World Oceans Day is tomorrow, so it was all kinda last minute. The stupid fog kept getting in the way of making a video about spending a nice day at the beach - but with all that's happening with the oil spew in the Gulf right now, I couldn't let a little fog keep me from being Blue.
Anyway. My human is still doing whatever she does to turn what we did into an actual movie, and I'm really bummed because that means I can't give you all a special sneak preview. But I do have a little behind-the-scenes footage. I'll talk more about the ocean tomorrow, but for now I have a question:
Who here likes to swim?
Because I LOVE to swim. Love it. My human says pugs aren't exactly built for water, that I'm "half an inch and one gulp away from drowning". So she makes me wear this superdorky orange floaty thing that none of the other dogs have to wear. Not even Dutch. And he's a great big dork. And a complete wuss.

Here I am, minus the dorky floaty, during the filming of Blue Pug.
Wow Puglet... you can really swim! I love to swim in my pool but my feet touch the bottom. I've never gone in deep water like you and I'm sure my mom would freak if I did. The last time I went to the beach I just tried to drink it... then I got kinda sick from the salt water. Maybe next time I can swim with a floaty... I can't wait to see your new video... Puglet You Rock!!
I LOVE to swim too Puglet! Unfortunately my legs are so skinny and my head is so big and heavy, that I quickly start sinking. So my Mommy always makes me wear my green life vest. She said the flap that goes under my chin is saving my life...whatever that means. I can't wait to see your movie!
Wow...I'm not sure if my pug can swim!! I'm impressed!! But Lexie the pug is still a puppy, so she can probably learn. We don't live by an ocean, so we can't easily take her swimming. :( Can't wait to see the Blug Pug video!
Can't wait to see your video Blue Pug! And you're a great swimmer!
Wow Puglet--you're a great swimmer! Beulah will sometimes swim but she won't if there are humans around! Once she tried to jump oout of a kayak and didn't realize that her head would go under water, and another time she swam out too far so I asked my friend to put her up on the floating dock to rest but as she went to grab her, he also dunked her. Now she only swims if we're not around!
BTW, I sent you my flatpuglet story a while ago--if you just haven't gotten to it yet that's cool (you're a big movie star now!) but I wanted to make sure you got it!
Wow Puglet,
You're a first class swimmer. I don't like to swim because I don't like clean water. I just like to splash and roll in mud puddles.
So looking forward to your Ocean's Day video!
Are you all nuts?! To swim you have to get... well, WET!! I hate getting wet! Even when I'm having one of my twice weekly baths I try to shake the water off my feet when they get wet! Then, after I'm released from the tub, I run and run and run. It's like I'm on fire, but instead of trying to put out the flames I'm trying to run out from under the water!! Don't even get me started about the rain....
Still, I can't WAIT to see your new video!!
Hi....I am amazed at how well you can swim, Puglet, because I take care of 3 pugs on a regular basis and when it was roasting outdoors last week they had every opportunity to get wet but they were sooo scared of the water so they were miserable, of course, and we had to go back home early!
By the way, I am hosting a GIVEAWAY contest and if you know anyone who loves children's books about pets, you need to send them over to my blog!
I'm not much of a swimmer. Mom bought me a baby pool from Petsmart last year and I wanted no part in going in it. My human sisters dragged me into the big pool & I was scared. I think Mom is planning on taking me in herself this year, maybe I'll feel safer w/her. Mom loves how the Labs were sharing their toy while swimming!!
I am a blood hound/rottie mix and I hate hate hate the water. If it's raining, that's okay as long as it's light rain - otherwise I'd rather wait to do my business... except I do love the part where I come back in wet and mom rubs me all over with a nice dry towel. We went to the beach a few weeks ago and I could not for the life of me figure out what everyone found exciting about cold, stinky water that chases you. And don't even get me started about baths. B-A-T-H is a four-letter word and should be banned just like all the other bad four-letter words.
OK, swimming is *nothing* like getting a bath. There's no soap-in-the-eyes, no sprayer up the you-know where. Swimming is 100%. Even with the dorky floaty thing on.
(Apollo, Dutch has a green floaty like you. Mine is danger-orange)
You swim great puglet!
WoWwEE!! What can't you do!!
Yous are really swimming likes a little fishy.
I loves Jack Sparrows....
Where yous really swimming!!!!
Oh boys.... Um..... I's better goes now...
Puglet that looks like fun. I can't wait till we get to go to the lake and swim again this summer. Mom says it is gettting warmer, soon we will be able to go!!!!!!
see ya soon
Aine here. My Mummy says I can't swim. Puglet how did you learn how to swim? Maybe you can teach me and we can go skinny dippin sometime. heee xoxo AIne
We go to the river every summer my mom makes me wear a life jacket... She says that my face is way to close to the water for her comfort! Granted it is a cute pink life jacket with white polka dots!
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