Anyway. The way we sleep usually goes something like this: Dutch the-spotted-bed-hog gets 3/4 of the whole entire bed, my human gets the other 1/4 and I get whatever's left over. This usually means getting smushed in the middle like some kind of pug sandwich, so most of the time I find a spot at the foot of the bed, or on the empty pillow next to my human's head.
There's been some talk about getting a bigger bed, but the one we have is already huge. Besides, the problems isn't the bed. It's Dutch. If he slept like a normal dog, there'd be plenty of room for everyone.
My human has even threatened to make us sleep ON THE FLOOR (!). This only happens after she wakes up sore (and grumpy) from being smushed into a pretzel by the bed hog. I'm pretty sure she'd never make us sleep ON THE FLOOR? But still.
Wondering: what are the sleeping arrangements in your house? Has anyone ever spent the night ON THE FLOOR and lived to tell about it???
THE MAN who lives with us is allergic to animals, so I'm not allowed to sleep in my mom's bed... but I do hog the 13 year old's bed. I start out in her room, and sometime during the night, I get up and move to mom's room. I have a bed on the floor in there right next to my mom's side of the bed. In the morning, I get up and sneeze in her face, and we both get up. Usually, I just go to the living room and sleep in my other bed there. She says it drives her nuts that I wake her up, then go right back to sleep, but really- who wants to sleep in the living room alone?
Lafayette Lola
Oh yeah, and what's with the pink collar on Dutch? I thought he had a sparkly blue one...
Hi Puglet! Even though I'm a little puggie I take up 3/4 of the bed. There really isn't any room leftover for Mom and Dad but they make do.
When I stay with the poodles I have to sleep on the floor. I HATE it but what can I do? If Mom and Dad ever made me sleep on the floor I would run away.
Stubby xoxo
Big Boxer sister, Snap, is a bed hog, too. So she DOES sleep on the floor or in the living room on the couch. Puck (the pug mix who gets into lots of trouble) sleeps in our dog room with Levi (who likes to pee on things).
Gracie and me sleep squished between mom and dad, usually on top of each other under the covers. We like it that way - we call it the Pug Pile. I like to lounge in the morning, but Gracie bounces up with the sun. That drive mom nuts - since she stands and stares at mom until mom wakes up.
Arnie the agility pug
Hi Puglet,
I (Ellie), Gertie and Bogart have an active bed routine with our human. I dive under the covers and spin in several circles between her ankles in a tight ball and over the course of the night unwind and stretch out (pug yoga), then it's too hot and I pop out and walk over her and my siblings on the pillow next to her, my butt to her head. Then my tail relaxes and I give her a "pug mustache" until she moves and gives me more room. Meanwhile, Gertie and Bogie play musical chairs, rotating every few hours at either side of her, at the foot of the bed, on her head. Somehow, every morning, she is the sammich, and we pugs are firmly snugged in on either side, with one pug between the ankles. The alarm in the morning means we can lick her face with much joy until she finally gets up.
When I first got Beulah as a puppy, she only slept in her crate. Beulah took a long time to housebreak and I was scared she would pee in my bed! I also wanted Marble (the cat) to have some alone time with me so we continued that arrangement for about a year. I'm not sure why it changed, but I think part of it was because I was trying to save on heating costs by not heating the bedroom, and puggies make good little space heaters (and they don't light your sheets on fire!).
When I got Barney I decided that both dogs should be ON THE FLOOR! so Marble and I could have some alone time again. The first few nights were HORRIBLE--Barney spent the nights pacing and barking and Beulah kept crying and trying to climb onto the bed (which is really high for even me to get into!). I finally slept with them ON THE FLOOR! (Beulah was making me leaky!). Eventually I forced myself to ignore them at bedtime and now they sleep together ON THE FLOOR! in a big pillow bed curled up together. Marble is happy to sleep on my head on the bed, and Beulah actually prefers to be ON THE FLOOR! as it is easier for her to run to the window and bark at night noises and to laundry to chew on (sigh).
