So when I heard about World Oceans Day, I thought it'd be cool to do a video like the one we did for Earth Day. Google says most of the planet is ocean - so to be Green, we also need to be Blue. My protest of the Gulf oil spew didn't exactly get anyone's attention, but maybe my Blue Pug self will.
Oh, and wait til you see brother Dutch in the video. He's still no supermodel, but his acting is getting sooo much better.
Happy World Oceans Day!!
i love it!!!!!
Oh Puglet!!
You are so inspiring! This video couldn't have come at a better time!
You're always working hard at something and have such great passion!
Happy WOD to you Puglet and Dutch too!
Amazing Puglet, you all did a fantastic job and it was great to see Dutch working on his acting. I really bought the whole scene with him investigating the bird...poor bird. The rubber ducky was brilliant!
You are such a great actor, Puglet (and Dutch too, but I know you don't want to hear that) - you are so inspiring. Even though we don't have oceans here in Pennsylvania we do all that we can to reduce our footprint(s).
Great job!
BRAAAVO!!!! Great job Puglet, Dutch and Labs!!!!
Wow...very powerful video. We especially liked the duckie being dropped in Kansas and washing up on the beach. It really makes you think!
You all deserve Oscars for this!!!!! Fabulous job!
S-Dog (and Laura)
Awww Puglet (and Dutch!!!!) - what a great video!
That is a great video, Puglet! You all did an awesome job! My Mommy and I felt a little leaky after seeing the bird. You did a great job conveying an important message, and in such an easy to understand way. What a cool Pug you are!
Aw Puglet,
Another wonderful, meaningful video from a very talented pug and his up and coming bro(great job Dutch)
You really do inspire me to be a better pug.
What's next? huh, huh?
Maybe you deserve a hiatus, you have certainly earned it.Mom said she is going to tell everyone about your video!
Aw, Puglet, you and your family have done it AGAIN!! Awesome video! My human's all a dither as she's currently emailing it and posting it on her Facebook thingy. You see, she works as an Environmental Toxicologist(?) and she used to be a volunteer at the aquarium. I don't know what any of that means, but I do know that WOD and causes that affect the oceans get her all excited. She explained to me, as we watched the video a few times, how you hit on all the major issues: pollution, bycatch, and, most importantly, the interconnectedness of ALL OF US with the oceans (no matter where we live.)
Me? I just thought you were awesome, as usual. You're my hero, Puglet! Keep up the good work!
We loved the video Puglet!! Hope to see you & Duth this Sunday @ the pug meetup in Walnut Creek!!!!
Puglet... you've done it again... fantastic video for a great cause! I was really impressed with Dutch... he's following in your pawprints... and the Labs are naturals! Kudos to you and your crew... You are truly inspiring.
Wow, I LOVE Everything about this. Ever since I saw Green Pug I have been checking daily puglet for my daily laugh. Excellent video, love the Andrew Bird song. Well done!
Wow Puglet! You and Dutch and your human did a great job! Its especially timely with everything going on with the oil spill. And, lots of dogs can swim but you can snorkel!!!
Dear Puglet,
today my boy and my mom took me to the creek to celibrate WOD-we're kinda land-locked here in PA. I love love love the water and pretending to be a lab...and I will keep my humans in line about the green stuff. I think your swimming skillz are amazing and maybe Dutch can sign up for acting lessons for his birthday or something? Peace, Jax the pug
Bravo Puglet, Dutch and Labs! You all are excellent at being "Blue"
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
You're my hero!
Puglet - this is Aine. YOU ROCK in all your ECO GLORY. xoxo Aine the pug
Hi Puglet! Love the beach Jimmy! You should enter that photo in a contest.
The video totally rocks! I know that your blue self will get everyones attention and that lots of people will go blue as a result of watching the video. Dutch is getting so good at acting but those labs still need some work!
Stubby xoxo
Great video!! Too bad we all need to be reminded to be green (& blue). Breaks my heart to see what's happening to our beautiful planet especially now in the Gulf.
Ann & Frodo
I loved your video! You & your friends did an awesome job & I really loved the part where you pull the shower curtain...you're so well trained!
My pug Dave and I pick up trash on Ocean Beach in San Francisco all the time. We couldn't wait for your WOD video and you did not disappoint! Kudos to the canine stars and their human for a great sequel! Dutch's scene made me cry.
Hey everybody!
Superglad you like my Blue Pug self. My human says sequels are never as good as the original and wasn't sure we should even try to make another eco-video. But with all that's happening in the Gulf, I told here there's just no way we *can't* do something special for WOD. So we did.
