Not broke, like broke in half. But more like broken, as in no longer functioning.
On the first night, things were going great. As planned, we played non-stop for hours. And there's really no way to explain how two pugs play, so here's a video of me and Frank getting puggy:
The next day we headed over the bridge to where the cows live. I was all excited to take Frank on our cow hike, but when we got there, my human said we wouldn't be hiking because Frank and hiking "are not compatible". So, we just played in the creek and snacked on grass while my human read a book. It wasn't as much fun as hiking, but we still had a good time.
I had no idea what "not compatible with hiking" meant - until Frank refused to walk and my human had to carry him back to the car. Even though we only had to walk, like, half a mile!
After the carrying came the puking. Apparently poor Frank isn't compatible with grass eating either. Because he puked. A LOT. And the puking made him feel so sick HE DIDN'T EAT. Can you believe that?? A pug skipping dinner? And then breakfast the next day? I didn't think such a thing was possible.
Luckily, Frank's people were only gone for a few days because the not-eating thing totally freaked us out. We met up with them at PugSunday and poor Frank spent the whole time curled up on my human's lap. He's feeling better now (after getting one last puke out on his dad's computer keyboard) and I can't wait until my human goes away next month because I'm going to stay at Frank's house!
LOL - ohmygoodness! That video CRACKED me up! My 2 puggles do the exact same thing - and I just thought it was because they are both (loveable) weirdos! So glad its "normal" Poor Duke, he's such a good boy, he's like "I dont understand this sillyness, knock it off" :) So sweet
I love how brother Dutch swoops in and steals the toy! So, Puglet, who won? That's so great that you get to go to Frank's house- I wonder what kind of puggy fun they have. And what kind of treats...
Lafayette Lola
I think he ate the grass so he would puke....that's what dogs do if they don't feel good sometime. ;o)
Uhm, my human says me & Frank play like freaks... but I think we're normal. At least as far as pugs go.
Dutch says I'm not normal at all, but I think that's just because he's jealous of my pugginess. If he could be a pug, I KNOW he'd trade in his spots(and snout) in a second!!
Oh Puglet, it looks like you and Frank had a good time...maybe too good a time. Like when Spencer and I get together, we act like we'll never have that chance again so we have to play for hours!! It looks like Frank can't handle all that fun.
I know how bad eating grass can be (ugh my poor tonsil), so it's no wonder he puked. I am glad to hear he's feeling better because I like Frank and I don't like to see him get sick.
Oh, Bella-T ~
I totally thought of your tonsil episode! I kept telling my human - what if Frank has grass wrapped around that thingy, like BellaT.
Of course she had no idea what I was talking about and said something about Frank not being a hermaphrodite?? No idea.
Ah, poor Frank. He looks cute, even when broken. : )
The snorting. I need more of the snorting!
Oh poor Franklin!!! O.K. Now that we founds out he's O.K.'s...Is it alrights to says we had alittle chuckles? O.K. O.K. Maybe is was a full on SNORTS! Anakin does the same thing! When Mommy and Daddy walk us (well, Izzy and him...I'm in my pink puggie buggies) Anakin will reach a point where he can no longer walk so he will flop over on his back an refuse to move!!! Daddy will have to carry him like a big baby the whole way home! Poor Frank, then with the puking...oh's, we's so sorrys for laughing...but then on the 'puters!!! oh's boys! He's gots his own styles! hee hee hee!
Glad to see they had fun playing..Poor Dutch wanting to play, but not quite knowing how to engage them...just like ME with my bro and crazy sister Izzy! Thanks for the funny video and yes, next time Puglet...you go to Frank's hoomans house! (Do's a big poops on theirs floor to returns the fav's)
Wowzes Puglet,
Looks like young Frank had a tough time keeping up with you. Sure hope he's resting up for your visit.
That's why my Mom and Dad don't ever go away, Sluggo would get so depressed he wouldn't eat and would just torment whoever was watching us.
Hahahahaha!! The first picture of Frank, Broken was a killer. Talk about reeling in the reader. I'm glad only his stomach was broken. Maybe there were some left over hidden cow pies in the grass from Easter. And maybe he ate them sooo fast so he wouldn't have to share with you that his stomach got too full. Steamed rice is always good for things that once were inside a pug but come out one end or the other. My brother Mick had the funky squirts all last week but the doctor got him all fixed up. It was gross and I'm glad he is no longer dragging around his rear. So I was wondering when Pug Saturday is so I can come and run and play and maybe puke. What nice friends you and Dutch are. I'm sure broken Frank can't wait for the next time. Tink
Hey- me & BT totally do the "jowl-chew" play thing too Puglet! I feel bad that Frank got sick :( That's never fun..maybe he got sick from having way too much fun with you & Brother Dutch! Like a "jowl-chew" hangover?
Awww, Kimmy B - my human took the Broken Frank picture with her phone during Pug Sunday. I was off somewhere getting puggy. You should totally come to SF PugSun! It's the first Sunday of every month. Loads of pugginess!!
Yes - the Jowl-Chew! I totally didn't know what to call it. You're so smart Spencer B :)
I wonder if we could do a 4-pug-jowl-chew. Me, Frank, You & Bella?
We're surprised Frank got sick again. He really perked up after his parents go to PugSunday. We even saw him eating a bunch of treats. Maybe he just had too much to fast. He's a real sweet pug; we're glad to hear he's better.
We totally get puggy like you & Frank, except we're not as nice as you guys. Sometimes we take it too far & then we get separate "time-outs." Can't wait to hear about your visit at Franks.
Zoey & Phoebe
Hiya Josie -
I can't believe Anakin does the flop, drop and stop thing too! It was soooooo embarrassing. I mean, Frank is a young pug. I was afraid people would see him and think pugs can't even walk!! I'm hoping he only does it before puking. That would be OK.
Heya Miss Wilma ~
Sluggo wouldn't eat? Ya think?? My human says if I EVER don't eat, the world must be coming to an end. I even ate when that giant woodchip was in my belly.
Aww, Puglet, you have the best, funniest blog. I love your adventures in getting puggy wit it.
I loved the video. How fun. I wish I could have been there to play too. I'm glad Frank is feeling better. I can't imagine not wanting to eat.
Any news on when there will be a FlatPuglet update?
Phoebe in Oregon
Hey! that's just like how the Foo and me play -just a little slower. And we don't have a Dutch to steal our toys while we are distracted-very sneaky! She's a real jowl-chewer too. But then she'll start barking at the TV or something. We're real sorry Frank got broke. We hope he feels better real soon!
So glad Frank is ok, you guys looked like you had a great time. Dutch, your actions are that of a true pug, grab toy and run LOL
Waiting on more flatpug news, love reading about the adventures. Thanks for all the laughs..
Poor Frankie. I think it was all the excitement that did you in. That can happen sometimes. And based upon prior blogs, it seems like Frank is a little less adventurous, more mild pug than Puglet. Here's to you being unbroken, Frankie.
I can't get over how adorable broken Frank looks. so cute, so innocent, so broken.
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