who you are. Keep your chin up! :)
We are 100% behind you. Would you consider taking a list of people who are willing to put their photos on the backburner so that you can prioritize the unhappy people first? We'd be happy to go on that list.
Finnegan and Murphy
Hooray for posting what you said. It is a shame that negative people can have such an impact on others. You have been working so hard on a project that is mammoth in size. I think 99% of the people here realize what a task it is and are willing to be patient.
Who ever has the the Paypal information, please email it to me!
Amanda, I wish we could say something uplifting that so many other pugs and people haven't already said. We so look forward to all of your pictures and blogs and are amazed that you've been able to accomplish so much. Selfless heartfelt work you've been doing. Our little family recognizes the bank account, the Craigslist sales, and sad to say, even a couple of pawn shops just to stay alive while doing a labor of love. We all believe that in the end it is worth it to make dreams come true. Much love to you and Puglet and Dutch ~ Jaco and his momster
Wow! I'm surprised and disappointed in these "negative pug people"! I was under the impression pug people were somehow different. I've never met an ugly/ negative pug person.
Shame on them for being so ugly toward someone like you Amanda. I love this project and can't wait to see the finished product. My guess is none of these complainers have ever taken on a project for the good of another. It's kind of like paying it forward in life. These negative thoughts and rants on the web will come back to bite these negative nelly's! As for you Amanda, pug and Dutch, I hope this book will bring you 1,000 fold the joy it will bring pug and dog people everywhere. Take care.
Patiently waiting,
Gail, Groovy #629 and Tsing Tao 630
Brava for standing up for yourself. As many have said, cyberbullying is a crime, a real crime. And then there's karma. We are waiting patiently for your soon to be bestseller. In the meantime, we will try to get some ducats your way (pug currency is weird, you know).
With love,
Daisy and Scooter Pugman
We are sending you LOVE for our house and our pugs. Fiona Marie #450
(We are totally going to purchase a picture and at least one book, hopefully 2 ;-) Hang in there and keep your head up, this project is wonderful and you are an artist and true art cannot be rushed.
GOOD for you!!! We support you 110% and are behind you all the way! You did indeed work your ass off, and your pictures are nothing short of amazing.
We love you!!!
Pearl, Mac, Trixie and our human Sherry, and Seattle Pug Rescue
The last two days I've read through the comments left on this post. I don't have a pug, but I like pugs, and I like dogs and I remember back when Frolic Photography was first posting a couple pics and they were fantastic, and the pics of Pug and Dutch were always fantastic, and the 'even a pug can be green' video was fantastic. So I knew the pug pictures were going to be fantastic - and from what I've seen they are! All anyone can do in this life is the best they can. If that's not good enough for some people that's just too bad. Amanda, I believe you are doing your best - and your best in the pictures is fantastic! It is great to see the support you're getting here. And when all is said and done, when you have rested and recouped some of your strength and energy, and all the stuff for the other 999 is done, we will all be happy to go back to Pug and Dutch and the cows and of course the bacon!
I know I still regret not getting the girls in the project since I know you will never do this again. You are great, Amanda, and what you have done was a great thing! I am anxiously awaiting the book!!
"To escape criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." - Elbert Hubbard
Thanks for your hard work Amanda, and thanks to all of the wonderful people here who are keeping the faith.
The pictures are so amazing I can only look at a few at a time, or my head might explode.
We're behind you Amanda! This was a huge project and if people are getting their panties in a wad over $50, they have a lot more problems than one can imagine.
You have always been up front about how this project was way bigger than you anticipated. I'd love to see someone else try it. It isn't easy.
Maybe we should make a fund to refund the major assholes and delete their pug from the project.
Don't give in, don't give up. We love you.
Hey Amanda,
Glad you finally got to say what you needed!
You're obviously a criminal - it's so clear that you can run a criminal empire on $32. And Puglet and Dutch are obviously your hired muscle...who work for bacon. lol
I'm sorry you're getting beaten up like this. I just found Puglet last Summer, but my wife, my son and I love him and Dutch and their updates and antics.
You just keep doing what you can. If anyone doesn't like it, they can get stuffed. I can't wait til the book is published - it'll make a wonderful gift for my wife, and maybe I could talk you, Puglet and Dutch into autographing a copy for us.
