Uhm. Yeah.
When I came running out of the House of Meat, she was all happy to see me at first. At least for the first 5 seconds. So I thought all was OK. I thought we might skip the whole weigh-in thing. And then I guess she got a good look at me because the first thing she said was:
Oh my God. What happened to the Pug? He looks like a giant fur sausage!
I knew right away that meant we'd be stopping at the scale on the way home. And I was pretty sure that meant I'd never eat another cookie for as long as I live.
My human thought the scale would say I weigh 28lbs. And she was [quote] "horrified" by this. So when the scale said I really weigh more like 30.1lbs - she was totally NOT happy. Not so much because I have a few new neck rolls and something that looks a lot like cellulite, but because it's superunhealthy for a dog to gain 4.5 pounds in 4 days.
I don't think we'll ever be allowed to stay at the House of Meat again. And my human says it's going to be a loooong time before I get anything to eat but carrots and the usual 1/2 cup of food a day. Including the special Green-lipped Mussel & Venison cookies she brought home from Seattle :(
PS: My human still hasn't told me why she left us, but my 30.1 pound gut tells me something is going on.
Tell your human the leash weighs at LEAST 1/2 pound! I am also a chubby pug and my human adds salt free canned green beans to my food so I feel like I am getting more to eat. I love them!
yeah, I tried that defense. I guess the leash weighed that much in my "before" picture too :(
Hmmm. Now I know why my human put canned peas in my breakfast this morning. I'll ask for green beans in my dinner. Thanks for the idea!
"Giant Fur Sausage?!"... Oh my! Poor Puglet! I guess you will be exercising that "sausage" butt for awhile. I sure am glad she's home and can't wait to find out why Seattle is such a mystery!
This is serious. Your cute Pug needs some tough love. Some special vet-supplied weight-loss food is in order. If you try the bean supplement, the world's ozone layer might be in danger and your house paint might peel. Will your vet tell you what your Pug's ideal weight should be? If so, you might be shocked, but motivated to help head off some serious issues. Good luck.
Hey, Puglet. Doesn't your human realize that depression can cause weight gain? I mean she was gone almost a WHOLE WEEK! Isn't that nearly 2 months in dog time?! That would depress me horribly. I can't stand it when my humans are gone a few hours! Now that she's back, you'll be happier and more active and you'll drop those extra pounds in no time, right?!
Oh, and you should check the calibration records on that scale! Just sayin'....
Holy Moly! What in the world did you eat while your human was away?! Why did the human at the House of Meat over feed you so badly? It's really not your fault Puglet, but unfortunately you will be the one who suffers through the diet. Thirty pounds for a pug really is way too heavy. Good luck slimming down!
Um, Puglet... did you do the poopies while your Mom was gone? I don't likes to do them if anyone takes me out other than Mom. Maybe you's just full of poopies and that is why you looks so fat and weighs even more than I do!
I says eat some fiber, you's gonna feel better.
I's looking at your "before" piccie and I sees that your front paws are hanging off the scale. Maybe you weighed more to begins with...
Wow Puglet,
You packed on over a pound a day! You sure must have chowed down on a lot of meat. Hurry up and get slim so you can try out those mussel and venison cookies. Yum.
You need to stay at our house next time, dude. My mom's very good at weight loss - she gets lots of rescues from PROS, and she takes the weight off lickety split.
Unfortunately, that means she never, and I mean NEVER, falls for the old "I'm starving and need a treat" look. We get our meals and treats when training, and THAT'S IT! No table scraps, no tidbits when she's cooking - nothing. It's very depressing sometimes, but at least we've never been on diets. We usually get extra food, since we're pretty active and burn calories all day.
Don't feel too sorry for us. Dad slips us stuff sometimes, but only when mom's not looking, and she's usually looking.
Good luck with the diet - I feel for ya.
Arnie the agility pug
Ohhhhh Puglet... You poor extra fuzzy guy. My Mommy weighed me at the vet and I gained a pound since December and I'm on a diet now, too. I used to get tasty bits of delicious people food... Now I get carrots. :( Good luck on your Summer Slimdown! Pug Hugs, Las Vegas Lola
THIRTY pounds? (long low whistle...)
WELL...you're obviously in very good shape, so it must have been a faulty scale OR some jackleg trying to weigh it down behind you.
Yes...the leash/collar weigh at LEAST 5 pounds (maybe even more if there are any metal parts on it).
You'll be ok, dude!
