Next week is Pug's birthday. And I normally wouldn't get him anything because he's already spoiled enough as it is. But he's been a little sad since the new fat-pug diet started, and very worried about whatever happened in Seattle with our human and {quote from Pug} "a bunch of Booty-stealing stranger pugs". I feel kinda bad for the little guy and figure a birthday surprise might make him feel better.
I know there are a lot of pugs here. Any ideas about what to get Pug for birthday #2? If it's eatable, it needs to be diet-friendly. I don't care if it's something we can share or not because Pug doesn't share with me anyway.
PS: Suggestions from non-pugs are also completely welcomed (pugs don't rule the ENTIRE world, you know).
Hi Dutch,
How about a party at a local dog park? Local dog friends--pugs and dalmations alike--can attend. It isn't eatable--so you bypass the calorie issue. And Puglet can burn some fat playing with everyone.
Hello Little Spot Dot Doggie!! You is cutes!!
.K. I have just the thing!! Or I should say, Izzy and I can ups with a plan and it's PERFECT!!
First of alls...Puglet is only going to be TWO!!
No way!! Is he Fibbing 'bout he age, 'cuz he just seems so mature!!
.K. Anyways, (hee hee) Izzy says that Puglet can have HER for his b-day!! Cake included and all!!
We will ship her out!! (limited time offer) in a refer truck of course...{so 'da cake doesn't melt} HA!! 'da she can pop's out of 'da cakes for him!! SNORTS!!
It's a win win for everyone involved {well, accept for Mommy..she may miss Izzy}
I will gets some peace round here!! Izzy will get to meet Puglet her crush, Puglet will get a nice gift!! (Hmmmmm...debatable but I'm trying to sell this...hee hee)
Plus, your hooman will get a friend for Puglet..seeing is 'dats why she went to WA rights??? Hee Hee!!
Ut Ohs....... I's think I's hear Mommy.....gotta goes!!!!!
Get him a toy he's been wanting for a long time.
How about a fresh baby cow pie!
Hi Dutch!
Another vote for a birthday party with the cows and lots of pies. I'm pretty sure they are low in calories, and have extra .. um .. fiber - plus he can loose some of his tubeyness.
Good luck!
OOOHHH!!! A sassy new harness and leash for those extra walkies!
Something in a lovely fuschia with some bling perhaps??? **SNAPS** (hahahahaa)
The party idea is great too! Playtime!!!!
You're a very kind brother, Dutch!
Hi, Dutch,
I just bought my own nearly-two-year-old Pug, Flora, a petite Kong Wubba toy. It's one of the furry variety, but fairly indestructible. She enjoys carrying it around in her mouth and whining, or else torturing it. ;)
You can find them on Amazon, and they come in fox, bunny, and some other animal variety... The other escapes me now, but all are adorable and durable!
Hi Dutch!
I have the bestest idea! Use your super snooping skillz to see what happened in Seattle with those (not as cute as puglet) pugs! That would be a great gift - and diet friendly
Lots of luck!
Like the new collar/leash idea. Hows about a swimming pool (not sure what your yard situation is)...We love our kiddie pool. Bully sticks...pretty lean (as long as you don't think about where they come from). Toys!
Pearl and Tessa
A new chew-toy is always great!
Chang the Pug
Isn't the best present a nice day of snorgling, belly rubs and perhaps a leading role in a birthday video capturing a happy romp on the beach or at the dog park? (No extra food needed!)
Wow Brother Dutch you are so big hearted to care about Puglet in such a way. Well we all know he loves food, but does he just eat out of a bowl? If so, you should buy him an interactive food toy...mom bought me a KONG which is how I eat all my food. She also bought me a "Squirrel Dude", which is like a KONG, only harder. Mom puts the kibble in and Pug has to work real hard to get it out of there. Tossing, kicking, and tantrums may occur, but all that "work" to get the kibble means it lasts longer and calories are burned. Mom got it at the pug store in Berkely, but she thinks if you google it, you might find it. Sorry this is so long....
where's the pug store in Berkeley?
Lafayette Lola
We think a party is a great idea. Maybe at the beach so Pug can get a calorie burning swim in. We're a little torn on the gift idea. Phoebe loves any rubber type of chew toy, like Kongs. Zoey loves stuffed animals. Yoda loved rope toys to fetch & play tug-of-war & of course for chewing. I guess we're not much help. But as you can see pugs can have really different tastes. Maybe just pay attention to what he prefers & go from there. A new toy may help keep his mind off his other favorite thing: food.
Luv, Zoey & Phoebe
How about a swim party at the lake? If puglet swims a lot then he could have a few birthday treats. I know I'm ready to go swimming
Lola...the store is called Pugnacious, and they have lots of pug stuff there. Mom got my buddy-belt there and everything.