This photo is priceless.
In my house, two humans sleep in the bed, and the Lab and Pug have a HUGE Orvis dog "sofa-bed". However, you will occasionally find BOTH dogs in the human bed, and the Pug always makes her way up into the bed b/w midnight and 2 a.m... She then either snuggles with her human mom, or burrows down to the bottom of the bed where she proceeds to overheat at some point, and must be pulled up for air, panting. ;)
Ha, the FLOOR! Our humans are lucky we let them share the bed with us!
We have a big bed, but we all snuggle. Boka sleeps curled up as close as possible to mom. Shotz sleeps between mom and dad, and I sleep at the foot of the bed, but I have to be touching mom. In the morning I like to get up and jump on Boka and mom. Mom and Boka growl at me, mom says they are not morning people, but I am!
Hey Arnie are you doing agility this weekend? Mom and Boka are, mom says I have to stay home, thats its Boka turn this weekend.
I sleep in the living room in my 'dog suite' aka x-pen. my mom is rather large and moves a lot when she sleeps and when she got me i was so small she didnt want to crush me or hurt me. i take naps on her throughout the day though so its not like i dont get to spend time with her.
I can't sleep in the big bed with the momma and daddy anymore!! The momma says that daddy and I don't know how to share and she got tired of getting pushed off the side! So I sleep in my crate. I have my bed and my blankie and the momma puts a blanket on top so I have my own little pug cave!! I would rather be in the big bed, but I survive!!!
hi puglet (and dutch)
i wanted to address your sleeping issue since you asked...we really like your blog, you're pretty cool...but first i should introduce ourselves. there's 4 of us...miles, betty, cookie, and me cali. we blog too. i'm a big dog with big and little spots, but in my breed, the fancy term is "patched and ticked". i'm a shorthair and so is cookie but she's all brown (one big patch) with a few ticks (not the bugs)...i live with 2 flat-faces too--frenchies--miles and betty.
i have to admit i sleep on the floor. i have a case of velcro-itis and have always slept on the bed. one day mom threatened i sleep on the floor *gasp*...and then one night she said she was sorry, bought me a really expensive padded bed with padded walls, and said i was sleeping in it, but on the floor...it made her feel much better (and me too) knowing it was right beside the bed so she could put her hand on me. since i sleep on plush dog beds scattered all over the house, i guess i didn't mind so much. i took up the whole bed and i guess that wasn't fair...cookie sleeps on the couch most nights so she's cool. miles sleeps wherever, couch, floor--he's super easy, but if he sleeps on the bed, its' behind mom's knees, but he's small...then there's betty, she sleeps in mom's armpit in the bed every night...but she doesn't mind (the smell)...oops did i say that? betty has velcro-itis worse than me!
Noodle's mom here-
My husband and I just had a conversation about this last night! Noodle sleeps on the bed with us- has from the beginning. My husband says he's a "black hole" because he tends to suck all the space and covers around him. For such a small dog, he takes up more room than either one of us!! We even suspect that the 85-pound rottie we used to have didn't take up as much space as our 20-pound pug!! Noodle is very agile and can jump way up onto the bed so keeping him on the floor really isn't an option....
Me and Bobo both sleep with grandma...but when she get up for work we go to mommas room and sleep in. We have it good. Momma has threatened to make us sleep in crates on the floor but never gone through with it.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy
Wow. I had no idea how many different ways there are to sleep in a bed!! I guess if Dutch weren't such a complete bed hog/"black hole" (like Noodle!) we'd have more options.
When Frank the Pug stayed with us we made a pug pile on top of Dutch. He didn't appreciate it, but we outnumbered him so there wasn't much he could do.
PS: I'm not going to tell my human that some dogs really do sleep ON THE FLOOR.
Hi Puglet!
First of all...the picture of you and Dutch in bed together is pawesome and I wonder how your mom got the 2 of you to pose so nicely!