Take care of yourself and your fur babies. The rest will take care of itself. And for all the people who are filled with venom and bile and meannes...ignore them. Or have Puglet beat them up. lol
Terry, Robin, Jacob, Mooch and Aussie :)
Hi Amanda,
You should be so proud of this project. It's amazing and so are you and your photographs. Puglet and Dutch are so lucky to have you for their human. Don't every forget for every one critic out there you have a line of supporters behind you!
Yoda (#324)'s human,
Our Mom just made a PayPal donation by contacting Lauren at She earn her money from revising really boring memos, and says she hasn't had such satisfaction from spending a little money in a long time.
Love from Max and Lola, the North Toronto pugs
I know I am going against the general consensus, but I just have to say something. Ellen is a wonderful woman, she helps rescue pugs and is a loving and generous woman.
The private message that was posted on this blog was taken out of context, and as such should not be used to judge anyone. I totally agree, I would not want to see those words typed out in a message to me, but I believe they were provoked and that there is much, much more to conversation that is not being shared.
I know people have said some terribly mean things on the blog about Amanda and the delays. I do not condone such actions. Everyone has personal problems or health issues that can interrupt and delay our work and commitments. But abusing someone with such problems in a public forum is a cowards choice.
I will wait for my photos, I will buy a book or two, I will give Amanda and her assistants my faith and patience.
I think it was unfair to post a portion of a Private Message from Facebook in a public forum, complete with a persons first and last name. This gives the ones that spoke so angrily about Amanda and the project a new target. They can anonymously change their angry words to words of support. They get a new target to seek out and focus on. And to mention the possibility of police involvement is just ludicrous. The last time I checked, typing or saying the F word to someone was not illegal.
Amanda, you have every right to use your blog as a place to express your anger regarding all of the misplaced angry words directed at you recently. But, it was wrong to show someones name like that on a very public blog.
Your photos are lovely, each and everyone a work of love. Please, get back to sharing the positive and let's get your income back up by getting the book out so we can buy it. And you can get on with your professional photography.
Thank you,
Judy Kelley
Hi Amanda,
I'm sorry there has to be so much drama surrounding your project, it's unfortunate that people have lost sight of the purpose behind all of help rescue pug organizations, to give pug parents the chance to 'immortalize' their puggies in a book, and to show the world just how much we love our pugs.
I know it's difficult to ignore the haters, but keep your eye on the goal and when you are feeling down and wonder what this is all about, just give that Puglet a hug and look in those adoring brown eyes...THAT'S what it's all about!
Pugs and kisses,
Candace and Chiquita (Seattle pug # ??? we can't remember our #)
I disagree Judy - facebook is PUBLIC EVEN IF THE MESSAGE IS NOT INTENDED AS PUBLIC and if someone is willing to write "FU" to someone no matter the context - it can be shared publicly. Ellen may have meant to write the message to that one person but since she posted the message on a VERY PUBLIC SITE, it was most likely shared to ALL those who were connected to that one person.
So, in the future as an FYI - chose your words carefully. Facebook and the internet gives a false impression. What someone might not say to someone's face, they feel more inclined or bolder to say it on the internet. Just becuase someone rescues pugs as alot of Amanda's viewers have does not give someone the right to cuss them out.
Julie Hurd
Hi Amanda,
Just wanted to let you know...I have always believed in you and your 1000 Pugs book. I think an overwhelming majority of the people do support you and those people who post nasty remarks (in any context) are just overall angry people. Please don't let them get to you. Do what you need to do to get back on your feet financially and healthwise. I hope to see you again, so I can express my appreciation in person...maybe a book signing? Sending love and happiness your way.
How I wish my beloved Bebop had lived long enough to take part in the project. Had we been fortunate enough to make it to a photo shoot with Amanda, I would have gladly waited a couple of years to see those photos.
So many lucky people will have wonderful pictures to look at in years to come. Be patient my friends, you'll see it was worth the wait.
Two big thumbs up to you Amanda for sticking to your guns!!! I have been enjoying the pictures as they come up. Just beautiful!
Holly and Sophie
Dear Amanda - I pray you can rise above the meaness.
As a supporter of this book - no worries. When ever and IF ever - we have been blessed so very often with your blog about The Puglet. So many entertainers reap millions for their words and such - you have given so many of us a daily boost of sunshine and happiness by reading your Pug conversations. Take care of yourself and always look up. He is right there with you!
