I'm not sure if this has anything to do with me being fat, but I've been trying really really hard to get my human to take pictures of me too. I've tried looking my cutest, but she didn't seem to notice. I've tried looking sad, but that didn't do much good either. I even tried copying everything Dutch does, like this:

Between the Seattle mystery I still know nothing about and the sucky new diet, I've been a little grumpier than usual the past few days. And yesterday I kinda sorta snapped when my human kept pointing the camera at Dutch and not me. It was not one of my finer moments. And thanks to my human and her stupid camera, this little moment was frozen in time for all to see.

Hey Puglet!! It's Izzy!!
I will behave myself!! My boyfriend TheBean had a talk with me!!
I went to the vet yesterday with Anakin when he got his bandages off 'cuz Mommy thought 'dat I may have to bladder Infection. Well, they weighed me...Ummm...I gained 2 1/2 lbs.
BUT!! In my defense!! I didn't have Anakin to play with!!
Mommy's going to do a post of shame 'bout it next week :(
I think you look fine (NO Bean.... I meant it Pugtonicly!!
I better ummmm go now!
Hi Puglet,
Um .. not sure if you noticed but Dutch also took over your blog yesterday -- he needs a pugality check, and quick.
Have a good weekend - sans cookies :)
I love this blog, it always puts a smile on my face! Thank you!
Wow, Puglet, looks like you're trying to attack Dutch. I totally don't blame you for snapping though. A lot of pressure's been on you lately, with the diet and the Seattle trip and now this thing with Dutch.
Not to add anything to it and all, but I thought your not finer moment at first was you sticking your head in the water to drink while Dutch oh so delicately lapped. The comparison was a bit funny.
Maybe you were trying to be funny? *shrugs* Hope the weekend is better for you!
Wow Puglet,
You're flippin', snappin', freakin'. Please, try and relax, settle down. I'm worried about you. Between the exess weight and your level of stress, it could take a toll on your health.
Pugnacious – Aggressive, confrontational, belligerent, truculent, argumentative, contentious, cute.
Puglicious – Dutch chomping back.
Good block position but I can smell your desperation through the computer. When a hungry dog is denied his fair share of treats, dignity goes right out the window. And it doesn't help with Dutch standing there looking so slim and svelt. Hang in there pug, this is not a life sentence. You just have to lose some rolls :)
I love how you stick your whole head in the water LOL!
OH PUGLET.....just think, your birthday is right around the corner and maybe, juts maybe, your human is buttering you up for something extra super special.
I can't wait to see what it is.
Happy weekend, sans cookies. :(
Hey Izz ~
I feel your shame. I mean pain. Ask your human to cook you up some yams - they're actually not that bad and I think they're making me less tubey already. Way better than peas and beans. Yuck!
Trying to attack Dutch? Uhm, I think I was pretty much waging pug warfare on his face.
Aggressive, confrontational, belligerent, truculent, argumentative, contentious - yeah, I guess I can be all that. But I can be cute too! At least when I'm not on a diet and Dutch isn't hogging the camera.
Yeah, I didn't really mean to stick my face underwater. When I saw Dutch drink, all giraffe-like and stuff, I tried to do *exactly* what he did. But since I have about 6 inches less snout, it didn't exactly go as planned :(
Sometimes we just lose it...especially when you're a pug-especially a pug on a diet. Unfortunately, you just happen to have a camera there at the exact moment you lost it. It's been a long, rough week for you. When we get like that our human has us "quiet our fur." She doesn't get that our fur is not making the noise & chaos. Anyway, we just relax, breath & try to be very still. It takes Phoebe forever to do this but after we get our fur quiet; we feel so much better. Hang in there.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
Seems like you've had a rough week Puglet. Hopefully *next week* will be better ; )
Does anyone else laugh as hard as I do at the Illustrated Adventures of Puglet and Dutch? What a hilarious and inspirational pair, although I suppose their human's wit, vision, and eloquence spice this recipe to perfection. Bon Doggie Treat.
Well, I'm pretty sure our funniness doesn't have anything to do with my human. It's mostly about me and I guess a little bit about Dutch. But only sometimes.
Man, I'm with you......Being on a diet can make a Pug SUPER GRUMPY!!! Especially if there are treats around and you aren't getting any.
Our human has decided that we are going on a diet too!!!!! Diet? Us? ME?!?!?!?! We got our first meal with green beans and I'm NOT thrilled. Bambi won't even eat them but our human says she doesn't have to since she is the Agility Pug in the family and she has a fine figure(plus she gets TONS of treats when she's training!!!!!). WHAT???? I'm big boned I tell her. My frame is larger than Bambi's that's why she's smaller. My human isn't buying it and I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to like this diet thing.....
I'll keep you posted but I DEFINITELY feel your pain.
Buford T. Justice, Peg, Pearl-Li-Mae, Lacy and the trader pug Bambi.....
my human gives me green beans, too. But she puts a squirt or two of salmon oil on them and that makes them pugalicious! I have lost two pounds of tubeage in a month!
Aw, Buford - don't the beans suck? Hold out for yams. That's what I did and now I kinda like them. Definitely better than the icky peas and beans.
Ha! My human tried that 'squirt of salmon' trick. If you ask me, even stinky fish oil isn't enough to make certain icky vegetables eatable.
Dear Puglet, my mom the shrink thinks you are under waaaay toooo much stressss. How about a day at the doggie spa and maybe some puppy acupuncture?? Cut the Pug a break! No cookies tho.....Your bud, Jax the Pug
Puglet you are so green; the rest of us pugs are green with envy and grass stains. Your eco-movie has been seen by nearly 200,000 now, while the flick of your love life has just a small fraction of that audience. I know you claim all the credit for yourself, but let us in on the real secret to the Hollywood fast track. How about a cookie for every rookie you break in?
Pug ferociousness!
Hey Pug - I'm starting to feel your pain w/the weight issues. My mom put my harness on and it was REALLY tight. She is starting to ration out my food/treats. I'm not a happy Pug either right now.
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