Now, Puglet, that was a very good question about sleeping arrangements and what you have described about your situation is almost the same as ours, no kidding! We have a futon bed (not too big at all) and what happens is this: I sleep on the couch until I think my parents are comfy & then I slowly climb into bed and my preferred spot is right between them. My dad often moves me to the end of the bed & I growl at him when he does that! See, my parents think I snore when I sleep between them but they must be mistaken cuz it's my dad who makes all those snorty noises. Oh, and my cat brothers, Henry & Buster, climb into bed too but it's hard for them to find the right spot for sleeping. My parents swore I was going to sleep in the crate when they 1st got me butt when they saw my pathetic face they caved in!
I sure hope you 2 don't end up sleeping on the floor...or worse...sleeping in a crate! Keep us posted on the bed situation please!
Daisy the Coonhound
Before Wally's accident he slept with me, but afterwards he was too delicate/frail to be jostled around, so we built him scamperland, and he slept there. Now we mix it up and every night is different. Basically, pug boy calls the shots!
Pugs get 48% (12% per Pug)
Dad gets 50%
Mom gets 2%
Not pretty, not pretty at all.
Miley - we're going next weekend. We could only fit one weekend in, and decided to support WAG. I can't wait! Will you get to go that weekend?
Arnie the agility pug
Well... I'm a big girl, at 105 pounds (not a pug of course, but a big fan of the blog, and Dutch is my hero!) and after my new mom rescued me from the shelter last summer I always slept on a blanket on the floor... then I started sneaking up into mom's the bed in the middle of the night, which was fine except mom really hates how much I need to cuddle all night, and I do mean CUDDLE, like partially on top of her which I guess gets a little heavy after awhile because she's always shoving me off and trying to push me to the cold side of the bed! After a few months of this, mom got kinda mad and bought me a nice big, soft bed she put right next to hers and made me sleep there, but I didn't like it because there was no one to cuddle with (even though she almost slept the whole first night with me there - I say one night was not enough) and it's cold! So, mom bought a dog bed heater and tucked that underneath so that I have NO excuse anymore... I still sneak up in her bed a lot in the middle of the night, but she doesn't appear to feel very guilty about booting me out and back to my own bed, sniff... at least until the sound of the alarm in the morning, my cue to jump all over mom's bed and lick her face until my breakfast is served. (p.s. Mom is also not crazy about what a dirty mess I was always making of her bed, I would sneak up there for naps after coming through the doggie door from playing in the backyard and there's usually a lot of mud to play in here in the Pacific Northwest :-)
Woof! Woof! Hi There I'm Sugar. One of my bloggie friends shared one of your video. I had to visit your blog. Looking forward to read more of your adventures and be blog friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh Puglet and Dutch!! You guys are too cute!! Izzy and Anakin sleep likes 'dat ups stairs in their room!! (Daddy is a big meannie and doesn't want puggies in the bed)
Mommy is still trying to convince him otherwise! Mommy will sneak us in sometimes when Daddy is sounds asleep. For some strange reason we all likes to pile on Daddy and maybe 'dis is why he banded us from the bed. I sleeps downstairs because I start shaking when I feel Mommy and Daddy carring me to the second floor. The vet told 'dem that they have to keep me on the first floor to keep me calm!! So I gets the entire couch to myself!! Sometimes when I am sick Mommy will sleep on the couch with me...then Daddy will come down too since I can't come up...Ha HA! Who's running the show!!
xoxoxo Josie
Oh hey guys, that sure was FUNNY! I sleep wherever I feel like 'cause I'm the star of the family and beautiful. Sometimes I do the PUGGLE SNUGGLE and crawl up between mom and dad, and sometimes I sleep at the FOOT.
But, if I'm REAL P.O.P (passed-out puggle) I'll sleep in my crate so no one tries to wake me up by rubbing my belly or something.
Hey Arnie,
I'm not sure if I get to go, but Boka will be there. I sure I hope I can.