Your project is the best example any person could do of the love and awareness we all should have of the pets we love so much. I commend your efforts and am amazed at how well it has turned out considering you are doing 1000 pugs by yourself! Good luck Amanda. You are a great person and your dogs are wonderful. :)
Try to look at it this way-“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sending.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
So forget the sad people and their sad comments, don't let them rain on your parade!
I wasn't able to get my Dave in the original SF shoots, I would happily pay three or four times the original sitting fee so that Amanda could refund the money to the unhappy pug parents plus a little extra for their trouble, and re-shoot with my Dave. I can't be the only pug owner who wants to take the place of the unhappy ones who lives near SF.
Robin, that really is a profound quote. Thanks for posting.
@Judy, Ellen responded to a public posting. Also, you can do nice things for dogs and still be a nasty human being. Maybe she was having a bad day or was as drunk as her profile picture, but it was entirely uncalled-for.
I was sure dissapointed a year ago when my pug couldn't be part of the project because he's probably mixed (sucks, but I get it). I could tell right away that there was an honest, invested person behind it with great intentions and I longed to be a part of it! You are a role model of dedication; the rescue groups, their pugs, and the families they have been able to find because of your donations will never forget your generosity and the sacrifices you have made.
Let me know how we can help!
Judy, Ellen's comments have all been deleted from yesterday's DP post but I read all of them and what she said was neither loving or generous. Add her vulgar FB post to Laurie and it doesn't paint a pretty picture of her at all. I'm glad she's loving and generous to her pugs, they're all adorable. FB is about as far from private as you can get on the internet, she should be careful what she posts there. Hopefully Amanda's standing up for herself today will put an end to all the nastiness.
Sue McGee
Well said, Judy!!!
As for all the drama... Well we know where that came from.
Social Media is just that SOCIAL. If the blogger choses to post a "private message" and then the person who wrote that message gets cheesed off, maybe the person who PM'ed should learn to think and chose their words wisely before posting. NO ONE should be above common human decency or etiquette. It's sad that folks have forgotten that in this day and age. Try to let all of this negativity roll off of you and get healthy!! You had an AWESOME idea and it will happen. Those toxic people that are being idiots will only heap it upon themselves, in the end.
Miss Frankie from Michigan's Mommie
Judy, I have followed Ellen's blog for awhile. When you follow a blog such as hers regularly you really learn what a person is all about. If thy have issues, well they can't hide them for long.....Ellen is a good women, always kind. I don't know Ellen, but I wish I did.
Amanda, You took a wonderful idea and made it happen! We are glad you stood up for yourself, life is too short to have deal with jerks. We are so thrilled with our photos and will be purchasing prints and also the book. The wait has been well worth it because these pictures are forever! We love and support you totally Amanda!
Brandon (#102) and JoonBug (#103) and our Mom & Dad (Jan & Dave)
It makes me really sad that people take to such a public forum such as the internet to be so cruel to another human being. Especially when the person receiving such hateful comments is trying their best, giving to charity & obviously producing results.
I dont own a pug, (I do however have a similarly adorable Boston) & fell upon the Daily Puglet by reading Bay Woof. That was two years ago & I love reading Puglet & Dutch's posts. Through Puglet I learned of your photography & how skilled you are.
Keep strong, knowing there are more good people in this world than bad & that so many of those good people are behind you in your efforts.
-Robin & Bailey the Boston
I've been following this journey since the beginning, although I didn't get to participate in the 1000 pugs shoot personally. I am looking forward to being able to purchase a book and support this great project!
Shame on you, Ellen. I'd gladly contribute to the refund of all your sitting fees. You do not deserve to be part of this project. This is Amanda's heart and soul, you were lucky to be a part of it.
So Miley sends someone a rude email with foul language and says, "That wasn't meant for everyone to see, it was taken out of context!" However when someone else does the same thing, the witch hunt is on. It was really bad form to post someone's full name and part of a private message without that person's permission. The PM wasn't even to Amanda! Very erratic behavior IMO.
Oh sorry, it was Gracie The Agility Pug, not Miley.
We are sorry for what's going on. That's all we can say... kinda speeachless here.
#372 and #373
To Anonymous,
This is what Gracie said....
Gracie the Agility Pug said...