Puglet if I was you I would demand that scale be tested by a scale expert guy...that has got to be wrong!! How can a pug gain over a pound a day? That has me very scared since the Vet told my human not to let me get past 20 lbs and I weighed 19.1 back in April...good thing I'm not a pug. ;)
BTW I am a big fan,
Puglet, you seem to be defying the laws of physics! Maybe you do have special powers, as that's a lot of weight to gain. Hopefully some of its water weight from all that salty meat you got at the House of Meat.
As far as canned food, there are dangers from BPA recently making headlines, so be careful and maybe reconsider fresh veggies.
On another note, you better do some snooping around and find out what your mom's been up to. You can be sleuthy Puglet the Detective and Dutch can be your Watson sidekick.
Oh, Puglet. I'd say you could use the "extra weight for winter" excuse, but being as it's summer and all ... and you're in California, that won't work. We can't wait to hear what Seattle has to offer your human - maybe you will be moving there?
Aww, Puglet, you just participated in something called "intuitive eating" and now you're going to be punished for it! So not fair!! Maybe you can grab those cookies when she's not looking. After all, what does your human expect when you get left behind???? Sheesh!
Yikes Puglet...what did they feed you or did you scarf stuff out of garbage cans during the night. I did that, but I got caught and got in way big trouble. Last week I ate over a pound of dog treats, and yep I looked like bratwurst! Haven't had cookie treats just pumpkin & green beans, no self respecting pug can live on vegetables.. From Eli, your San Antonio pug buddy.
Holy Cow Pie! You must be dragging anchor dude! Your new blog should read "Been there, ate that". Awww... We we just love ya more coz' there is more of you to love. I think the House of Meat should be changed to the 'House of Me-Eat'. Get it? haha I have to go to the eye doc tomorrow and step on the dreaded cold metal plate. I know I have packed a few on too. Just thank your Human for loving you so much that she wants you healthy for a loonnnnggg time. :) Add pumpkin (in the can without spices) to your food. Fills you right up. Apples for snacks are great too. Hugs, Tink
DOH!!!! I look at it this way - more of you to love and we do love you Puglet!! Good luck w/the weight loss, you'll be back to you svelte self in no time.
Ann & Frodo
Don't worry Puglet, You are a "Sports Model" pug just like my Dave. You will lose the weight fast. My pug sitters and housemates always over feed him, too. I spoil him with snacks while I'm cooking, too, but since I'm too lazy to actually cook he only gets raw fruits and vegetables.
I think you are a good role model for pugs because you are active and your human keeps you at a healthy weight. A lot of pugs are too fat. People always remark at how young both Dave looks and acts because I keep him at a healthy weight.
Thanks everybody for trying to make me feel better! And don't tell my human this, but it totally isn't the scale's fault I weigh 30.1 pounds. The people at the House of Meat don't know about Pugs and even though my human warned them about our bottomless stomachs, they fed me every time I acted hungry. Which was like all the time.
Everything tasted good at the time, but man was it hard to walk this morning! I was panting like crazy and it wasn't even hot out. And to make things even worse, two people commented on my new & not-so-improved size and shape. Someone said I look like a football :(
PS to Angry Butterfly's pug Dave: my human doesn't believe in cooking either, so all we ever get is carrots. I feel your pain dude. But apparently carrot-induced pain is better for you than House-of-Meat-induced pain.
Oh wow Puglet, I'm feeling your pain! Are you sure Brother Dutch wasn't putting one paw on the scale with you? That seems like a lot of weight to gain in just a few days. You totally fell off the wagon. I guess you're going to get a lot of veggies, no treats, and like no hidden goodies. Hmm...can't you just tell your mom you're really a Dalmation stuck in this pug form? I mean it seems Brother Dutch can eat anything and not gain weight! I'm sending good skinny thoughts your way my man.
Yeah, it does seem like a lot, doesn't it? But then again, how much would you gain if your human fed you everytime you were "hungry"?
The same thing happened last time I stayed at the HOM. I remember having to do a before & after vet visit for some reason and having a 3lb gain totally freaked the vet out. That's why my human wanted to do a before/after weigh in. Just in case last time was a fluke.
We are dying to find out the Seattle secret!!!!!
Lola and her mama
You had better watch out..The next time your mom goes out of town, you could be sent to Fat Pug Camp! Buh bye meat, hello salad. You have officially been caught with your curly tail in the cookie jar my friend. Good luck with your weight loss.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
uh, no ya din't. dawg. dang.
