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I don't know what's up with my human and surprises lately, but it's been a total surprise fest around here. Not that that's a bad thing. Especially when she surprises me with things like a visit from Frank the pug... or a trip to the BEST store on earth.The store is called Pugnacious and I have no idea why this is the first time we ever went there. No idea. I mean, hello! It's a store for pugs! Ok, it's not just for pugs. Dutch found a basket of Henrietta rubber chickens and a magic treat dispenser that was clearly not meant for pugs. But still. Pugnacious knows pugs.
The store is filled with all sorts of tasty stuff to eat. There were snacks made from animals I'd never heard of (Kangaroo? Bison? Herring?) and animal parts I didn't even know existed (lungs, giant black hooves and tripe?). Everything smelled soooo yummy, even the signs on their shelves tasted - uh, I mean smelled - good.
I'm waaay more into food than fashion, but Pugnacious had some very cool fashion if you're into that kinda thing. And even if you're not into that kinda thing, check out the coolest pug collar ever. If it wasn't pink, I'd probably be wearing it right now.
My human bought a whole bunch of stuff, but she says it's - yup, you guessed it - a surprise! So I have no idea what she got me or when I'm going to get to eat it. I heard the nice Pugnacious lady say something about adding a special surprise to our shopping bag, but my human says I have to wait for that too :(
I'm not into the waiting part, but am really starting to like this surprise stuff. I liked the Pugnacious surprise so much, I didn't want it to end. When it came time to leave, I put on my cutest "please don't make me" face and hoped for some kind of miracle. My plan didn't work, but if you're ever near Berkeley, you should totally visit Pugnacious. They'll love you and feed you free snacks. Even if you're not a pug.

WOW, Pug! We totally live close to Berkeley- definitely going to check out Pugnacious!
And I'm a girl, so I can wear the extrasupercute pink pug collar!
Lafayette Lola
Cool store! Next time my humans take me to doggy heaven (Point Isabel), I'll make them drop by the store and get some goodies.
Curious, Puglet......we are very curious about the big suprise!
Gen & the Foo
that is awesome!!! i wish we had a pugnacious store here!!!!
PUG!! I totally loved that's where I got my buddy belt. The lady had her beautiful black pug hanging out in the store and everything. She was super nice, she didn't care when I dropped a display...errr let's keep that on the DL ok? So yeah, I got my kangaroo treat there and everything!! I totally loved it. I wish they had black pug collars, I really wanted one. I'm glad you got to go and I'm glad Brother Dutch had fun, maybe it's time for him to get a manly collar? I'm totally going to take Spencer with me next time I go.
WOW We like that store...We might be able to convince momma to take a road trip....if we beg and have puppy eyes. Can't wait to see your goodies.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
That looks like a really cool store. Too bad they didn't have a pug collar for boys. Glad you had a good time shopping. Keep working on finding out the surprise - your human is driving us CRAZY!!!
Ann & Frodo
I wonder if your human is setting up a birthday party for you? Maybe a *surprise* party with lots of pugs and pies from Seattle? Dutch hijacked and told us all about your birthday :)
Keep us posted, Puglet!
WoWwee Puglet!!
What a cool store!! Yous getting set ups pretty well!!
I's got a guess for yous on yous WA surprises!!
(hee hee...SNORTS)
another SPOT DOT DOG???
hee hee hees!!
Hey Puglet, we go there every week and get free snacks for Harry and Lily. Very nice pug lady hands out cookies. Great store. Next time you are on that side of the bay - stop by and say hi!
Puglet, I am so glad you went from pugilistic to pugnacious.
Nice pics too. You are such a ham, yet looking less like one.
Puts our chain pet stores here to shame. No offense, but how can you top kangaroo treats? Those treat gum ball machines are so fun too. Just the right sniff height for Dutch.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
Mom just told time we are in the area she promises to take us there. Looks like our kind of place.
Pearl and Tessa
Wow, Puglet, you're getting lots and lots of surprises, and this one seems like a fantastic one! You really need to talk to those people at Pugnacious, though. They really really need to carry that pugcollar in both pink AND blue!
Hey everybody!