I apologize to everyone for the foul language and harsh tone, but as you can see from the email, that was specifically meant to go only to weizr2, and NOT the public.
Make sure you have the facts before posting.....
She didn't say anything about it being taken out of context....She apologized for the behaviour.....funny that Weizer 2 took ALL her nasty posts down.....Hmmmmm
Gus and I are sad that your human has to defend herself from mean bullies, Puglet. Someday we will meet her and we'll both snuggle up to her to show her support.
It's pretty obvious that Weizer2 is the same person Anonymous,what a low life jerk,obviously has NO LIFE....let IT entertain themself,
We back Amanda 100%...Kim
who else thinks we should help Amanda and dailypuglet?Blogging is also very time consuming job! And we all looove dailypuglet blog( I read it everyday like a newspaper) we should all start somekind of fond what helps to raise money for the campaign ! $5-10 each I'm sure it will help at least a little bit��anyone knows how to set up something like that?
Lets give something back for this cool blog! Or Amanda if u read this mabey u can add it to this blog page?
We loooove u
Oscars Mommy
Wow! This whole thing has gotten so out of control it's almost funny! (but not really)
If you contact Laurie she can tell you how to donate to Amanda, Puglet and Dutch.
Dear Amanda-
I'm so sorry that you have become the target of some very mean midget sized minds.
I think you have the best of intentions... and in the world we live in today, that means alot.
Can we sell Weizer2's kidney? Preferably both of them?
Ok, I'm sorry, but I could not help but have a good laugh regarding the Kidney comments. Made me realize how so rediculously rediculous this whole thing has gotten. Sigh!
Ok I've tried REALLY hard to NOT post anything negative in an effort to keep this the wonderful place it has always been. Today's post by weizer2 has pushed me over the edge.
WEIZER2 despite the fact that you say you are waiting for a picture of your now deceased pug I'm beginning to wonder if you are even a part of 1000 Pugs. First off the fee was $50 per pug and NOT $60 as you keep posting. Secondly Amanda gave a break down of what she used the money from the Kickstarter for in the very beginning of this project. We are well aware of what it was used for. We gave a large donation and have not had one issue with how the funds were used. Third if you REALLY were a part of this project you would have seen first hand just how hard Amanda works. The fact that you are trying to compare cruise photos to Amanda's PROFESSIONALLY edited photos tells me you know NOTHING at all about photography. Let's not forget that cruise ships are well staffed and Amanda is just ONE person!!!! If you think posting here and being a bully is going to get you results you're dead wrong. What it's going to get you is BAD KARMA, LOTS of BAD KARMA!!!! You are a mean spirited, cold hearted and I'm sure VERY lonely person!!!
Weizer2 the 1000 Pugs Project is about PUGS!!! IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! I don't think anyone here even cares one iota about what YOU have to say. So weizer2 GO AWAY. STAY AWAY. DONT. COME. BACK!!!! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!!
Amanda there are so many who understand and appreciate ALL of your hard work. Most of us HEARD what you had to say and support you. This one BAD APPLE is NOT going to spoil things for the rest of us. I KNOW the book is going to be AWESOME and I plan on ordering a bunch of them. I also DO plan on ordering prints of our pugs when their pictures are posted. Thanks so much for having a vision and the ability to make it happen!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Peggy, mom to Benny and Emi and Grandma to Gracie :))
Although you and I have never met, I feel as though I know you from reading The DP as well as your recap (several times!) I want you to know how much I sincerely admire and respect you, your accomplishments, and your ability. Over the last few days, I cannot get you out of my mind, and when I couldn't sleep last night, I started to organize my thoughts. I admire and respect you for a number of reasons:
1. You have overcome such enormous obstacles to be where you are today. A brain injury such as yours would make weaker people simply give up.
2. You have been brave enough to detail your injuries to the world and expose some very private thoughts, feelings and emotions. That's tough to do. It's a leap of takes true courage.
3. You are an incredible writer! And I mean that! I teach writing, and I so enjoy reading what you write. It is a highlight of my day...when the email comes delivering the latest installment, I drop what I am doing and read it! You communicate with clarity, smoothness, voice, and creativity! (Kim....Ha! Hi-lar-i-ous!!!!! That one took me awhile!)