We're sorry, Pug. You must have ate Lab portions & not pug ones. Did Dutch gain weight too? A few years ago, we had to lose weight too. Granted it was only 2 lbs a piece but we are smaller than you so it's probably about the same.Our human freaked out because she's very careful about the food we eat. So she changed our dog food to high fiber diet food & we did 3 walks a day instead of our usual 2. We lost the weight in about a month. If we can do it so can you. Maybe next time you can with pug-knowledgable humans. We have plenty of room at our house. Good luck.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Sad little Puglet, I feel your pain sweetie. I too suffer the weight gain, compared to my stinky little sister I am "gigantic". We hope you get in shape soon and get some treats when you do!
And the skinny sister Tuni
Even a meat salad sounds good to me! We never get meat-anything here in the House of Carrots. And my human said we (I) might not even get my daily giant carrot from now on either. At least not for awhile. Until I am less "ginormous".
(Sequoia, is "gigantic" kinda like "ginormous"?)
Aww, thanks P+Z! You're right, maybe a pug home would be better next time. I was going to stay with Frank, but my human didn't want to split me & Dutch up and also didn't want to inflict Dutch's non-puggy weirdness on Frank's people.
My cousin Sophie got put on fiber food to get unfat too. I think if adding peas and beans to my normal food doesn't work, my human will subject me to that torture too. I hate canned pumpkin, but I think Bellatrix said something once about canned sweet potato at Trader Joes. That sounds much tastier, don't you think?
You're lucky. My human put me on a diet when the scale said 20lbs! She cut down on my treats, gave me less food and even yelled at Daddy when he tried to slip me some chicken at dinner.
As for the scale. I think Dutch must have had his paw on the scale just to mess with you
Hi Puglet. We need to find out a way to trade some of that weight. My mom is always trying to get me to eat more meat 'cause I'm too skinny, but of course, I love all the veggies. Try some green beans for sure, but I also like cucumbers, tomatoes, collard greens, lettuce, carrots... the list is long and luckily all those things won't add too much weight. Good luck! I hope you get to try those Seattle cookies soon.
You do look a bit older in this pic Puglet, but hopefully its just the lighting. Or maybe depression : ( .
But I think you totally have a case here. It was the Man of Meat at the House of Meat and you're totally not to blame. You're a Pug! It's what pugs' do--they beg. You can totally argue your way out of this one!
Aw Puglet, you lok so sad. Me & Brigitte always put on some winter meats. This year was no different. Mom cut back by a few kibbles and supplements us with frozen green beans. I love a bean,so it wasn't that bad. You should just go for a swima few times a week and I bet that weight will just melt right off.
Now our mom is worried about our weight again. You have to stop putting on weight. Now she told us we have to learn to like green beans and carrots. I'm confused, do we get the green beans and carrots in addition to our regular skimpy meal or do the veggies take the place of some of our kibble? I guess we'll be walking more too. We love you anyway. Please don't look so sad.
Phoebe and Kizzy in Oregon
it is totally not your fault. But it is still good that your mom is paying attention to your weight and health! So even if you suffer a bit, just know that it's in order to get better later.
Maybe you were just overeating because you were so sad that your mom was away! I'm sure you will lose the weight now that your mom is with you again!
Our pug has one of those collar rolls too. We call it his mane, because it looks like a lion's mane. We're trying to guilt everyone into not feeding him by telling them we want him to live a long and healthy life (unlike our last Pug who ended up fairly overweight and depressed).
It's true, a lot of pug dogs have the unfortunate event of being overfed and thus overweight, or in some cases, obese.
This is a good warning message you send to us all out there Puglet. Maybe you should post a blog about keeping your pug (or pet) healthy!
I did a root-cause analysis, Puglet. Sure, the HOM gave you too much food by feeding you everytime you looked hungry. But why did you look hungry? It might have really been that you missed your Mom so much that you were really looking depressed. And you know how men are...they don't read emotions very well so he could've mixed up depressed and hungry. And combine that with an altered routine, makes you less regular (you know what I mean). So all of that combined is probably what put on the extra weight. I think that now that you have your Mom back and are back in a routine, your bowels will get back to regular (and move out some of that extra poundage). And maybe doing some cute tricks will get her to slip you some of those yummy sounding mussel cookies. I'm still waiting to hear what the surprise is!
You may be a tad overweight, but remember, you are such a hunk...muscle weighs more than fat! Bet those six pack (or is it an eight pack on dogs?) abs still look great. You are still one handsome (but sad) looking hunk.
Pearl and Tessa
oh nos Puglet!
Your human is corect, carrots have way to much sugar.
charlie bears maybe - they are 3 caleries. :)
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