Because we are ALL super-cute, no one was judged in The No-Contest. I picked the winners at random by popping balls with names written on them. I am SOOOO glad I only had to pop balls to find the winners. No way I could ever pick favorites from a gallery so full of cuteness.

And now, the No-Contest Contest moment you've all been waiting for.....
The Grand Prize Winner: Stella (Morro Bay, CA)
Congratulations Stella on winning a brand new Henrietta rubber chicken!!
Macs (Eden Prairie, MN)
Peyton (Villa Grove, IL)
Sasha the puppy (Lake Charles, LA)
Congratulations everyone! You've won your choice from a list of tasty animal parts (including Buford's T. Justice's super-yummy bully sticks!).
Non-Dog winner:
Maxie the kitty (Denver, CO)
Maxie, we're going to figure out a cat-happy toy for you :)
Winners - be on the lookout for an email from me. We'll need to get your info so we can send out your winnings!
Hi Puglet! Congrats to all the winners of the No-Contest Contest! I loved watching your video. You were definitely made for the camera.
Stubby xoxo
Thanks Puglet! Congrats to everyone and thanks again for such a fun No-Contest, Contest. Mom says she and dad must have the worst luck ever because they NEVER win anything. Mom was quite shocked, and excited (she totally tried to deny it) that I, Ms. Stella won the Henrietta rubber chicken! Ya Hooooo!!
Oh, and we have to agree with Stubby. You are wonderful on the camera. Your mom should post more. :)
Hi Puglet!
Thanks for making a fun no-contest for us all to participate in! It was a real treat seeing all the entries and watching you pick the finalists was super exciting! Congratulations to all the finalists!!
I'm glad everyone had fun with the No-Contest. I know I did!
I begged my human to let me pop ALL the balls so everyone would win a Henrietta, but she said buying 65 rubber chickens would get kinda expensive.
I'm still glad I got to see all your faces and now that the contest is over, me & brother Dutch are having loads of fun popping all the balls
What a great way to chose a winner! Congrats to the lucky pug!
Thanks for a fun no-contest,
Lola in Lafayette
Hi Lola ~
My human was going to bring the balls to pug Sunday yesterday but forgot.
So we still have a BUNCH of balls left to pop - I'll save them for the Walnut Creek pug day! It's coming soon, right?
Walnut Creek pug Sunday is this weekend! Hope to see you there- I think the fun gets going at around 11:00, and we'll be right on time! Let us know if you need any directions- Pug PROS is the host and it's tons of puggy fun. You'll know it's me- I'm the cute black one with the 12 year old girl-human that always says 'that's not fair' and 'why do I have to do it'. You can't miss us.
Good job picking winners- I can't think of a better way to have done it. Everyone was so cute- the pug in pearls, the lobster costume, passed out with New Year's fun, multiple puggy homes, etc. Who could have picked the cutest?
Lola in Lafayette
Lola -
Cool! We'll be there. Are they any non-pugs at your Sunday? Brother Dutch usually comes to ours, but everybody knows him and doesn't mind that he's big and spotted.
If it's 100% pure pug, he can stay home and I can hog all the fun!
No way- bring your spotted brother! We don't discriminate-everyone's welcome.
Puglet, thanks for the contest! I enjoyed watching the video!
Puglet- Thanks for the no-contest contest. I hope you leave the gallery of cuteness posted, we sure love awwwwwing at it! Congrats to the lucky winners! Pug Hugs, Lola in Las Vegas PS- Mom's favorite city is San Fran, but she doesn't want to send me to the doggie hotel for a weekend... Do you know of any pet, er, PUG friendly hotels?
Vegas Lola -
Come visit San Francisco! It's a super-fun place for dogs. We can pretty much go anywhere people can go.
Here's a whole list of dog-friendly hotels: http://bit.ly/13Zr7z
Oh yeah, forgot....
The No-Contest gallery goes away after 30 days. So that leaves about another 2 weeks to check out the cuteness!
bravo bravo! congrats to the winners!
Peyton, Zoe and Webster were thrilled to win. I know Peyton was the winner but all three are in the picture. They want you, Puglet, to pick out something you would enjoy. I just wanted everyone to see how adorable my pugs are!
Congrats to all the winners!!!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
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