In my very first post I promised to make you smile. And laugh. And weep with joy. AND go AWww. I was a little worried that day when my human taped a mohawk to my head, dressed me in gold and called me "Mr P", but the past year has totally been worth those few minutes of humiliation.
Thanks to The Daily Puglet, I now have amazing friends from all over everywhere. And even though most of us have never sniffed butts, I love spending time each day with all of you. I am a kinder, wiser, happier pug because of it.
I haven't been dressed up like a TV character from the 80's since last year's debut of Mr P (thank God) but I still PITY THE FOOL who doesn't read the Daily Puglet!
Today my flat self visits Austin, TX - home of fruit bats and the famous Ms. Douglas Bean. Flat Puglet was very excited to meet Ms. Bean, who is on his/her own mission to help recycled pugs.
You can read about it here on flatpuglet.com. And be sure to check out Ms. Douglas Bean's website, dragqueenpug.com!
Well we only recently found your blog but have loved it since we read the first post.
We love you mr. p picture!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
We love reading your blog and look forward to it every day.
Happy Blogoversary!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Puglet... we cherish the day we heard about you and logged in to your blog... heard it from Lafayette Lola at the East Bay Pug Meet... We look forward to reading your blog each and every day and thanks to you, we have made many new friends! Thank you - thank you - thank you... and Happy Anniversary!
So glad I heard about your blog!!! You are such a cutie and so much fun to read!! Keep up the good work! =)
Love you Puglet. We live on the East Coast and we have plenty of Pugs that need forever homes too. Everyone support your Pug Rescues!
Congratulations Puglet. You surely have rocked the pug world in the past year. You make us and our Mom laugh every day. We are so glad we found you. Celebrate with wild abandon!
Wilma,Brigitte and Sluggo
Heya Puglet!
We started reading about 2 weeks after this first post... but went back and read from the beginning. I think the 'bologna tongue' was the first one we read. If anyone needs a REALLY BIG laugh, go back and read from the beginning.
I'm so glad we found your blog- makes us laugh ALL THE TIME! I'm also very glad we got to meet you at EB PugSun.
Happy Blogging- here's to another great year!
Lafayette Lola
Happy Anniversary Puglet! I really really love reading your thoughts everyday. Heck it inspired me to start my own. Mom heard about you from Spencer's mom and grandma, and while I like to take pictures I'll never do all the cool things you do. I really hope your mom gave to extra treats for having to wear that outfit!
Oh and tell brother Dutch I like reading what he has to say to. You two must have the best conversations!!
Happy 1 Year Puglet! My Mommy's favorite story is still "Is it Meaty?" from your first doggy bag experience. Our house loves you! Pug Hugs, Las Vegas Lola
Happy Anniversary Puglet! Love the blog...
-Tobee & Tobee's mom
Happy Anniversary, Puglet! And, thanks for all the inspiration, wisdom, and entertainment!!!
Love ya,
-Noodle and his mom
Oh Puglet, you are so cute. Happy Anniversary!!! You have fulfilled everyone of your original goals. I read the comments all the time and so many pugs and humans have laughed, smiled and cried with joy and we all go Awww every time we see a new picture of you and Dutch and your many friends. (you have some very talented friends too)
I first learned about your blog from a post on craigslist and was hooked from the first one. Like so many others I went back and read every single one. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really love the one about the intruder that turned out to be you. LOL I laughed so hard at that one. I too started my own blog because of you (I just haven't kept it up).
You are so famous and more people know who you are everyday. You will make a big difference for recycled animals. Don't ever stop.
Snorts and snuffles,
I still remember that first post and thinking to myself that any dog that can dress up like that and still maintain his dignity, must be very special.
One year later I think the word 'special' doesn't do you justice (I think I'm special and the only things I'm good at are napping and chewing).
Words to describe you and your pack: love, good karma, compassion, kindness, laughter, talent, joy, more talent...oh, I could go on and on.
It's impossible to pick a favourite post since each is wonderful but the two that made the biggest impact were 'Moby and Grendel' & 'Am I Cute Enough?'. My human had to resist the impulse to hug the computer screen and hugged me instead.
Lots of love to you, Puglet.
Hey everybody!
SOunds like you like reading my blog as much as I like making it.
I really like hearing your favorites. There have been so many, I'm not sure what I liked best but it probably had something to do with food.
My human says this picture still makes her laugh the most. Yeah.
We are so grateful to have a little bright spot to look forward to everyday, even if we're not having the best day ourselves. It's hard to pick a favorite post but we will enjoy thinking of one all day.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe & our human
We love the Daily Puglet and you look really good in a mohawk too!
Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary H-apppppy Anniversary!!!! We are glad to know you Puglet! You are an inspiration to all us puggies!
Great big pug hugs and kisses (not from Anakin)
Your friends,
Josie, Izzy, and Anakin
Hi Puglet! I can't believe it's been a year since the first Daily Puglet. I'm not even sure how I found your bloggy but I'm sure glad I did. I love reading about your adventures every day and totally admire you for taking on the recycled dog issue.
Here's to many more years of blogging and friendship!
Stubby xoxo
Thank you for making me laugh and smile. I look forward to reading your blog and looking at your cool pictures. Congratulations!
Hi Puglet,
I'm so glad you convinced your human to let you start a blog and that your human helps you do it regularly. I love visiting here and you always make me smile.
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