Mushu went to sleep unexpectedly over the weekend. I never met him in the fur because he lived far away. But I got to know his cute face during the No-Conest. And I know he was a recycled pug who got his name from his mom's favorite Chinese food (Mushu Pork) and was sometimes called Monkey Beast by his dad.
I asked my human what you're supposed do when a friends goes to sleep. She got a little leaky and said something about flowers and a moment of silence. And hugs. Lots of hugs for the people who will miss their sleeping friend.
So lots of pug hugs to Mushu's humans, and a moment of silence for Mushu so he can sleep in peace.
Tears and puggy hugs from Las Vegas. :( See you at the Bridge, Mushu.
Pug hugs to Mushu's family.
So sad...lots of of pug snuffles for Mushu's humans.
Puggy love to Mushu's family. My mom's leaky thinking about him- even though she never met him, either. She said she remembers hearing about how he got his name from a previous posting.
Mushu, please say hi to my friends Kitty and Cody- you'll meet them at the bridge.
Lafayette Lola
Our hearts go out out to Mushu's family. His mom wrote so poignantly yesterday, "It's always the little things we love and miss the most." While Mushu was here, he was much loved and no one could ask for more.
More pug hugs to Mushu and family.
Oh Puglet! I'm so sorry to hear about Mushu. I remember him from the No-Contest and I'm sure he was a super cool guy. I will send healing pug thoughts and hugs to his human.
Stubby xoxo
What a surprise! Words can't describe how much this posting means to me and my family. I really didn't expect anything. My comment yesterday was just meant as a reminder of how much our pets, our family, mean to us. The loss of our precious Mushu has been really hard for me, but it is through the support of others like yourselves, who understand, that has given me strength. Thank you all so much. And, thank you Puglet for lifting my spirits everyday.
Much love,
Mushu's mom xoxo
thank you puglet for posting that on here. we at pugvillage miss mushu too. we miss you as well.
Hi everybody -
I'm sure Mushu's family can feel your pug love all the way from Florida! I'm kinda new to all this sleeping dog/leaky human stuff, but I understand it well enough to know that when it happens to you, it isn't easy.
And to Mushu's mom ~ your comment yesterday made a lot of us stop & think (and that is a good thing). Our puggiest of love and thoughts are with sleeping Mushu, you & your family.
Much love and hugs to Mushu's family.
Thank you for remembering Mushu, Puglet. I don't have a pug myself, so Mushu was my pug-buddy. I moved away before he went to sleep, so I didn't get to say goodnight. I'm so happy to see everyone's kind comments, it restore my faith in humanity.
Love to all, and big hugs to Mu's mom and dad.
Thank God for your blog...What an amazing tribute. I had the good fortune of actually knowing Mu...and he truly embodied what Pugs are known for...a whole lotta dog in a little body. He will l ive in my heart forever. Rest in peace, li'l guy...Lots of love and support to his Mom and Dad too...they're wonderful people.
My mom and I sprung a few leaks after reading about dear Mushu. Your human has a gift for speaking to our hearts in a gentle and loving way. My mom said that she wants to go to Dog Heaven when she goes to sleep too coz' there are more dogs she wants to see again than some humans. "No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail." This is part of something my mom has; 'The Last Will and Testament of a Dog' by Eugene O'Neill. If you can't find it through google, she will send it to you if you want. I liked it too but hope she won't be leaking about me for a long time. Hugs, Tink
Oh what a very nice post. How nicely worded. We are super sad to hear of Mushu, our hearts go out to the family at this difficult time. May time heal the pain from the loss of a little puggie, forever remembered in your hearts and thoughts.
Hello lovers of all things wrinkled. I am one of Mushu's many fans and a non related 'auntie'. When I heard of sweet Mushu's passing I was alos devistated. Mushu was always so excited to see me when I visited and would shower me with special kisses. What made them so special is for some reason his quick little tounge would jet out of his mouth sideways. What a special little character he was, and I will miss him dearly.
When I stop leaking and compose myself, I'm going in to hug my puggies and my kitties and my keesond and tell them how much I love them and how much joy they bring to my life and that a sweet little pug named Mushu made me remember that I need to tell them and show them everyday. Much love and prayers for Mushu and his family and friends.
Puglet, I'm so sorry you lost your friend. You and your human are a good friends. Wish I could kiss your soft little puggy head right now.
I'm so very sorry for Mushu's passing. My condolences to the family. My eyes are leaking, I'm so very sad for them.
Puggie Hugs from Ann & Frodo.
Our whole Pug family is sending our prayers to Mushu's family. Our human says that this blog has reminded her how even tho we don't live close to each other you can still have an extended family with Pug Lovers and Dog Lovers all over the world
Thank you for Sharing Mushu with us. He will be missed.
Buford T. Justice, Bambi, Peggy, Per-Li-Mae and Lacy Pug
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