4. You don't give up! You could have pulled up your tent and gone home when the going got tough, but you persevered .....through scheduling, financial, and even weather troubles --- and now mean people, some of whom choose to attack through sarcasm, one of the lowest forms of "humor." Your stamina and determination!
5. You love your animals and do the best for them. You also strive to help other less fortunate animals who cannot speak for themselves.
As I said, I have read and re-read your recap; each time I found something I missed the time before, and each time your words took on deeper meaning for me. Please don't ever ever ever say/believe that you have failed!!!!! For someone without a brain injury this project would have been a daunting challenge. Again, YOU kept at it. You have not walked away. In my book, that is strength, stamina, courage, and triumph. In any undertaking, hindsight is always the easiest part, and anyone who is willing to look, can find things they would do differently the next time around. That is not failure. You are so perceptive about yourself and your abilities. If anything, I am guessing you do not give yourself enough credit for your talents and abilities. And, I'll bet you are also tougher on yourself than anyone else could be. That's how conscientious people are made.
You had the creativity and courage to turn a beautiful dream into an even more beautiful reality. How many people act on their dreams? Not many! I've heard it said, "If you don't play, you can't win!" You have won this "battle" in so many ways, and I admire and respect you so very much.
Take good care of yourself,
Max and Grace's Mom
Peggy, if I could rise from my chair and start a slow clap that would surely grow into thunderous applause, I would. Being as this is the internet, I will simply say, "Brava!" and tip my hat.
Alicia, Pug Momma and Thumbs to Tummy & Chewie
Luanne, thank you. I think you've summed it up beautifully.
Peggy, thank you, you said what all of us are thinking!
Luanne, thank you too, that was beautiful, thoughtful, and oh so true! And, as Puglet says, now I'm leaking!
Time to stop worrying about Amanda (it's obvious she is well loved and admired by all of us)and go grab a tissue and hang out on the couch with Pen in my lap and Lucy snuggled up beside me under her blankey. Because, as Amanda says, it's all about the pugs!
To Peggy and Luanne,
***Standing and Clapping!!!!!!*****
Peggy & Luanne- NAILED IT! Thank you from all of us DP/Amanda/pug Lovers!
Pug Hugs, Megan F. & Lola Pug
Bravo! Encore!
Peggy and Luanne, very nice words! Better than I could ever come up with. Amanda is doing a great job for being one person. For anyone that thinks the opposite, what would your pugs do? Pugs love! They don't say bad things and they don't share hate. If you are late coming home do they say bad things and be mean to you? No, they are as excited and crazy happy. They jump around and you can see a smile in that cute pug face. So stop worrying about late pictures. When the pictures come I'd bet you'll be as happy as a pug! Happiness comes from the love. And love is the greatest gift of all! Next time you start to write a negative comment, think what would my pug do? Would your pug treat anyone like this? No. Pugs just love!
How can i send some money for Amanda? i love this blog so for me its almost like paying for my everyday newspaper:))
Katie S.
In response to a flurry of emails and a facebook message that started with F and ended in YOU (all caps), I've come up with an option for anyone who doesn't want to wait for their pug's picture. It's not a great option, but it's all I have.
Please read this email carefully before responding.
Without getting all technical, my images usually end up on a wall (or in this case, a book) so I edit the files to be print-ready. Preparing an image for print is different than producing the low resolution images you will download. If I don't run through a series of steps, the end result looks like poo.
The whole process of going from print file to a low-res image with your pug's name & number takes ~15 minutes per pug. If I could make this go any faster, I wouldn't be awake at 3am working on/worrying about pugs.
To me, spending the extra time on your images is worth it. But I am also very picky. What's poo to me might be perfectly acceptable to you. Level of poo-iness varies by image, but attached is a fair comparison (don't view it on a phone).
If you're cool with the poo version (sorry, I don't know what else to call it) that's awesome. I can skip the steps that are causing the delay and deliver your images today. Just respond to this email with your pug's name and #.
* these images will have the 1000 PUGS watermark, but not your pug's name or number
*leashes will not be removed
* you only get one version of your images
If you already have your images, apologies for the email. Hope you're enjoying them. Back to the pugs...
PS Katie S. ~
I think what's going on here is you are part of something called '1000 PUGS' and have to share the center of the universe with other a lot of other people.
I also think it sounds like Amanda is doing her best to make somebody somewhere happy.
Katie and "anonymous friend", relax, chill.
