Yup. Sam took hundreds of recycled magazine clippings, added a whole bunch of artisticness, and created a one-of-a-kind, handmade collage of yours truly. He said a picture of me "spoke to him in a unique way" and that my personality "makes an artist's job an easy one". Is that the biggest compliment you've ever heard, or what?
I have no idea how Sam is able to turn old magazines into a pug, but seeing his work really makes me wish I had thumbs. You can see more of Sam's work (and envy his thumbs even more) at his website, www.mydogcollage.com.
Cool collage! you look really good! He did one of brother Boka. I want one of ME!!!
SHHHH. Dutch is going to think we all have collages and freak out about not being famous again.
He still has a big head from that TV interview - every time we see someone with a camera, he thinks it's the paparazzi.
WOW! The collage came out great!!! Are you going to get to keep it or is it going into his gallery (if he has one)? You're one lucky pug!
Ann & Frodo
Hiya Frodo!
My collaged self will be on display at a charity event. My human says when I get rich and famous she'll buy me a Sam collage. As a bonus, I guess. Kinda like my weekend with Frank!
wow. I thought it would hurt to be collaged, but it looks fabulous!
Gen & the Foo
Oh Puglet!!!
That is super duper cool!!! What great talent your friend has and he had a very good subjects to model!!!
We likes!!!!
Josie Izzy Anakin
Hi Gen & The Foo!
Being collaged doesn't hurt one bit. I didn't even know it was happening to me until I saw the picture :)
Hiya Elgins!
Are you really in CO with Emmitt? Emmitt's human is an awesome artsy person - she can paint you!!
you look great! I wish I could get one of me kissing Apollo!
Hey Puglet!!!
We's are in CO the same ways you wents to go vistit your Jenny!
Yes, Emmitts Mommy has Wonderfuls talents!!!
She made Anakin a beautiful sweater(and gots it early)for his b-day that's May 19th!
And we have seen her Art! She does Wonderful work!!!
Are you coming to CO? Better Hurry...Stubby is eating alls the foods...
Our human has thumbs & she wishes she had even half of Sams talent. You look great as a collage! Maybe you can just tell Dutch he has a collage so his feelings do not get hurt.
Zoey & Phoebe
We forgot to ask if anybody would be interested in a grooming party to collect a gigantic amount of dog fluff to help clean up the oil spill. We started collecting from human & pet salons. We thought it would be fun & help at the same time. We can do it anywhere, so if anyone is interested we can find a centralized location.
Zoey & Phoebe
Wow, Puglet, you look great! Sam really captured your "puginess."
That collage of you is very cool!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
You are quite an inspiration, and Sam certainly captured your mojo!
Wow- now that is amazing. That is truly some fantastic talent. You are quite the work of art Puglet, very cool!
Its a great collage and so pawsome!
First post from a new pug fan!
I love your blog, Puglet, and your collage is just gorgeous. I agree, you make an artist's work easy!
Hugs and licks,
PS: I am waiting patiently for my flattie!
Zoey & Phoebe,
I would love to meet up to give you my fur. I have been collectly it from my brothers and sisters also. Or I can have my mom drop it off to your mom if you have a size limit :-( on your grooming get togeather.
Miley, Pug wanna be, Dalmatian in truth
Hi Miley!
We would love to collect your fur. We thought we could go to a park or someplace fun for dogs & brush away without worrying about a mess. Then we could just have fun & play. The more the merrier. So bring all of your dog friends. We are just waiting to hear from friends like you to let us know when would be a good time & place.
Zoey & Phoebe
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