That garbage patch I swam through was made of real live plastic junk we collected on our local beach. We found the car tire there when we were filming. Oh, and the tangled bird Dutch finds is stuffed. My cousin Sophie lent it to us for the video :)
Hiya Noodle!
I didn't know your human is a toxic-whatever person. We would have consulted with her on the video :)
We tried REALLY hard to get me into the aquarium here in SF, but they wouldn't let it happen :(
Puglet you and your brother Dutch and Human are so great! We love love the video!
Sequoia and Tuni
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. One thing I learned a lot about when preparing for my role as Blue Pug is this stuff called "by-catch".
Y'know the scene in the video where the guy takes a few fish and leaves behind a whole net of other stuff (turtles, sharks, etc)? Well, all that left behind stuff is the by-catch. A lot of seafood is caught with giant nets or mile-long fishing lines with like a gazllion hooks on them. The giant nets can't tell the difference between a tuna and a turtle - they just scoop up everything. The hooks catch all sorts of 'unwanted' stuff too.
The by-catch gets thrown back, but that doesn't mean it makes it back *alive*. Catching fish to eat is one thing, but catching a whole mess of innocent birds and sea creatures for no good reason is sad. Very, very sad.
PS: seafoodwatch.org has lots of info about what fishes are better to eat than others, if you're curious.
What a great video Puglet! Happy World Ocean Day to you too!
It is so wonderful to see everyone paying attention to these issues. As an eco-nut (and former environmental toxicologist) there have been many times I have gone off on a passionate tangent about issues like these, especially plastics in the ocean. Did you know that plastic can be trouble even when you can't see it anymore? Big plastic in the ocean, and on the beaches, eventually breaks down into tiny plastic. Then animals like mussels, which filter huge volumes of water, actually ingest the teeny particles of plastic and it looks like they can then just stay inside the mussel! All the more reason to get the plastic off the beaches and out of the oceans while it's still big!
I can't thank you enough for using your cuteness and compassion to show everyone how rewarding (and easy) it is to be green and care about our world.
We are so proud to be pugs, especially when there is a pug like you representing us. So we don't leave anybody out: Dutch & the Labs were great too! If you get even half the response as the green pug video that will be awesome. There doesn't seem to be as much awareness of WOD. You are a true leader!
Zoey & Phoebe
You make being *green* and *blue* so cool Puglet. What other colors can you be? WE all thank you for doing your part to save the world, Puglet, one ocean creature at a time. My human is going to show this to my cousins just like your green video!
Puglet you and your "assistant's" are the best!
Gosh Puglet you and Dutch sure do open my pug eyes to a lot of things out there that I had no idea about. You are super smart, and so generous to include Brother Dutch and the Labs in this video. I know you're always the star, but having such good supporting actors, make you look even better!!
Great work Puglet & Dutch! Another great video for another worthy cause. Keep up the good work!
What a GREAT Video. Puglet you and Dutch outdid yourselves. You both are truly appreciated.
Puglet you did a wonderful job! Dusty Rose the pug and I Learn some things we didn't Know befor. Plus Dusty Rose say she thinks your cute in your organe flotie thing. She has one for up at the lake. Pugs and kisses Katie And Dusty Rose!
Great job Puglet! And way to go Dutch! All great actors, all around. I know you did a lot of acting Puglet, and that's a lot of work, but you should thank your human for doing all the directing.
Thanks for helping save the world.
WOW you guys are like SOOO cool....over here in the Great Lakes.....that is like WAAAYYY north and east ...can really pick up on your humans movie....most people outside the big towns have things called wells and septic systems.....so spread the word Puglet! Be GREEEEN! :) Great Lakes Pug!
awesome job puglet! dutch GREAT acting job! dude. wonderful. i will put the video on mr. p's blog.
wow puglet, you are so talented! my mom says theres something called the summer solstice coming up on the 21st. apparently its the longest day of the year, in terms of sunlight. maybe you could do a video on solar energy if your human isnt too tired from her trip
I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you Puglet. I didn't know it could get cuter than Green Pug, but Blue Pug is so excellent! Keep spreading your message- I'm loving it!
Love the video! Love the spot of sand on your nose, and your ginormous-looking paws.
The song and video just made me cringe with tears. I LOVE IT! Very creative and oh so hi-def! How do you do it, Daily Puglet?!
Puglet deserves to get his pawprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre along with all the other film stars!
And his human deserves a round of applause too!
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