Better yet, get a life.
Hello Katie S: you poop disturber. Please get your attention starved self off this blog. If you're looking for people to give you attention, you got it. Now go away and chew on another bone.
I know we all want to step up and defend Amanda - she is doing the best she can and most of us know that.
However, by responding to these negative posts, we are giving them an engine to continue making comments. It's just like a bully on the playground when we were kids - if the bully doesn't get a response, it's not fun for them and they move onto something else.
I for one will make no more comments in response to these negative posts.
Let's keep this the happy, fun loving place we have all grown to love.
Pugs & Kisses,
Cindy, Brutus & Ellie
Cindy is right. Don't feed the trolls. It's hard, but just don't respond.
I agree with Cindy. If I were Amanda, I'd seriously consider shutting down the blog for a while...if this keeps up.
Come on, people! we know better than to respond to the negative comments, it only creates and fuels them.
Seriously humans...time out!
Miss Amanda, I feel awful for you. People don't understand. I bet there isn't a single PUG mad...because you did an awesome thing. and wasn't it about the pugs?
I seriously wonder why people bother to send abusive messages like the ones I've seen. If you send a mean message to Amanda, she has to read it...then, if it were my human, she'd have to cool down, say some choice words to her screen, then try and forumalte some sort of mature unemotional response. Those things take time and thumbs...both of which could be used to...oh...publish more pictures? Abusing Miss Amanda has the opposite effect than what you're looking for.
Miss Amanda, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say maybe the people who are complaining should get their pictures first, if you can figure out where they are through the thousands of ones you patient ones would much rather the abuse for you stops here and now! I do hate to reward bad behavior, but...honestly, the patient ones of us would be happier for you. :)
I'm kina blunt's coming out now...I'll preface this with the fact that this is not specifically directed to one's to anyone who's abusing Amanda. I'm gonna say what I think a lot of us have been thinking...Amanda has a brain injury. She did something really wonderful for other people and animals...I suspect part of her motiviation may have been to give back to a world that has given so much to her. Instead, some people here have been quick to post angry messages...sure...
Let's pick on the lovely lady with a handicap.
Because that makes us bigger people.
Because we all learned in grade school that abusing people that have a challenge in life that's different than ours is SO rewarding and peaceful.
Because the golden rule is just a suggestion.
Because if the situation were reversed, Amanda would totally treat you the way you've treated her.
And most of all, because your pug would totally approve of your conduct if they could talk.
"My goal in life is to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am".
Cleopatra T Pug #345's human Jennifer.
Where can we send money in support of you, Amanda. We are behind you 100% each. That's 300% in total between the 3 of us in puggle thoughts and puggle prayers.
Doesn't anyone know how we can help Amanda some more???
Roxi, Riley & Lea
Amanda - don't let the nay sayers get to you. You took on a HUGE project. I look forward to the completed product - and as with any quality piece of work - it takes time, and often more time than expected.
Mean people suck.
~Tracey and #338 Otis
Ive sent my money for prints, to take advatage of the generous limited time only discount of 25%, now what?
Weizer2 - if was even a realy website, you might get a little credibility. Try getting your facts right before you go in and try and cause more trouble. If you're going to lie, at least put some effort in it and try to make it accurate enough to seem credible.
...And the sittings weren't $60. It's pretty obvious you weren't involved with this project at instead of continuing to embarras yourself with your posts and making yourself look like a complete and TOTAL moron, just quit while you're not ahead.
Unfortunately, you appear to have entered into a match of wits that you are grossly unqualified for. An apology to Amanda would be appropriate right now.
I would love to continue to back your pug project and I feel you need to paid for your time and $50 dollars isn't covering it- can you open another fund-raising account to get you and the pug back on your feet? =) I realize that this project was bigger then you anticipated and my husband and I agree that we would have paid more pay more then $50 dollars a pug to get our fur-babies professional pictures taken. We look forward to seeing our pictures and buying the book but to make this happen we would feel better if we could actually pay you for your time!! Patience is a virtue, especially if you own a stubborn pug or two!
We look forwarding to the rest of the pictures being available (we LOVE everyone's we have seen so far) and are looking forward to the release of the book- can we say Christmas presents for EVERYONE we know!?