So, I heard my new humans talking about me last night. Something about a "black hole." I dunno what that meant, but I had a feeling it wasn't good. I figured I would cooperate and move from my usual position--dead center. Instead, I curled up between my new human mom's legs. This morning she was complaining about "not being able to move or turn over." Complain, complain.... What do they want?! A puggie's gotta sleep!!!
Hi Puglet and Dutch!
My mom says she is conserving engery so the house gets very cold at night. I sleep under the covers, snuggled right next to her. Zoe sleeps at the foot of the bed. And the two cats, Vlad and Ivan, sometimes sleep in the bed too. In the morning, when mom goes to work, Zoe and I go sleep with grandma and grandpa in their gigantic bed. The floor is reserved for wrassling and eating. Not for sleeping.
Yep, sounds 'bout right. Puglet, you & Brother Dutch got it down my man! We pugs need a lot of room. My mom makes sure I am real comfortable cause otherwise I will toss and turn all night. I get up and get under the covers then get up and get out of the covers then get back in then out ....I snore and sometimes bark in my sleep too. But in the mornings I cuddle right next to mom with my head on the pillow.
Ok Puglet, you ready? Our sleeping arrangements are seasonal, and they change over the course of the night also. For me in the summer, I am usually at the bottom of the bed, or anywhere there isn't a body. Come winter, things change.I like to start out in the space between dads legs. He sleeps on his belly and hikes up one of his legs, so it's nice and bolstered there. Brigitte always sleeps at the geological center of the bed. Through the night she will back up into the mom. Her butt and/or back has to have contact with her at all times. Sluggo will sit on the floor at the foot of the bed until everyone is in, then he hops up with a favorite lambie and snuggles in with mom. No matter what, the ratio ends up like Punchbugpug. 50% Dad 48% pugs and 2% Mom. And they got a king sized bed to have more room. Poor Mom.
I always know when bedtime is coming. My mommy takes a bath. I get right in there and wait for her. I'm usually dead center if Mommy is close enough to it. I get on the side that has the most room around her and get as close as possible. I'm not a morning pug....so getting up is rough but I get lots of hugs so that makes it bearable.
Well, Bugsey, Abby, Becky and me get to sleep anywhere they want to anytime. Mike & momma try to get there first but Bugsey knows the signs and is fast. Dad sleeps curled up like really small and Abby and me usually squeeze in with him. I can do what I want and sometimes get between his 2 pillows with him on top of them. Some times I need some space and use the bed on the floor. Bugsey and Becky like to sleep on Momma's legs and if dad stretches out they use his legs too. Dad wants a bigger bed so we can have more Pugs. So does anyone where we can get a California DOUBLE King Size Bed! bol
Your photos are so fantastic! I have been trying to photograph the quintessential pug butt for a dog-walker friend of mine. She is going to borrow Capone and walk the neighbourhood with him while handing out business cards featuring his butt. But (the other kinda but) he won't sit still! He slumps! around to see if the camera is lickable. He leaps up in dismay when the flash goes off, as if I'm setting his tail on fire and not just illuminating his butt. He fidgets. He lays down when I say "sit". my pictures are turning out blurry and furry - not like your sharp shots.
How about a pug butt beauty contest where all your readers can submit pug butts? Could we pay to enter to make it be some kind of fund raiser for homeless pugs? Capone's butt is priceless! Just so hard to capture on film!
Capone and Karen again. That was us who posted the pug butt comment. Con't know how David Ownby's (my ex)profile got on my computer but it overroad Hug-a-bug's picture. I'll have to fix that.
Ha Ha Karen - my human was just about to send you an email with some tips your friend can use to shoot Capone's butt. Uh, with a camera of course.
I'm kind of all over the bed when I sleep. I usually start off cuddled up next to my Momma or on Daddy's belly. Then I move to sleep behind Momma's knees & by the morning I'm by Daddy's feet. I can't stay still for too long & I'm a very light sleeper so whenever one of them wakes up to go potty I jump out of bed to follow them. :)
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