So, today you get to see me practicing my superhero moves. I've been working on this "Superpug" pose for awhile now. I'm not sure my performance is 100% there yet, but I'll let you see it anyway.

And, because you are the best friends a pug could ever have, I'll even let you see my not-so-supercute impression of a hyena. I saw one once on Animal Planet and thought they were kinda, uhm, tough?

Puglet... Love your action photos... even the hyena impression! Hmmm... what is tomorrow? I think I might know your surprise!
Hover-pug! Few pugs have your talents, p-man. Looks like a fun way to burn the fat. PS Dutch, you rock, too!
HAHA!!!! I'm melting over how cute you are Puglet...I even love your hyena picture. Super adorable...how can your mom resist those orbs and not just spill the beans about the big surprise!!?!?! Gosh I'm willing to share all my secrets with you...and I don't even have any.
Brother Dutch....I could just put you in my pug pocket and carry you around all day. You're honesty is refreshing and funny all at once.
Geez, Pug! Even I know what tomorrow's surprise is! Think hard about humiliating hats and fun toys and treats.....
Happy early Surprise Day!
Lafayette Lola
Oh- I almost forgot to mention that we remember when there were just a handfull of followers to the GREATEST blog ever- and look! There are 247 now! We just noticed how popular you've become!
Lafayette Lola
Great FF Thursday! You are quite the superpuglet.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Uncle Puppy
Puglet, you are too cute! How do you DO that? Amazing acrobatic, superhero moves. In the second photo you are a pug defying pug gravity!
And your human does amazing things with her camera!
I get such a kick out of this blog!
As far as I am concerned, you are my super hunk! Those strong legs, ability to jump over branches..wow. It looks like your diet is working...you are one handsome dude! My heart is pounding.
Pearl (the white pug)
We think you do a great supercutepug! And yeah the other one does sort of look hyene-ish, but funny since your a pug! We are exctied to see what Friday is going to be about!
I second that Puglet. You are very hunky.
Are you doing an impression of a Boston or Frenchie with your ears? I have always wondered what it would be like to have pointy ears...Now I know. Thanks!
I think Dutch was giving us his best alligator impression. Bunch of comedians.
All I have to say about tomorrow's surprise is, Hello Humiliation!
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
Puglet, did you have to give your human cookies to have learned her camera tricks and techniques so well?
OMD! Awesomest. Action shots. EVER!
These may be my new favorite pictures of you. Of course, I think I say that everyday. (My human still favors the one when you met the Leopard Shark.)
Oh, and if you still haven't figured out what tomorrow's surprise is and you wanna hint, check out the archives. That's what I did! BOL!
You could totally be a superhero action star Puglet! And star in your own movie. You could even do your own stunts!
I hope you become super famous some day!
Even though you're already gaining a massive following!
How does your human get you to do that!? Amazing.
Gracie just might like a SuperPug.
Wow Pug, I really think you are a superdoggie from those shots. But then I always knew you were. ;)
Cool pictures. We're wondering how you got your ears that way for your hyena pose.
Zoey & Phoebe
Hi Puglet,
Those are some great shots. All you need is a cape for youe Superpug. Dutch, you definitely don't look impressed.
Hey Puglet!!! We are in So Cali - Disneyland to be exact and we FEEL the Pug Power!
Wish we could be closer to you, but Mom's conference is here.....
We LOVE you pics!!!Gen & the Foo.
Slight clarification: WE are home in IL. Mom and Agent Awesome are in CA.
lots of wonderful pugphotos on your site!
these with so much movement in them are great
Christina, sweden
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