Pugs and Kisses,
HW, Theodore and Daisy (we don't know their numbers but they are 2 of a 1,000)
Weizer, please go away. Is this your only form of entertainment? It's obvious you are really getting a kick out of all of this. You are not really as witty as you think, but you really are as mean, rude and inhuman as we all think you are. You can say what you want, but I don't see you swaying anyone to your "side". Leave it alone.
Is there any other website that Amanda can start a fund on? Paypal account through her business website to fund the pugs, purely donations?
That's no joke. says "account suspendid. What gives??
If you want to donate to Amanda contact Laurie.
Please Amanda/puglet or Duch open up fund thing on your website ,so we can show you our appreciation! we insist!
Lot's of hugs
anyone who wants to help can email me at
My guess is she has had enough of the boo-hooing. So, she has probably taken down the site until everyone's pics from every location are in place. That way, no one can whine about mine this and theirs that whatever. Sucks, but I don't blame her. In fact, I say props. She tried to please everyone and it backfired. A shame someone's best efforts can't be good enough, when it is more than I personally could ever handle. :(
Anyone familiar with then we could donate and not keep bugging Laurie
Sounds like chipin is closing on March 7th- we need a similar site sounds like we are going in the right direction...
To all of the positive replies & thoughts: DITTO!!!!!
Katie, Elizabeth, Maggie, Cooper, Brooklyn and their mom. looks good?
the gallary are all still up
No one is bothering me, I's truly heartwarming to hear from you all. I will be responding to the most recent emails shortly.
Chipin is closing but there is another idea floating around.
Mary, It's voodoo, which is a well known donut place in Toronto I think.
Laurie, Thank you again for taking on the task of helping us help Amanda! We really appreciate your time and allowing us to explode your in-box!
Sue, voodoo is portland. thanks though...
Anyone know Seattles password??
there is not a password hint for Seattle, so I don't think the gallery is up yet.
Thank you! Thank you for being awesome and honest, and having a good soul that cares about doing good things.
Don't let the poisonous ones get to you--you are surrounded by love and support!
The Melmed clan :) is working now. Must of been a hicup
I'm anxiously waiting for the update form Puglet about the 3rd publisher!
Amanda, I am so sorry you have to deal with all of this. You are absolutely amazing, and don't let anyone tell you different! Keep on truckin' girl!
My partner & I love your blog & read it avidly - we both work so can't have pug but really enjoy hearing about Puglet and the other 999 and Dutch. Please ignore the idiots out there, the wonderful work & sacrifices you have made is something few people would have the guts or drive or talent to do. Your work is wonderful & really catches the essence & charm of each dog. Look forward to the release of the book. Kia a kaha / stay strong, as we say in New Zealand :)
Like was said in an earlier comment, MEAN PEOPLE SUCK. Amanda, your love and enthusiasm for pugs was so evident during Henry the Pug's photo shot in the Portland Park Blocks, and your forthright honesty about any delays and unexpected roadblocks throughout your 1000 Pug project has been very refreshing. Henry the Pug and I totally support you, Puglet, Dutch and the project and we are so proud to be one of the 1000 Pugs! Keep on keeping on!
I am 1million% behind you and your mission for pug love! Don't let those idot10's get u down!!!
xoxonan and Aine the pug.
Dear Amanda,
I've had my own health issues and have not been able to follow your blog the way I used to. I just read this post; it breaks my heart to read you're under so much stress. You do good and good things should happen to you. So we'll contact Laurie to get that paypal account and I think P & D could use some more treats. We still have your mailing address. Care package from Canada coming :)
Lots of Love,
Sandra and Ollie
Love this post, great job thumbmaster! I have always been astonished by the negative person(s) commenting here, because if there dog was part of the project, they must have met you and realized what a great person you were. I look at it like this, if you take 1000 or so people (realizing there were people with multiple pugs), statistically you are going to get 1 or 2 people with... issues. Like that great restaurant that has a bunch of great reviews and then one or two nasty ones on Yelp.
Oh Amanda,
I am in total shock! 1. I am sure many of us did not realize the many ordeals you went through while completing this project, you poor thing! 2. Geez, some people are just mean. No one deserves that treatment.
We pug lovers have total faith in you and know you will stay true to your word and the project will get completed. First and most important please take care of yourself. I hope you are doing OK and Puglet and Dutch are taking good care of you.
Molly owned by Tug(#184 Marietta)
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