I knew you would all have such great ideas. I wish my birthday was next week instead of in September :(
A party sounds fantastic, but my human is a terrible community organizer. We already get to play and hike in cool places, so Pug might not notice if we do something like that. Pug would like new leash & collar. I have lots of different collars, but he only has one. He puked on his good leather leash and my human forgot to wash it and it got moldy so she had to throw it out; he's been stuck with a skinny cheapie nylon one ever since.
The kiddie pool sounds very promising - will check with my human to see if our yard is big enough. The bunny/foxy/furry wubba sounds really good too. We had a cow-spotted wubba once, but I haven't seen it since last summer. Strange.
A trip to Pugnacious in Berkeley could also be very perfect. We've never been there and any store with the word 'pug' in it must have lots of special pug things.
What about one of those Corn-on-the-cob Nylabone thingys? It is all the rage right now. It would give you the taste but not the calories. Joe Stains, Natty and Klaus (two pugs in a pod) all have them and I am completely jealous. Plus, the humans seem to think it is funny to see a pup chew a corn cob look alike for some reason. Wierdos.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Soco)
Hmmm. We actually have one of those. And the matching BBQ spareribs. Pug munched on the ribs for awhile, but neither one of us ever touched the corn thing. You want ours?
You two have it so good that it's hard to come up with something special. So how about a birthday party with just your closest fur buddies at your favourite park/beach with a dog birthday cake to share. Puglet would have to have a diet appropriate slice/sliver, which is still better than no cake at all. I would love to be there!
OMD! Our birthday is June 27! We will be 3. We are having a birthday party at our house. Mom's making pupcakes, doggy ice cream and barksicles. The barksicles are good because they are just watered down beef broth frozen in a dixie cup. Very calorie conscious and man, you have to really work to get it all out.
You should totally fly to Virginia for our party. We are having baby pools and a big pool and a digging box filled with dried sweet potatoes and maybe even jerky-fied hot dogs. We'll probably have to wear stupid party hats for a picture, but totally worth it for the treats.
The other 2 pugs in a pod, Tallulah and Petunia
Dutch, if you could fix Puglet up with some Puglinas then ooo la la they could burn off some calories -- dancing I mean, of course. A birthday he would never forget, and get him the new iPhone so he can keep in touch with the lovely girls.
Hey Dutch,
Why don't you have you human make a scrapbook of all the thing puglet loves or has done so far in his little life. don't forget to put make a hole page about his love Jenny. This would be something he could remeber always. plus take him to the park and take pics of him with freinds and family and put those in the scrapbook too.! Pug and Kisses Dusty Rose the Pug
Oks...we gots the perfects ideas and it helps other animals in shelters toos. Get your mama stat to www.theanimalrescuesite.com and they have a store with lots of super cools toys like "pup tissues" with squeakers...check out our blog and go backs to early June or late Mays and its pictured on there. Our blog is slimmerpugs.blogspot.com...ooh, ooh, ooh, and for each purchase so much free kibbles is given to shelter pups. So he gets a treat and gives a treats. Hot doggies!
-The Slimmer Puggums
George, Toby, Gracie, Lily, Mimi
PS: A good harness and leash always is a good prezzie too! :)
A promise of a trip to Portland, Oregon to meet his love Jenny someday!
If you accept the present from 'Those Elgin Pigs' you better have a whip and a chain ready for when that PigPugga Izzy eats her way out of that cakes! Otherwise she might just eats you right up!!!
A disgruntled Bean, Butter
Oh Dutch a party would be easy. Just tell us where & when you want to have it. Then every body could bring enough snacks for everybody they bring plus 2. Oh & of course something special for Puglet. If you need help let us know. It doesn't need to be fancy. Let's face it all we pugs care about is attention, food, toys & more attention...in other words a party.
Well give it some thought. We think there are a lot of dogs & people who would love the opportunity to let Pug know how much we love him.
If you and Puglet and your human ever come to Portland, Oregon, you'd better not leave without giving us a chance to say hello and exchange butt sniffs before you leave. Our human and her family would like to say hello too. Give Puglet a big birthday lick for us.
Phoebe and Kizzy from Oregon
Oh - I love the idea of sending Pug to Portland! I wouldn't mind a vacation.
Jerky-fied hot dogs?? Pug would go nuts for those. But he's already soooo fat!
Aww, Z+P, that's so awesome of you to offer your party planning awesomeness! Maybe we'll have a mini-party at the next pugsun??
I think you should get him a cookie machine like mine:
Mom puts frozen mixed vegetables in it instead of cookies because I really like frozen peas and corn!
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