I'm glad you think Pugnacious is as cool as, well, it is :)
I can't believe Harry & Lily get to go there every WEEK for snacks. We totally live on the wrong side of the bay! The store we shop at gives out free snacks - but they're not nearly as tasty as what the nice Pugnacious lady fed us. And she wasn't stingy with her treats either :)
Lola, you (or some other cute pug) definitely has to get the pink pug collar! It's waaay too cute to be hanging in a store. Dutch wanted to get it for himself (he likes pink and is a total pug wannabe) but his neck is the wrong size. Thank god. You know how embarrassing it is to have a brother who wears a pink collar with the word "Princess" written all over it? Yeah.
Cooper pug - we went to that Isabel place after we went to Pugnacious. I'll tell everyone about that surprise tomorrow :)
Thanks for all the compliments and promises to drop by Pugnacious. Of course, there'll be a treat for every puggie and non puggie (must have more than 2 legs, though) when you come. I loved having Pug at the store as well as his brother, two of the most memorable and pleasant guests Pugnacious has ever had.
Doris, the Pugnacious Treat Lady
Hi Doris!
We were just trying to find where my human put your email address so we could tell you to check out today's Daily Puglet :)
Thanks again for the yummy snacks! And for whatever surprise you gave me that I haven't gotten yet. I'm sure it will be tasty...
Doris, you must be the wonderful person who Puglet paradoxically calls "the nice pugnacious lady." He is a punny puglet.
Thank you for stocking everything needed for PugSpotting - and PugUnSpotting if necessary.
Hey Puglet,
I heard my mom on the phone talking to your mom. Something about "oh her dog just loved it" and something about cliffs, not working on thursday and water??? Not sure what any of it means. But maybe I get a surprise too! Next time we are in Berkley I am totally making my mom stop at Pugnacious, now that the nice lady said that non pug can have treats too.
see ya soon I hope
Hey Puglet, luv that harness. Either u got it in Salem or u was in Skull and Bones at Yale with a Bush pug. Either way, so cool.
Do you know who the manufacturer of the pug collar is?
does anyone know if Pugnacious has a website??
yes - they do! I didn't know this until now or I would have told everyone earlier. Duh.
Puglet, you are the ultimate poser! As in modeling. Love all your adorable poses. Dutch is getting better too. : )
Collar is made by lots and lots of very cool collars...I am wearing the swirly blue/brown one, Pearl has the blue polka dot one on...mine is prettier!
Thanks Tessa!
Here's a link to the collar, for anyone who's interested and doesn't live near Pugnacious!
(it looks kinda purple on the UpCountry website, but it's more pink than purple)
Puglet! My human and I are going to SF tomorrow to visit and we were wondering if you have any dog parks/beaches or any dog friendly places that we should visit!
Hey fatpug!
Yes yes yes - there are lots of them. Crissy Field or Fort Funston are #1 for dog beaches. Ask google where they are - there's even a webcam for each so you can spy on the fog. It's been nice in the city, but sometimes the beaches can be icky.
Alta Plaza Park(home of Pug Sunday) is offleashable. So is Stern Grove and Glen Canyon (small, but usually not foggy and totally my favorite park in the whole entire city because it doesn't look or feel park-y).
Any place that doesn't serve food is probably going to welcome your cuteness. We go everywhere with my human, even with Dutch the spotted giant.
Maybe we'll bump into you at one of the dog spots!
Tessa here again...I meant to say in my previous post...check out the collar's at Pugnacious first...although upcountry is a great site, my Mom always tries to by locally first to support the local economy. Hopefully we will get to go to Pugnacious soon!
Thanks Puglet!! I had so much fun today at Chrissy Field-- it was super cold, but I found a lot of pugs to play with! SF's cold weather is the best! I got to play for hours without panting!
Hey FatPug!
Glad you liked playing in the fog. It was extrathick today :)
I forgot to mention that Crissy Field is a big with dogwalkers so there's usually at least a few pugs there. Glad you found them!
Hey Puglet! I just wanted you to know that I had added your pug blog on my pug blog site on the links page at! My name is Baby the Pug and I absolutely can't wait to visit Pugnacious one day! I also can't wait to find out what your mommy has in store for you! I hope it's something super nice!
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