So here I am, playing a game of catch with my human. At least it started out as "catch", but was more like fetch because catching a ball when you have no snout is kinda hard. No matter how hard I try, the ball usually just bounces off my face and runs away. Like this...

Hi Puglet! Wordless Wednesday means no words. Like literally no description, no nothing. I know it's your first time and all but zip it.
Seriously dude, I love the pics. I give you lots of credit for even trying to catch a ball because I have zero interest in them. I suppose if Mom hid some Popeyes in one I might try to catch it but I doubt it.
Stubby xoxo
Welcome back from the poodles! I know what wordless means dude, I just thought I had to explain myself. Y'know, so no one thinks I lost my voice or just forgot or something.
PS: uh, I'm allowed to have comment words on WW, right?
The bottom photo of you Puglet is priceless. We loved your expression!!!!
Priceless! I can't stop laughing at that last picture of the ball running away from you.
Hi Puglet, Clancy here. I am a ball catching pug. At least when the balls are from my Bag O' Balls toys. Because they are soft, my human can flatten them out and that means I can catch them - and they have a squeaker in them! My human has purchased at least five of the replacement packs now because I keep loosing them under the furnature and she gets tired of digging them out. I like the standard size best - the minis are really small. She buys them at J&J Dog Supplies (no affiliation - just happy with their customer service).
Also I have to say that you look great. I'm a pug athlete like my brother and sisters (we all do agility) and it makes me very sad when I see very fat pugs. I wish I could tell their humans how much happier we are as lean mean pug machines. :-)
Rock on brother.
Puglet, you *do* have too much to say to be wordless. I love to hear what you say everyday, but if you want to do a Wordless Wednesday, that's fine with me too. I just like seeing pictures of you anyway.
Maybe you could do a WW with *some* small comments and it can still count?
Seriously, Puglet, too funny!
This blog makes me smile. Thanks for writting.
How about Less Words Wednesday or Haiku Wednesday. Its your blog, make your own rules. You're just too wordy to be wordless, even for a day.
Great first attempt at a Wordless Wednesday! Don't worry, a lot of pups haven't gotten the hang of going wordless yet. Love the last picture! Your face is priceless!!!
Puglet - I ADORE YOUR PICTURES, BUT I LOVE YOUR WRITING MORE! Wordless Wednesday isn't for you buddy - you've got too many great things to write :)
I was with allijag, Puglet, but then I went back and looked at just the pictures. Funny beyond words.
HAHAHAHA! We LOVE that last pic!!
You should totally be on a birthday card with that pic!!!!
Happy Hump Day Buddy!
Pee S. It's hard for us to be wordless too!
We love the last picture too! It looks like you are trying the scare the ball, not catch it.
We have ZERO insterest in balls, so maybe we should send them to you? We also agree that perhaps you are not meant be be wordless. Maybe just Word-less Weds? as in less words than usual?
Gen & the Foo
Hi Puglet,
That is one hysterical picture. Classic. Your face could certainly stand on it's own without words, but I always like to hear what you have to say. I have alot to say too, that's why I started wednesdays words of wisdom. For me, it's whatever floats your boat.
Great pictures!! Frodo likes the soft balls and he can catch them too. They are really made for human kids, I think they are called water bombs (really a pool toy). I think Pug might like them. Oh, they get nice and mushy from all the pug spit! Yuck!!
PS - thanks for the 'words' about wordless Wednesday I never heard of it, but know I know.
Hi Puglet!! That last picture is the best! My pug Lexie just got spade yesterday so unfortunately she can't run & play like you are in that picture for a little while until her incision heals. :( I'll be sure to let Lexie know she can live vicariously through you!
You look so pugrocious in the last photo, Puglet! I give you lots of credit, I don't even try to catch the ball, my human just rolls it for me :)
Oooooh, thanks Frodo & Clancy I'm definitely going to check out the softy kind of balls. I totally dig the mini squeaky kind for fetching, but they suck for catching. I'd say only 1 in 100 throws ever makes it to my mouth :(
I really like Ollie's idea of 'Less Words Wednesday'! I think maybe 'less' is more my style than 'no'. I'm just not a no kinda guy.
I mean, without words I could never explain that last picture :)
love the last picture...priceless. I want to kiss his little mouth!!!
Puglet!!! You are just too darn cute!! Stop it o.k. Yous making us look bad!!
Mommy is looking at you and we don't like it!!
She said she could just scoop you up in dat last picture... WHATEVER!!!
We's going send some pictures of us to your Mommy!! We's got some cute ones too!
Jenny MUST be loving these photos!!
(if not...psst...Puglet....It's Izzy *wink wink* do you like craZy pugga's ~ I'm your girl)
I love your crouching tiger (pug) picture. Very focused, very agile, very intent, as you get ready to *SPRING* into action.
Nice balance in the hind legs, with the forepaws ready for action. Very Crouching Puggy, Very Inner Dragon.
You could never be wordless Puglet. You have too many words to share and insights to give.
Your Dragon is definitely not hidden Puglet!
OMD we love the last picture!!!!!
Pose, Crouch, Leap, *Attack*! Love it!
That last shot= best. pic. ever.
Awesome pictures! You're a very sporty one Puglet- good eye on the ball... ;)
Nice action shots Puglet.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I know everyone loves your last pic Puglet, but I love your crouching dragon-pugginess pic. You have great poise.
Puglet the last photo of you and the red ball is amazing, your like totally posest with the intent to kill the ball... i cant not look at it, its making me laugh so much... =)
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